1 About this Document

This document describes the features and use of the Trellix Locate API.

1.1 Assumptions

The information and procedures in this document assume that

  • Trellix Core has been physically installed and connected to one or more WaveLinx networks

  • You have a Trellix Core account that is authenticated to access the Locate Published API (the “Third Party Integration” or “System Administrator” role has been assigned)

  • The Locate Published API has been enabled and correctly configured under System in the Trellix Admin app (refer to “Configuring the Published APIs” in the Lighting System Configuration Guide for configuration details)

  • You have access to the exported Public ID data listed below (refer to “Configuring the Published APIs” in the Lighting System Configuration Guide for details on exporting): UUID, Object Type, Name, and Identifier values for Tags and Assets


  • See Public ID Export and Import for an example of exported Locate data

  • The Locate API does not support WaveLinx Wired

1.2 Using this Manual

Use this manual to discover and use the API calls you need to build applications that rely on the exposed Trellix Locate data.

1.3 Key Terms

The terms listed below are used in this document.

  • Application Programming Interface (API) – An interface or communication protocol between a client and a server intended to simplify the building of client-side software

  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) – A wireless personal area network technology aimed at novel applications in industries such as healthcare, fitness, security, and home entertainment.

  • Wireless Area Controller (WAC) – An application that coordinates the WaveLinx Mobile App with various WaveLinx devices to provide lighting zone configuration, monitoring, and control (also referred to as “Controller” or “Area Controller”)

2 Introduction

With the rapid adoption of connected lighting systems, real-estate management organizations will gain new levels of insight thanks to a substantial increase in the available operating data. Most large real-estate management companies are developing applications that allow them, and their tenants, to leverage this new data to improve their operations.

Cooper Lighting Solutions (“Cooper”) has developed APIs to manage the data generated by the lighting system – including energy, occupancy, and asset locations. A subset of these APIs is made public to empower third-party systems to access data on Cooper systems. It is Cooper’s vision to continue making more APIs public. There are two categories of APIs: Lighting APIs for lighting-specific data, and Location APIs for location-specific data.

2.1 Trellix Location Data

When a Trellix Locate system is configured, physical BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) tags are mapped to digital assets, and these assets are assigned to departments. In addition, geographical zones known as geo-fences are created using building floor maps, enabling the movement of assets to trigger alarms and generate events.

Familiarity with the concepts described below will be help you be more effective and efficient when programming with the Trellix Locate API.

Components of a Trellix Locate System

The components of a building hierarchy are as follows:

  • A Tag is the fundamental building block of any location system, a BLE device that broadcasts its location. The properties of a tag include a MAC Address, a Name, and

  • An Asset is the digital representation of a Tag. Assets are created when the system is configured, and tags are then assigned to those Assets.

  • A Department manages user access to a collection of assets and the data they generate.

  • A Geo-fence is a digital representation of a physical space that detect tags crossing into or out of its boundaries, and generate alarms and events based on those movements.

2.2 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

The Trellix Locate API provides a secure programming interface to the Trellix asset location data. It is a REST API, meaning it is accessed using the communication standards of the Web:

  • The HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) protocol, specifically GET and POST commands

  • A defined set of URLs

  • Each URL represents a specific type of resource, such as a device or an occupancy set.

2.2.1 HTTP Messages

An HTTP message consist of a request or response line, which appears first, and header fields in the lines that follow. Here is an example of the GET request:

GET /v2/rtls/public/tags/display HTTP/1.1

The Trellix Locate API uses both GET and POST requests.

Each header field appears on a new line as a clear-text name-value pair, separated by colons. The line is terminated by a carriage return (CR) and line feed (LF) character sequence. For example:

Authorization: bearerf65f997a-6812-4c64-876b-dec7ad7d540a
Content-Type: application/json

To learn more, refer to this List of HTTP header Fields.

2.3 Working with the Trellix Locate API

This section provides a high-level view of how you interact with the Locate API.

2.3.1 Categories of Data

Trellix Locate API calls are divided into the following categories, based on the type of data they return:

  • Configuration – Information about how Trellix locate is configured, such as a list of all configured tags or a list of geo-fences by type.

  • Operating – Alarms and events generated as the system is operating.

  • Real-Time Operating – The most current available asset location information, i.e., real-time.

  • Historical – Location and button press activity that has been logged, i.e., historical.

2.3.2 A Typical Session

A typical session could look something like the following:

  1. A Get Login Token call is made to gain access to the API.

  2. A Get API Enabled Status call is made to confirm the system is running and enabled.

  3. A Get All Geo-Fence Alarms – Identity List call is made to determine the current alarms.

  4. For each element in the returned alarms list, a Get a Single Asset by ID – Detail List call is made using the sourcePublicId value.

  5. A detail report of the assets with geo-fence alarms is generated.


Trellix Locate also supports real-time operating data over TCP Socket and RESTful Web service connections. See Realtime Operating Data Using WebSocket and REST for more information.

2.3.3 Public ID Export and Import

Trellix Locate supports the export and import of Tag and Asset Public ID data to facilitate communication with third-party systems. The Public ID template can be downloaded, modified, and then uploaded back into Trellix Locate, align the Trellix Asset IDs with those of the external system. See the Trellix Lighting System Configuration Guide for information.


Geo-Fence IDs are not included in the exported Public IDs and are called by their UUID, which can be obtained with the Geo-Fence by ID – Detail List call.


Object Type
a6356395-65c6-49d9-9a9c-0fa2eac37562 Asset ADSYS_Battery Battery_18
0b54db86-e3f3-4a09-a98a-266a51db4097 Asset ADSYS_Button Button_18
e6989154-9b69-4520-b0df-45ed7203e4b5 Asset ADSYS_Small Small_18
ddd6172b-10c0-4a9a-87d4-5a25fab26a02 Asset QPSYS_Battery Battery_7
4824fadb-2d4c-41df-8498-788fc35bbc3d Asset QPSYS_Button Button_7
d2f015fd-047d-4007-80bb-5d01ad4b7a8a Asset QPSYS_Small Small_7
b8f4d1bb-f998-4d77-ba1d-911393fe595b Tag tag_2646D6 tag_2646D6
1a1c5bc3-8693-4e2b-a5f0-946c6af5366c Tag tag_2646D9 tag_2646D9
7c0e63f7-1778-4e6f-8119-fb20c79dd47f Tag tag_26473D tag_26473D
62a3ea85-36ed-4ca4-9e4e-aec5d8a5298a Tag tag_26473E tag_26473E
4ae1df4e-80eb-4bc3-91c3-307b1f97992c Tag tag_26473F tag_26473F
44e220c7-0232-4c6c-8740-9525b524d9a7 Tag tag_264740 tag_264740
2b4e9695-f00b-4775-b030-93b59b4ceb3e Tag tag_264741 tag_264741

2.3.4 Authentication

Before you can access lighting system data, you must authenticate your account. This will generate an API token you can use for further requests, such as getting the real-time location of an asset or the event history for an asset type.

API Token

An API token is a string of text that acts as a unique, single-session identifier of an application requesting access to the Locate API. For example, e55d3f8f-f1e2-41a8-9250-d6574f49387d.

To authenticate, you send an HTTP POST with the username APIUser (not case-sensitive) and a password configured by a Trellix administrator. For example:

The Locate API will return an access token you can use for subsequent requests.

Login Duration

When a successful Get Public Login Token call is made, access will be granted using that token for a minimum of 30 minutes. Trellix monitors for API activity in 30-minute windows after granting access. As long as one or more API calls are made within each window, Trellix will maintain access with the original token for up to two hours maximum (four 30-minute periods).

If there is no API activity in a 30-minute window, or when the two hours maximum has been reached, the token is revoked and access denied until a new Get Public Login Token call is made. The diagram below shows an authentication cycle where a Login Token is granted and followed by API activity in two successive 30 minutes period. With no activity between 60 and 90 minutes, the token expires, and a new Get Login Token request must be made.

To avoid being denied access, the Get Refresh Token call can be used before the current token expires. This will extend the cycle and maintain access for up to another two hours.

We recommend issuing a Get Refresh Token call just before the each 30-minute window. This will provide continuous access to Trellix, and future-proof your application should the maximum time be reduced from the current two hours.

2.3.5 Response

The response to a Trellix Locate API call will include an HTTP status code and a body. A successful call will return a status of 200, and the body will contain the requested Trellix data in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. JSON is a simple and popular way to represent plain and structured data - such as booleans, arrays and objects - in plain text. For a brief introduction to JSON, see the JSON.org Web site. For the detailed specification, see the JSON Schema.


The JSON below represents an array of tag objects in response to an All Tags Identity List call.

        "name": "tag_A14C12",
        "inventoryId": "tag_A14C12",
        "macAddress": "A14C12"
        "name": "tag_A10E7D",
        "inventoryId": "tag_A10E7D",
        "macAddress": "A10E7D"

2.3.6 Response Data Types: Detail, Display, and Identity

The three views for displaying Trellix data that are found in most Locate API responses are described below.


Returns the all available properties exposed by the requested object.


Returns commonly used properties exposed by the requested object.


Returns unique identification properties exposed the requested object.

3 Login and Authentication Calls

The API calls below are used to start a Locate API session by generating the token you require to use any of the other API requests.

3.1 Get Login Token

This POST request returns an access token and its type.


The token will expire after 30 minutes of inactivity.

HTTP Header Fields

POST /uaa/oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic ZWF0b24tY2xpZW50OkFDdHZRQzFoSE4=
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cache-Control: no-cache

POST Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Optional, defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections.

  • <TRELLIX-USER> - A Trellix account with Locate API access.

  • <TRELLIX-PASSWORD> - The password for the Trellix account with Locate API access.

Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "access token": "1fd7b890-6012-4e04-b8ca-b39933b40698",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "refresh_token": "6432e8b9-4398-4012-8f85-788965976f05",
    "expires_in": 1160,
    "scope": "openid",
    "user": {
        "updatedBy": "118481f0-7d3a-49dd-b0b4-81371cc17a22",
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T09:41:07.316-0400",
        "createdBy": "118481f0-7d3a-49dd-b0b4-81371cc17a22",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-11T09:38:59.971-0400",
        "id": "d8671070-cc7a-4e81-9357-6ca32f6158fd",
        "userName": "APIUser",
        "roles": [
        "authInfo": {<AUTH-DATA>},
        "areaOfResponsibilityType": "ALL",
        "departmentOfResponsibilityType": "PARTIAL",
        "departments": [<DEPT-DATA>],
        "isLdap": false,
        "isDefault": false,
        "isClosed": false,
        "isRegPortalNotify": true

JSON Response Values

Using ro as the Get Public Login JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ro.access token String 1fd7b890-6012-4e04-b8ca-b39933b40698 Authentication token you must provide in subsequent API calls.
ro.refresh_token String 6432e8b9-4398-4012-8f85-788965976f05 Authentication refresh token.
ro.expires_in Number 1160 Number of seconds before respBody.access token expires.

3.2 Get Refresh Token

This POST request, which only works during an active login session, returns an updated access token to extend the login period by 30 minutes.

HTTP Header Fields

POST /uaa/oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic ZWF0b24tY2xpZW50OkFDdHZRQzFoSE4=
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cache-Control: no-cache

POST Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "access_token": "d6c621c2-a138-409b-ab11-8b096c103dad",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "refresh_token": "d1256b8b-39ef-4cb0-bfc9-0691c8954471",
    "expires_in": 7199,
    "scope": "openid",
    "user": {
        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
        "updatedTime": "2019-12-06T11:04:53.737-0500",
        "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
        "createdTime": "2019-12-06T11:03:44.484-0500",
        "id": "a81b3226-868e-469e-8c43-b4aa50f456ad",
        "userName": "LightingAPI",
        "roles": [
                "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                "createdTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:44.676-0500",
                "id": "56be369b-7acc-4d68-a815-39d58d026b55",
                "name": "Third Party Integration",
                "permissions": [
                        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                        "updatedTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:45.488-0500",
                        "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                        "createdTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:44.676-0500",
                        "id": "977c979b-c42c-409d-8ede-6ecd3415e8ed",
                        "name": "View Only",
                        "application": {
                            "id": "46779fe5-204f-44bf-984b-157dd148f5c8",
                            "shortName": "LXI",
                            "active": true,
                            "isActive": true,
                            "isEnabled": true
                        "identifier": "LXI_View_Only"
                        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                        "updatedTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:45.488-0500",
                        "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                        "createdTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:44.676-0500",
                        "id": "4bf22b74-e1e5-49d4-a746-90b5200c5421",
                        "name": "Manual Action",
                        "application": {
                            "id": "46779fe5-204f-44bf-984b-157dd148f5c8",
                            "shortName": "LXI",
                            "active": true,
                            "isActive": true,
                            "isEnabled": true
                        "identifier": "LXI_Manual_Action"
                        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                        "updatedTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:45.488-0500",
                        "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                        "createdTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:45.488-0500",
                        "id": "639e7237-7fb9-4678-aca3-9c7c95dfda0d",
                        "name": "View Only",
                        "application": {
                            "id": "4b237de7-a393-4a48-97d1-f697f50bcd0c",
                            "shortName": "BXI",
                            "active": true,
                            "isActive": true,
                            "isEnabled": true
                        "identifier": "BXI_View_Only"
                        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                        "updatedTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:45.488-0500",
                        "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                        "createdTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:45.488-0500",
                        "id": "780434c7-7ce0-4a59-9252-261611959db6",
                        "name": "Lighting API",
                        "application": {
                            "id": "4b237de7-a393-4a48-97d1-f697f50bcd0c",
                            "shortName": "BXI",
                            "active": true,
                            "isActive": true,
                            "isEnabled": true
                        "identifier": "LXI_API_Access"
                "application": {
                    "id": "46779fe5-204f-44bf-984b-157dd148f5c8",
                    "shortName": "LXI",
                    "active": true,
                    "isActive": true,
                    "isEnabled": true
                "isDefault": true
        "authInfo": {
            "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
            "updatedTime": "2019-12-06T11:03:44.483-0500",
            "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
            "createdTime": "2019-12-06T11:03:44.484-0500",
            "id": "c4462bd4-8ec7-4d1d-a76b-755b3c00c983",
            "passwordExpires": false,
            "policy": {
                "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                "updatedTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:44.676-0500",
                "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                "createdTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:44.676-0500",
                "id": "ef89498b-cea8-43f8-a87d-443819adbe06",
                "expiryDuration": 7776000000,
                "reuseLimit": 10,
                "maximumLength": 16,
                "minimumLength": 8,
                "minimumNumber": 1,
                "minimumSpecial": 1,
                "minimumUpper": 1
            "isLocked": false,
            "daysToExpiry": -1,
            "isExpired": false
        "areaOfResponsibilityType": "PARTIAL",
        "departmentOfResponsibilityType": "PARTIAL",
        "departments": [
                "id": "09455979-25b6-4260-b0ec-12a2df2b1a37",
                "name": "Default"
                "id": "ee38e32d-b3d1-4c85-86e8-04dde3e510cd",
                "name": "Default"
                "id": "c054738c-63dc-431d-8a0c-0614cf325d2c",
                "name": "Default"
        "isLdap": false,
        "isDefault": false,
        "isClosed": false,
        "isRegPortalNotify": true

Using ro as the Get Refresh Token JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

ro.access_token 54ea09cb-dbea-45ad-836b-8b1436bcebdc Authentication token you must provide in subsequent API calls
ro.refresh_token b67c9076-2565-4f18-a657-982e15d2725a Authentication refresh token
ro.expires_in 4746 Number of seconds before respBody.access_token expires

3.3 Log Out

This POST request logs out an authenticated user.

HTTP Header Fields

POST /uaa/logout HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic ZWF0b24tY2xpZW50OkFDdHZRQzFoSE4=
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
Cache-Control: no-cache

POST Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Optional, defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections.

Request Example

JSON Body Example

No JSON data is returned for this call.

3.4 Get Locate API Enabled Status

Returns true or false based on Locate API availability.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/api/enabled HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example


4 Configuration Calls

This chapter describes API calls that return configuration data, such as a list of tags or the configuration details of an asset.

4.1 Get All Tags

This section contains API calls to obtain a list of all tags on the network.

4.1.1 All Tags - Detail List

Returns a detail list of all configured tags.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/tags/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-10T08:28:36.272-0400",
        "createdTime": "2019-08-26T15:22:16.537-0400",
        "name": "tag_A10D8B",
        "type": {
            "isDefault": false,
            "name": "Human Badge"
        "batteryLevel": 95.0,
        "inventoryId": "tag_A10D8B",
        "beaconRateMotion": 1000,
        "beaconRateStatic": 3000,
        "model": "C7",
        "isRegistered": false,
        "isAssigned": false,
        "macAddress": "A10D8B"
        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-05T13:40:04.246-0400",
        "createdTime": "2019-08-26T13:31:11.210-0400",
        "name": "tag_2646D9",
        "type": {
            "isDefault": false,
            "name": "Human Badge"
        "batteryLevel": 100.0,
        "inventoryId": "tag_2646D9",
        "beaconRateMotion": 1000,
        "beaconRateStatic": 3000,
        "model": "C7",
        "isRegistered": true,
        "isAssigned": true,
        "macAddress": "2646D9"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the All Tags - Detail List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Property Type Example Value Description
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object whose properties describe a tag.
ra[INDEX].updatedBy String 69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c The access token used to update this tag.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-10T08:28:36.272-0400 The time this tag was most recently updated.
ra[INDEX].createdTime String 2019-08-26T15:22:16.537-0400 The time this tag was created.
ra[INDEX].name String tag_A10D8B The name assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].type Object N/A An object whose properties describe the tag type.
ra[INDEX].type.isDefault Boolean false Whether this is one of the default tag types.
ra[INDEX].type.name String Human Badge The name of this tag type.
ra[INDEX].batteryLevel Number 95.0 The battery charge level.
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String tag_A10D8B The inventory ID (Public ID) value assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].model String C7 The model of tag.
ra[INDEX].isRegistered Boolean false Whether the tag is enabled and subject to license limits.
ra[INDEX].isAssigned Boolean false Whether the tag is assigned to an asset.
ra[INDEX].macAddress String A10D8B The MAC ID of the tag.

4.1.2 All Tags - Display List

Returns a display list of all configured tags.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/tags/display
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-10T08:28:36.272-0400",
        "name": "tag_A10D8B",
        "type": {
            "isDefault": false,
            "name": "Human Badge"
        "batteryLevel": 100.0,
        "inventoryId": "tag_A10D8B",
        "model": "C7",
        "isRegistered": false,
        "isAssigned": false,
        "macAddress": "A10D8B"
        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-05T13:40:04.246-0400",
        "name": "tag_2646D9",
        "type": {
            "isDefault": false,
            "name": "Human Badge"
        "batteryLevel": 80.0,
        "inventoryId": "tag_2646D9",
        "model": "C7 ", 
        "isRegistered": true,
        "isAssigned": true,
        "macAddress": "2646D9"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the All Tags - Display List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Data Type
Example Value
Ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object whose properties describe the tag.
ra[INDEX].updatedBy String 69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c The access token used to update this tag.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-10T08:28:36.272-0400 The time this tag was updated
ra[INDEX].name String tag_A10D8B The name assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].type Object N/A An object whose properties describe the tag type.
ra[INDEX].type.isDefault Boolean false Whether this is one of the default tag types.
ra[INDEX].type.name String Human Badge The name of this tag type.
ra[INDEX].batteryLevel Number 100.0 The percentage charge of the tag’s battery.
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String tag_A14C12 The inventory ID (Public ID) value assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].model String
ra[INDEX].isRegistered Boolean false Whether the tag is enabled and subject to license limits.
ra[INDEX].isAssigned Boolean false Whether the tag is assigned to an asset.
ra[INDEX].macAddress String A10D8B The MAC ID of the tag.

4.1.3 All Tags - Identity List

Returns an identity list of all configured tags.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/tags/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "name": "tag_A14C12",
        "inventoryId": "tag_A14C12",
        "macAddress": "A14C12"
        "name": "tag_A10E9D",
        "inventoryId": "tag_A10E9D",
        "macAddress": "A10E9D"
        "name": "tag_A10E7D",
        "inventoryId": "tag_A10E7D",
        "macAddress": "A10E7D"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the All Tags - Identity List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Data Type
Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object whose properties describe a tag.
ra[INDEX].name String tag_A14C12 The name assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String tag_A14C12 The inventory ID (Public ID) value assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].macAddress String A14C12 The MAC ID of the tag.

4.2 Get a Single Tag by ID

This section contains API calls to obtain a tag that matches a specified ID.


Tag IDs are available by exporting the Public IDs from Trellix Locate. See the Trellix Locate Configuration Manual for details.

4.2.1 Tag by ID - Detail View

Return the detail view for a specified tag ID.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/tags/<TAG-ID>/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <TAG-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the tag being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
    "updatedTime": "2019-09-05T13:40:04.246-0400",
    "createdTime": "2019-08-26T13:31:11.210-0400",
    "name": "tag_2646D9",
    "type": {
        "isDefault": false,
        "name": "Human Badge"
    "batteryLevel": 100.0,
    "inventoryId": "tag_2646D9",
    "isRegistered": true,
    "isAssigned": true,
    "macAddress": "2646D9"

JSON Response Values

Using ro as the Tag by ID – Detail View response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ro.updatedBy String 69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c The access token used to update this tag.
ro.updatedTime String 2019-09-05T13:40:04.246-0400 The time this tag was updated.
ro.createdTime String 2019-08-26T13:31:11.210-0400 The time this tag was created.
ro.name String tag_2646D9 The name assigned to the tag.
ro.type Object N/A An object whose properties describe the tag type.
ro.type.isDefault String false Whether this is one of the default tag types.
ro.type.name String Human Badge The name of this tag type.
ro.batteryLevel Number 100.0 The percentage charge of the tag’s battery.
ro.inventoryId String tag_2646D9 The inventory ID (Public ID) value assigned to the tag.
ro.isRegistered Boolean true Whether the tag is enabled and subject to license limits.
ro.isAssigned Boolean true Whether the tag is assigned to an asset.
ro.macAddress String 2646D9 The MAC ID of the tag.

4.2.2 Tag by ID - Display View

Return the display view for a specified tag ID.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/tags/<TAG-ID>/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <TAG-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the tag being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
    "updatedTime": "2019-09-12T07:53:04.340-0400",
    "name": "tag_A14C13",
    "type": {
        "isDefault": false,
        "name": "Asset Tag 2yr"
    "batteryLevel": 21.0,
    "inventoryId": "tag_A14C13",
    "isRegistered": true,
    "isAssigned": true,
    "macAddress": "A14C13"

JSON Response Values

Using ro as the Tag by ID – Display View response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ro.updatedBy String 69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c The access token used to update this tag.
ro.updatedTime String 2019-09-12T07:53:04.340-0400 The time this tag was last updated.
ro.name String tag_A14C13 The name assigned to the tag.
ro.type Object N/A An object whose properties describe the tag type.
ro.type.isDefault Boolean false Whether this is one of the default tag types.
ro.type.name String Asset Tag 2yr The name of this tag type.
ro.batteryLevel Number 21.0 The percentage charge of the tag’s battery.
ro.inventoryId String tag_A14C13 The inventory ID (Public ID) value assigned to the tag.
ro.isRegistered String true Whether the tag is enabled and subject to license limits.
ro.isAssigned String true Whether or not the tag is assigned to an asset.
ro.macAddress String A14C13 The MAC ID of the tag.

4.2.3 Tag by ID - Identity View

Return the identity view for a specified tag ID.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/tags/<TAG-ID>/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <TAG-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the tag being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "name": "tag_A14C13",
    "inventoryId": "tag_A14C13",
    "macAddress": "A14C13"

JSON Response Values

Using ro as the Tag by ID - Identity View response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Data Type
ro.name String tag_A14C13 The name of this tag.
ro.inventoryId String tag_A14C13 The inventory ID (Public ID) of this tag.
ro.macAddress String A14C13 The MAC ID of this tag.

4.3 Get Tags by Type

This section contains API calls to obtain a list of tags that match a specified tag type.

4.3.1 Tags by Type - Detail List

Returns a detail list of all configured tags for a specified tag type.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/tags/type/<TAG-TYPE>/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <TAG-TYPE> - Type of tag being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-05T13:40:04.246-0400",
        "createdTime": "2019-08-26T13:31:11.210-0400",
        "name": "tag_2646D9",
        "type": {
            "isDefault": false,
            "name": "Human Badge"
        "batteryLevel": 100.0,
        "inventoryId": "tag_2646D9",
        "isRegistered": true,
        "isAssigned": true,
        "macAddress": "2646D9"
        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
        "updatedTime": "2019-08-28T08:09:45.686-0400",
        "createdTime": "2019-08-26T13:31:11.217-0400",
        "name": "tag_2646D5",
        "type": {
            "isDefault": false,
            "name": "Human Badge"
        "inventoryId": "tag_2646D5",
        "isRegistered": true,
        "isAssigned": true,
        "macAddress": "2646D5"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Tag Detail response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object whose properties describe the tag.
ra[INDEX].updatedBy String 69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c The access token used to update this tag.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-05T13:40:04.246-0400 The time this tag was updated.
ra[INDEX].createdTime String 2019-08-26T13:31:11.210-0400 The time this tag was created.
ra[INDEX].name String tag_2646D9 The name assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].type Object N/A An object whose properties describe the tag type.
ra[INDEX].type.isDefault String false Whether this is one of the default tag type.
ra[INDEX].type.name String Human Badge The name of this tag type.
ra[INDEX].batteryLevel Number 100.0 The percentage charge of the tag’s battery.
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String tag_2646D9 The inventory ID (Public ID) value assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].isRegistered Boolean true Whether the tag is enabled and subject to license limits.
ra[INDEX].isAssigned Boolean true Whether the tag is assigned to an asset.
ra[INDEX].macAddress String 2646D9 The MAC ID of the tag.

4.3.2 Tags by Type - Display List

Return on display list of all configured tags for a specified tag type.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/tags/type/<TAG-TYPE>/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <TAG-TYPE> - Type of tag being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-05T13:40:04.246-0400",
        "name": "tag_2646D9",
        "type": {
            "isDefault": false,
            "name": "Human Badge"
        "batteryLevel": 100.0,
        "inventoryId": "tag_2646D9",
        "isRegistered": true,
        "isAssigned": true,
        "macAddress": "2646D9"
        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
        "updatedTime": "2019-08-28T08:09:45.686-0400",
        "name": "tag_2646D5",
        "type": {
            "isDefault": false,
            "name": "Human Badge"
        "inventoryId": "tag_2646D5",
        "isRegistered": true,
        "isAssigned": true,
        "macAddress": "2646D5"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Tag by Type – Display View response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object whose properties describe the tag.
ra[INDEX].updatedBy String 69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c The access token used to update this tag.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-05T13:40:04.246-0400 The time this tag was updated.
ra[INDEX].name String tag_2646D9 The name assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].type Object N/A An object whose properties describe the tag type.
ra[INDEX].type.isDefault String false Whether this is one of the default tag types.
ra[INDEX].type.name String Human Badge The name of this tag type.
ra[INDEX].batteryLevel Number 100.0 The percentage charge of the tag’s battery.
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String tag_2646D9 The inventory ID (Public ID) value assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].isRegistered Boolean true Whether the tag is enabled and subject to license limits.
ra[INDEX].isAssigned Boolean true Whether the tag is assigned to an asset.
ra[INDEX].macAddress String 2646D9 The MAC ID of the tag.

4.3.3 Tags by Type - Identity List

Returns an identity list of all configured tags for a specified tag type.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/tags/type/<TAG-TYPE>/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <TAG-TYPE> - Type of tag being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "name": "tag_2646D9",
        "inventoryId": "tag_2646D9",
        "macAddress": "2646D9"
        "name": "tag_2646D5",
        "inventoryId": "tag_2646D5",
        "macAddress": "2646D5"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Tag by Type – Identity List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object whose properties describe the tag.
ra[INDEX].name String tag_2646D9 The name assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String tag_2646D9 The inventory ID (Public ID) value assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].macAddress String 2646D9 The MAC ID of the tag.

4.4 Get All Assets

This section contains API calls to obtain a list of all assets on the network.

4.4.1 All Assets - Detail List

Returns a detail list of all configured assets.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "createdTime": "2019-08-26T14:22:27.296-0400",
        "departments": [
                "id": "d97da5d9-4c94-482c-a457-74f5213e04de",
                "name": "Dermatology"
        "inventoryId": "1234567",
        "name": "Test",
        "propertyValues": [
                "property": {
                    "default": "0",
                    "displayName": "alarmCount",
                    "id": "ca9d04ed-9803-442d-ac5d-7926bbe931f1",
                    "mandatory": false,
                    "name": "alarmCount",
                    "operation": "RW",
                    "type": "INTEGER",
                    "updatedTime": "2019-08-27T02:15:37.695548-04:00"
                "updatedTime": "2019-09-12T10:48:17.030-0400",
                "value": "1"
        "tags": [
                "name": "tag_270D09",
                "inventoryId": "tag_270D09",
                "macAddress": "270D09"
        "type": {
            "id": "11c9ab74-6852-11e9-a923-1681be663d3e",
            "isDefault": false,
            "name": "Foot Pumps"
        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-09T13:38:19.197-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the All Assets - Detail List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX].createdTime String 2019-08-26T14:22:27.296-0400 The time this asset was created.
ra[INDEX].departments Array N/A
ra[INDEX].departments.id String d97da5d9-4c94-482c-a457-74f5213e04de The ID of the department to which this asset is assigned.
ra[INDEX].departments.name String Dermatology The name of the department to which this asset is assigned.
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String 1234567 The inventory ID (Public ID) value assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].name String Test The name assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues Array N/A An optional array of one or more objects whose properties describe an asset property (e.g., the asset alarm count).
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property Object N/A An object that describes the property values.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.default String 0 The default value of this property.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.displayName String alarmCount The displayed property name.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.id String ca9d04ed-9803-442d-ac5d-7926bbe931f1 The unique ID of this property
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.mandatory Boolean false Whether this property is required.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.name String alarmCount The internal property name.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.operation String RW The operations permitted for this property: R (Read), W(Write).
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.type String INTEGER The data type of this property.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.updatedTime String 2019-08-27T02:15:37.695548-04:00 The time this property was last modified.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].updatedTime String 2019-09-12T10:48:17.030-0400 The time this array was last modified.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].value String 1 The value assigned to this property.
ra[INDEX].tags Array N/A An object that describes a tag assigned to this asset.
ra[INDEX].tags[0].name String tag_270D09 The name of the tag assigned to this asset.
ra[INDEX].tags[0].inventoryId String tag_270D09 The inventory ID (Public ID) of the tag assigned to this asset.
ra[INDEX].tags[0].macAddress String 270D09 The MAC ID of the tag assigned to this asset.
ra[INDEX].type Object N/A An object whose properties describe the asset type.
ra[INDEX].type.id String 11c9ab74-6852-11e9-a923-1681be663d3e The asset type ID.
ra[INDEX].type.isDefault Boolean false Whether this is one of the default asset types.
ra[INDEX].type.name String Foot Pumps The name of this asset type.
ra[INDEX].updatedBy String 69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c The access token used to update this tag.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-09T13:38:19.197-0400 The time this asset was most recently updated.

4.4.2 All Assets - Display List

Returns a display list of all configured assets.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/display
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "departments": [
                "id": "d97da5d9-4c94-482c-a457-74f5213e04de",
                "name": "Dermatology"
        "inventoryId": "1234567",
        "name": "Test",
        "propertyValues": [
                "property": {
                    "default": "0",
                    "displayName": "alarmCount",
                    "id": "ca9d04ed-9803-442d-ac5d-7926bbe931f1",
                    "mandatory": false,
                    "name": "alarmCount",
                    "operation": "RW",
                    "type": "INTEGER",
                    "updatedTime": "2019-08-27T02:15:37.695548-04:00"
                "updatedTime": "2019-09-12T10:48:17.030-0400",
                "value": "1"
        "tags": [
                "name": "tag_270D09",
                "inventoryId": "tag_270D09",
                "macAddress": "270D09"
        "type": {
            "id": "11c9ab74-6852-11e9-a923-1681be663d3e",
            "isDefault": false,
            "name": "Foot Pumps"
        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-09T13:38:19.197-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the All Assets - Display List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX].departments Array N/A
ra[INDEX].departments[0].id String d97da5d9-4c94-482c-a457-74f5213e04de The ID of the department to which this asset is assigned.
ra[INDEX].departments[0].name String Dermatology The name of the department to which this asset is assigned.
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String 1234567 The inventory ID (Public ID) value assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].name String Test The name assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues Array N/A An optional array of one or more objects whose properties describe an asset property (e.g., the asset alarm count).
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property Object N/A An object that describes the property values.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.default String 0 The default value of this property.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.displayName String alarmCount The displayed property name.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.id String ca9d04ed-9803-442d-ac5d-7926bbe931f1 The unique ID of this property
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.mandatory Boolean false Whether this property is required.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.name String alarmCount The internal property name.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.operation String RW The operations permitted for this property: R (Read), W (Write).
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.type String INTEGER The data type of this property.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.updatedTime String 2019-08-27T02:15:37.695548-04:00 The time this property was last modified.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].updatedTime String 2019-09-12T10:48:17.030-0400 The time this array was last modified.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].value String 1 The value assigned to this array.
ra[INDEX].tags Array N/A An object that describes a tag assigned to this asset.
ra[INDEX].tags[0].name String tag_270D09 The name of the tag assigned to this asset.
ra[INDEX].tags[0].inventoryId String tag_270D09 The inventory ID (Public ID) of the tag assigned to this asset.
ra[INDEX].tags[0].macAddress String 270D09 The MAC ID of the tag assigned to this asset.
ra[INDEX].type Object N/A An object whose properties describe the asset type.
ra[INDEX].type.id String 11c9ab74-6852-11e9-a923-1681be663d3e The asset type ID.
ra[INDEX].type.isDefault Boolean false Whether this is one of the default asset types.
ra[INDEX].type.name String Foot Pumps The name of this asset type.
ra[INDEX].updatedBy String 69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c The access token used to update this tag.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-09T13:38:19.197-0400 The time this asset was most recently updated.

4.4.3 All Assets - Identity List

Returns an identity list of all configured assets.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/identity
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "inventoryId": "1234567",
        "name": "Test"
        "inventoryId": "Office_3",
        "name": "Office_Tag_46D5_Battery"
        "inventoryId": "NotTagAsset2",
        "name": "NotTagAsset2"
        "inventoryId": "NoTagAsset1",
        "name": "NoTagAsset1"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the All Assets - Identity List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Data Type
Example Value
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String Office_3 The inventory ID (Public ID) value assigned to the asset.
ra[INDEX].name String Office_Tag_46D5_Battery The name assigned to the asset.

4.5 Get a Single Asset by ID

This section contains API calls for viewing an asset that matches a specified ID.


Asset IDs are available by exporting the Public IDs from Trellix Locate. See the Trellix Locate Configuration Manual for details.

4.5.1 Asset by ID - Detail View

Returns a detail view of an asset specified by ID.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/<ASSET-ID>/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the asset being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
    "createdTime": "2019-09-05T13:40:04.228-0400",
    "departments": [
            "id": "e5fa967b-b0f0-4007-9a31-d7121656230b",
            "name": "Anesthesiology & Perioperative Care"
    "inventoryId": "Office_1",
    "name": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
    "propertyValues": [
            "property": {
                "displayName": "Inventory ID",
                "displayOrder": -1,
                "id": "71f3931e-f7fe-4b1d-a5e1-adf0eac4e8aa",
                "isHidden": false,
                "mandatory": false,
                "name": "property_43186",
                "operation": "RW",
                "range": "1-200",
                "type": "STRING",
                "updatedTime": "2019-08-26T14:39:16.519216-04:00"
            "updatedTime": "2019-09-05T13:55:32.625-0400"
            "property": {
                "default": "0",
                "displayName": "alarmCount",
                "id": "0d84a539-ca69-4b65-a4e3-1c6e3e907b98",
                "mandatory": false,
                "name": "alarmCount",
                "operation": "RW",
                "type": "INTEGER",
                "updatedTime": "2019-08-27T02:15:37.712057-04:00"
            "updatedTime": "2019-09-13T15:51:11.772-0400",
            "value": "5"
    "tags": [
            "name": "tag_2646D9",
            "inventoryId": "tag_2646D9",
            "macAddress": "2646D9"
    "type": {
        "id": "11c9f4e4-6852-11e9-a923-1681be663d3e",
        "isDefault": false,
        "name": "Aerosol Tents"
    "updatedBy": "51a3fc1a-61a4-4e18-a576-aa27da0a9f89",
    "updatedTime": "2019-09-05T13:55:32.625-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ro as the Asset by ID - Detail View response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ro.createdBy String 69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c The authentication token used to create this asset.
ro.createdTime String 2019-08-26T14:22:27.296-0400 The time this asset was created.
ro.departments Array
ro.departments.id String e5fa967b-b0f0-4007-9a31-d7121656230b The ID of the department to which this asset is assigned.
ro.departments.name String Anesthesiology & Perioperative Care The name of the department to which this asset is assigned.
ro.inventoryId String Office_1 The inventory ID (Public ID) value assigned to this asset.
ro.name String Office_Tag_46D9_Battery The name assigned to the asset.
ro.propertyValues Array N/A An optional array of one or more objects whose properties describe an asset property (e.g., the asset alarm count).
ro.propertyValues[0].property Object N/A An object that describes the property values.
ro.propertyValues[0].property.default String 0 The default value of this property.
ro.propertyValues[0].property.displayName String Inventory ID The displayed property name.
ro.propertyValues[0].property.displayOrder Number -1 The sequence in which this property appears.
ro.propertyValues[0].property.id String 71f3931e-f7fe-4b1d-a5e1-adf0eac4e8aa The unique ID of this property
ro.propertyValues[0].property.isHidden Boolean false Whether this property is visible to the user.
ro.propertyValues[0].property.mandatory Boolean false Whether this property is required.
ro.propertyValues[0].property.name String property_43186 The internal property name.
ro.propertyValues[0].property.operation String RW The operations permitted for this property: R (Read), W(Write).
ro.propertyValues[0].property.range String 1-200 The allowed range (length) of this property.
ro.propertyValues[0].property.type String STRING The data type of this property.
ro.propertyValues[0].property.updatedTime String 2019-08-26T14:39:16.519216-04:00 The time this property was last modified.
ro.propertyValues[0].updatedTime String 2019-09-05T13:55:32.625-0400 The time this array was last modified.
ro.propertyValues[0].value String 5 The value assigned to this array.
ro.tags Array N/A An object that describes a tag assigned to this asset.
ro.tags[0].name String tag_2646D9 The name of the tag assigned to this asset.
ro.tags[0].inventoryId String tag_2646D9 The inventory ID (Public ID) of the tag assigned to this asset.
ro.tags[0].macAddress String 270D09 The MAC ID of the tag assigned to this asset.
ro.type Object N/A An object whose properties describe the asset type.
ro.type.id String 11c9f4e4-6852-11e9-a923-1681be663d3e The asset type ID.
ro.type.isDefault Boolean false Whether this is one of the default asset types.
ro.type.name String Aerosol Tents The name of this asset type.
ro.updatedBy String 51a3fc1a-61a4-4e18-a576-aa27da0a9f89 The access token used to update this tag.
ro.updatedTime String 2019-09-05T13:55:32.625-0400 The time this asset was most recently updated.

4.5.2 Asset by ID - Display View

Returns a display view of an asset specified by ID.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/<ASSET-ID>/display
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the asset being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "departments": [
            "id": "bf8d94ee-e642-4f0c-bc84-3afa2660f57e",
            "name": "Neonatal intensive care unit"
    "inventoryId": "Office_2",
    "name": "Office_Tag_46D6_Battery",
    "propertyValues": [
            "property": {
                "displayName": "Name",
                "displayOrder": -1,
                "id": "3d7186e4-24ee-42cc-8b2b-1270eb13c8f4",
                "isHidden": false,
                "mandatory": false,
                "name": "property_63512",
                "operation": "RW",
                "range": "1-32",
                "type": "STRING",
                "updatedTime": "2019-08-26T14:45:59.550288-04:00"
            "updatedTime": "2019-09-05T13:55:11.784-0400",
            "value": "Nitesh"
            "property": {
                "default": "0",
                "displayName": "alarmCount",
                "id": "03fa9211-066a-44a3-8b07-30f307ff85b1",
                "mandatory": false,
                "name": "alarmCount",
                "operation": "RW",
                "type": "INTEGER",
                "updatedTime": "2019-08-27T02:15:37.70357-04:00"
            "updatedTime": "2019-09-13T15:51:11.789-0400",
            "value": "5"
    "tags": [
            "name": "tag_2646D6",
            "inventoryId": "tag_2646D6",
            "macAddress": "2646D6"
    "type": {
        "id": "f254ae04-6853-11e9-a923-1681be663d3e",
        "isDefault": false,
        "name": "Babies"
    "updatedBy": "51a3fc1a-61a4-4e18-a576-aa27da0a9f89",
    "updatedTime": "2019-09-05T13:55:11.784-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ro as the Asset by ID - Display View response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ro.departments Array N/A
ro.departments[0].id String bf8d94ee-e642-4f0c-bc84-3afa2660f57e The ID of the department to which this asset is assigned.
ro.departments[0].name String Neonatal intensive care unit The name of the department to which this asset is assigned.
ro.inventoryId String Office_2 The inventory ID (Public ID) value assigned to the tag.
ro.name String Office_Tag_46D6_Battery The name assigned to the tag.
ro.propertyValues Array N/A An optional array of one or more objects whose properties describe an asset property (e.g., the asset alarm count).
ro.propertyValues[0].property Object N/A An object that describes the property values.
ro.propertyValues[INDEX].property.default String 0 The default value of this property.
ro.propertyValues[INDEX].property.displayName String Name The displayed property name.
ro.propertyValues[INDEX].property.displayOrder Number -1 The sequence in which this property appears.
ro.propertyValues[INDEX].property.id String 3d7186e4-24ee-42cc-8b2b-1270eb13c8f4 The unique ID of this property.
ro.propertyValues[INDEX].property.isHidden Boolean False Whether this property is visible to the user.
ro.propertyValues[INDEX].property.mandatory Boolean false Whether this property is required.
ro.propertyValues[INDEX].property.name String property_63512 The internal property name.
ro.propertyValues[INDEX].property.operation String RW The operations permitted for this property: R (Read), W(Write).
ro.propertyValues[INDEX].property.range String 1-32 The allowed range (length) of this property.
ro.propertyValues[INDEX].property.type String STRING The data type of this property.
ro.propertyValues[INDEX].property.updatedTime String 2019-08-26T14:45:59.550288-04:00 The time this property was last modified.
ro.propertyValues[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-05T13:55:11.784-0400 The time this array was last modified.
ro.propertyValues[INDEX].value String Nitesh The value assigned to this array.
ro.tags Array N/A An object that describes a tag assigned to this asset.
ro.tags[0].name String tag_2646D6 The name of the tag assigned to this asset.
ro.tags[0].inventoryId String tag_2646D6 The inventory ID (Public ID) of the tag assigned to this asset.
ro.tags[0].macAddress String 2646D6 The MAC ID of the tag assigned to this asset.
ro.type Object N/A An object whose properties describe the asset type.
ro.type.id String f254ae04-6853-11e9-a923-1681be663d3e The asset type ID.
ro.type.isDefault Boolean false Whether this is one of the default asset types.
ro.type.name String Babies The name of this asset type.
ro.updatedBy String 51a3fc1a-61a4-4e18-a576-aa27da0a9f89 The access token used to update this tag.
ro.updatedTime String 2019-09-05T13:55:11.784-0400 The time this asset was most recently updated.

4.5.3 Asset by ID - Identity View

Returns an identity view of an asset specified by ID.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/<ASSET-ID>/identity
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> is the type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> is the Trellix Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the asset being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "inventoryId": "Office_1",
    "name": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Asset by ID - Identity View response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Data Type
Example Value
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String Office_1 The inventory ID (Public ID) value assigned to the asset.
ra[INDEX].name String Office_Tag_46D9_Battery The name assigned to the asset.

4.6 Get Assets by Type

4.6.1 Assets by Type - Detail List

Returns a detail list of assets by type.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/type/<ASSET-TYPE>/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-TYPE> - Case-sensitive type of the assets being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "createdBy": "dbf78335-65c6-486b-b5f8-71ed61438c41",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-10T14:47:12.211-0400",
        "departments": [
                "id": "73d5997d-1e70-46f6-9367-4ecba984a35a",
                "name": "Cardiology"
        "inventoryId": "NotTagAsset2",
        "name": "NotTagAsset2",
        "propertyValues": [
                "property": {
                    "default": "0",
                    "displayName": "alarmCount",
                    "id": "49ae6029-81e7-446a-9f54-c221a251f7f4",
                    "mandatory": false,
                    "name": "alarmCount",
                    "operation": "RW",
                    "type": "INTEGER",
                    "updatedTime": "2019-08-27T02:15:37.700282-04:00"
                "updatedTime": "2019-09-10T14:47:12.223-0400"
        "type": {
            "id": "f254b516-6853-11e9-a923-1681be663d3e",
            "isDefault": false,
            "name": "Cleaning Crew"
        "updatedBy": "dbf78335-65c6-486b-b5f8-71ed61438c41",
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-10T14:47:12.223-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Assets by Type - Detail List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX].createdBy String dbf78335-65c6-486b-b5f8-71ed61438c41 The time this asset was created.
ra[INDEX].createdTime String 2019-09-10T14:47:12.211-0400 The time this asset was created.
ra[INDEX].departments Array
ra[INDEX].departments.id String 73d5997d-1e70-46f6-9367-4ecba984a35a The ID of the department to which this asset is assigned.
ra[INDEX].departments.name String Cardiology The name of the department to which this asset is assigned.
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String NotTagAsset2 The inventory ID (Public ID) value assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].name String NotTagAsset2 The name assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues Array N/A An optional array of one or more objects whose properties describe an asset property (e.g., the asset alarm count).
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property Object N/A An object that describes the property values.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.default String 0 The default value of this property.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.displayName String alarmCount The displayed property name.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.id String 49ae6029-81e7-446a-9f54-c221a251f7f4 The unique ID of this property
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.mandatory Boolean false Whether this property is required.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.name String alarmCount The internal property name.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.operation String RW The operations permitted for this property: R (Read), W (Write).
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.type String INTEGER The data type of this property.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.updatedTime String 2019-08-27T02:15:37.700282-04:00 The time this property was last modified.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].updatedTime String 2019-09-10T14:47:12.223-0400 The time this array was last modified.
ra[INDEX].type Object N/A An object whose properties describe the asset type.
ra[INDEX].type.id String f254b516-6853-11e9-a923-1681be663d3e The asset type ID.
ra[INDEX].type.isDefault Boolean false Whether this is one of the default asset types.
ra[INDEX].type.name String Cleaning Crew The name of this asset type.
ra[INDEX].updatedBy String dbf78335-65c6-486b-b5f8-71ed61438c41 The access token used to update this tag.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-10T14:47:12.223-0400 The time this asset was most recently updated.

4.6.2 Assets by Type - Display List

Returns a display list of assets by type.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/type/<ASSET-TYPE>/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-TYPE> - Case-sensitive type of the assets being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "departments": [
                "id": "73d5997d-1e70-46f6-9367-4ecba984a35a",
                "name": "Cardiology"
        "inventoryId": "NotTagAsset2",
        "name": "NotTagAsset2",
        "propertyValues": [
                "property": {
                    "default": "0",
                    "displayName": "alarmCount",
                    "id": "49ae6029-81e7-446a-9f54-c221a251f7f4",
                    "mandatory": false,
                    "name": "alarmCount",
                    "operation": "RW",
                    "type": "INTEGER",
                    "updatedTime": "2019-08-27T02:15:37.700282-04:00"
                "updatedTime": "2019-09-10T14:47:12.223-0400"
        "type": {
            "id": "f254b516-6853-11e9-a923-1681be663d3e",
            "isDefault": false,
            "name": "Cleaning Crew"
        "updatedBy": "dbf78335-65c6-486b-b5f8-71ed61438c41",
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-10T14:47:12.223-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Assets by Type - Display List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX].departments Array
ra[INDEX].departments.id String 73d5997d-1e70-46f6-9367-4ecba984a35a The ID of the department to which this asset is assigned.
ra[INDEX].departments.name String Cardiology The name of the department to which this asset is assigned.
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String NotTagAsset2 The inventory ID (Public ID) value assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].name String NotTagAsset2 The name assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues Array N/A An optional array of one or more objects whose properties describe an asset property (e.g., the asset alarm count).
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property Object N/A An object that describes the property values.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.default String 0 The default value of this property.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.displayName String alarmCount The displayed property name.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.id String 49ae6029-81e7-446a-9f54-c221a251f7f4 The unique ID of this property
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.mandatory Boolean false Whether this property is required.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.name String alarmCount The internal property name.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.operation String RW The operations permitted for this property: R (Read), W (Write).
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.type String INTEGER The data type of this property.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].property.updatedTime String 2019-08-27T02:15:37.700282-04:00 The time this property was last modified.
ra[INDEX].propertyValues[0].updatedTime String 2019-09-10T14:47:12.223-0400 The time this array was last modified.
ra[INDEX].type Object N/A An object whose properties describe the asset type.
ra[INDEX].type.id String f254b516-6853-11e9-a923-1681be663d3e The asset type ID.
ra[INDEX].type.isDefault Boolean false Whether this is one of the default asset types.
ra[INDEX].type.name String Cleaning Crew The name of this asset type.
ra[INDEX].updatedBy String dbf78335-65c6-486b-b5f8-71ed61438c41 The access token used to update this tag.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-10T14:47:12.223-0400 The time this asset was most recently updated.

4.6.3 Assets by Type - Identity List

Returns an identity list of assets by type.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/type/<ASSET-TYPE>/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-TYPE> - Case-sensitive type of the assets being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "inventoryId": "HighTagAsset1",
        "name": " HighTagAsset1"
        "inventoryId": " MidTagAsset2",
        "name": " MidTagAsset2"
        "inventoryId": "LowTagAsset3",
        "name": "LowTagAsset3"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Assets by Type - Identity List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String HighTagAsset1 The inventory ID (Public ID) value assigned to the tag.
ra[INDEX].name String HighTagAsset1 The name assigned to the tag.

4.7 Get All Geo-Fences

This section contains API calls for viewing a list of all geo-fences on the network.

4.7.1 Get All Geo-Fences – Detail List

Returns a detail list of all configured geo-fences.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/geofences/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "createdBy": "45bb301c-6c60-4115-a484-88a439a69f21",
        "createdTime": "2019-08-26T15:22:16.537-0400",
        "decorators": [
                "createdTime": "2019-08-28T11:45:08.151-0400",
                "id": "17c04971-26d2-37e1-3356-ffb62053c07f",
                "isViewable": true,
                "name": "floorPlanProperties",
                "polygon": [
                        "x": 601.3897,
                        "y": 687.0397
                        "x": 785.88824,
                        "y": 682.18445
                        "x": 776.1778,
                        "y": 799.51904
                        "x": 604.6265,
                        "y": 804.37427
                "text": {
                    "fontSize": 12,
                    "position": "top-center"
                "updatedTime": "2019-08-28T11:45:08.151-0400"
        "floor": {
            "name": "DeleteFloor",
            "publicId": "F1"
        "hysteresis": 0.0,
        "hysteresisEnabled": true,
        "isEnabled": true,
        "isHidden": true,
        "name": "Sample",
        "rules": [
                "actions": [
                "createdTime": "2019-08-26T15:34:14.484-0400",
                "rule": {
                    "id": "953eb0ab-0216-4940-8950-cadee84f96cc",
                    "name": "Entry"
                "scopes": [
                        "appliesTo": "DEPARTMENT",
                        "appliesToId": "73f53826-2d7b-41dc-bc01-74a7588f462b",
                        "id": "73f53826-2d7b-41dc-bc01-74a7588f462b"
                        "appliesTo": "DEPARTMENT",
                        "appliesToId": "34f3a24f-e515-4427-b715-7c90721072a0",
                        "id": "34f3a24f-e515-4427-b715-7c90721072a0"
                        "appliesTo": "DEPARTMENT",
                        "appliesToId": "f9bbcdc1-9e47-4ed0-a36f-b555bccb3be9",
                        "id": "f9bbcdc1-9e47-4ed0-a36f-b555bccb3be9"
                "updatedTime": "2019-09-03T13:22:31.935-0400"
        "type": {
            "id": "3322c868-eee6-11e8-8eb2-f2801f1b9fd1",
            "isDefault": true,
            "name": "Safety/Security"
        "updatedBy": "44bb677d-c701-45af-a71d-f92ea16712ad",
        "updatedTime": "2019-08-28T11:45:08.151-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the All Geo-Fences - Detail List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX].createdBy String 45bb301c-6c60-4115-a484-88a439a69f21 The authentication token used create this geo-fence.
ra[INDEX].createdTime String 2019-08-26T15:22:16.537-0400 The time this geo-fence was created.
ra[INDEX].decorators Array N/A An array whose objects describe the geo-fence.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].createdTime String 2019-08-28T11:45:08.151-0400 The time this geo-fence was created.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].id String 17c04971-26d2-37e1-3356-ffb62053c07f The geo-fence ID (UUID).
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].isViewable Boolean true Whether this geo-fence is visible on the floor plan.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].name String floorPlanProperties The name of this decorator.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].polygon Array N/A An array of objects whose properties describe the polygon.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].polygon[0] Object N/A An object containing the X and Y coordinates that define a point in the geo-fence boundary.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].polygon[0].x Number 601.3897 The relative X coordinate.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].polygon[0].y Number 687.0397 The relative Y coordinate.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].text Object N/A An object that contains the geo-fence attribute.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].text.fontSize Number 12 The font size for the text, in pixels.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].text.position String top-center The relative location of the text.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].updatedTime String 2019-08-28T11:45:08.151-0400 The time this decorator was last updated.
ra[INDEX].floor Object N/A An object whose properties describe the floor to which this geo-fence belongs.
ra[INDEX].floor.name String DeleteFloor The name of the floor.
ra[INDEX].floor.publicId String F1 The Public ID value for this floor.
ra[INDEX].hysteresis Number 0.0 A margin included inside and outside the geo-fence boundary before alarms or events are generated, to accommodate location accuracy error.
ra[INDEX].hysteresisEnabled Boolean True Whether hysteresis is enabled for this geo-fence.
ra[INDEX].isEnabled Boolean true Whether this geo-fence is enabled to trigger actions and rules.
ra[INDEX].isHidden Boolean true Whether this geo-fence is hidden on the floorplan.
ra[INDEX].name String Sample The name of this geo-fence type.
ra[INDEX].rules[0] Array N/A An optional array of objects whose properties describe an alarm or event rule.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].actions Object N/A An array whose objects described the supported rule actions (e.g., ALARM, EVENT).
ra[INDEX].rules[0].createdTime String 2019-08-26T15:34:14.484-0400 The time this rule was created.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].rule Object N/A An object whose properties describe the rule.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].rule.id String 953eb0ab-0216-4940-8950-cadee84f96cc The unique ID of this rule.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].rule.name String Entry The name of this rule.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].scopes Array N/A An array of scope objects.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].scopes[0] Object N/A An object whose properties describe the scope.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].scopes[0].appliesTo String DEPARTMENT The category type to which this scope applies.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].scopes[0].appliesToId String 34f3a24f-e515-4427-b715-7c90721072a0 The ID to which is scope applies.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].scopes[0].id String f9bbcdc1-9e47-4ed0-a36f-b555bccb3be9 The unique ID of this scope.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].updatedTime String 2019-09-03T13:22:31.935-0400 The time this rule was last updated.
ra[INDEX].type Object N/A An object containing the type properties of this geo-fence.
ra[INDEX].type.id String 3322c868-eee6-11e8-8eb2-f2801f1b9fd1 The geo-fence ID.
ra[INDEX].type.isDefault Boolean true Whether this is one of the three default geo-fence types (Safety/Security, Analytics, Boundary).
ra[INDEX].type.name String Safety/Security The name of this geo-fence type.
ra[INDEX].updatedBy String 44bb677d-c701-45af-a71d-f92ea16712ad The access token used to update this geo-fence.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-08-28T11:45:08.151-0400 The time this geo-fence was most recently updated.

4.7.2 Get All Geo-Fences – Display List

Returns a display list of all configured geo-fences.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/geofences/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "decorators": [
                "createdTime": "2019-09-15T12:08:18.163-0400",
                "id": "17c04971-26d2-37e1-3356-ffb62053c07f",
                "isViewable": true,
                "name": "floorPlanProperties",
                "polygon": [
                        "x": 601.3897,
                        "y": 687.0397
                        "x": 785.88824,
                        "y": 682.18445
                        "x": 776.1778,
                        "y": 799.51904
                        "x": 604.6265,
                        "y": 804.37427
                "text": {
                    "fontSize": 12,
                    "position": "top-center"
                "updatedTime": "2019-08-28T11:45:08.151-0400"
        "floor": {
            "name": "DeleteFloor",
            "publicId": "F1"
        "hysteresis": 0.0,
        "hysteresisEnabled": true,
        "isEnabled": true,
        "isHidden": true,
        "name": "Sample",
        "rules": [
                "actions": [
                "createdTime": "2019-08-26T15:34:14.484-0400",
                "rule": {
                    "id": "953eb0ab-0216-4940-8950-cadee84f96cc",
                    "name": "Entry"
                "scopes": [
                        "appliesTo": "DEPARTMENT",
                        "appliesToId": "73f53826-2d7b-41dc-bc01-74a7588f462b",
                        "id": "73f53826-2d7b-41dc-bc01-74a7588f462b"
                        "appliesTo": "DEPARTMENT",
                        "appliesToId": "34f3a24f-e515-4427-b715-7c90721072a0",
                        "id": "34f3a24f-e515-4427-b715-7c90721072a0"
                        "appliesTo": "DEPARTMENT",
                        "appliesToId": "f9bbcdc1-9e47-4ed0-a36f-b555bccb3be9",
                        "id": "f9bbcdc1-9e47-4ed0-a36f-b555bccb3be9"
                "updatedTime": "2019-09-03T13:22:31.935-0400"
        "type": {
            "id": "3322c868-eee6-11e8-8eb2-f2801f1b9fd1",
            "isDefault": true,
            "name": "Safety/Security"
        "updatedBy": "44bb677d-c701-45af-a71d-f92ea16712ad",
        "updatedTime": "2019-08-28T11:45:08.151-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the All Geo-Fences - Display List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX].decorators Array N/A An array whose objects describe the geo-fence.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].createdTime String 2019-09-15T12:08:18.163-0400 The time this geo-fence was created.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].id String 17c04971-26d2-37e1-3356-ffb62053c07f The geo-fence ID (UUID).
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].isViewable Boolean true Whether this geo-fence is visible on the floor plan.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].name String floorPlanProperties The name of this geo-fence.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].polygon Array N/A
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].polygon[0] Object N/A An object containing the X AND Y coordinates that define a point in the geo-fence boundary.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].polygon[0].x Number 601.3897 The X coordinate in pixels.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].polygon[0].y Number 687.0397 The Y coordinate in pixels.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].text Object N/A An object that contains the geo-fence text properties.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].text.fontSize Number 12 The font size in pixels.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].text.position String top-center The font position.
ra[INDEX].decorators[0].updatedTime String 2019-08-28T11:45:08.151-0400 The time this decorator was last updated.
ra[INDEX].floor Object N/A An object whose properties describe the floor to which this geo-fence belongs.
ra[INDEX].floor.name String DeleteFloor The name of the floor.
ra[INDEX].floor.publicId String F1 The Public ID value for this floor.
ra[INDEX].hysteresis Number 0.0 A margin included inside and outside the geo-fence boundary before alarms or events are generated, to accommodate location accuracy error.
ra[INDEX].hysteresisEnabled Boolean true Whether hysteresis is enabled for this geo-fence.
ra[INDEX].isEnabled Boolean true Whether this geo-fence is enabled to trigger actions and rules.
ra[INDEX].isHidden Boolean true Whether this geo-fence is hidden on the floor plan.
ra[INDEX].name String Sample The name of this geo-fence type.
ra[INDEX].rules[0] Array N/A An optional array of objects whose properties describe an alarm or event rule.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].actions Object N/A An array whose objects described the supported rule actions (e.g., ALARM, EVENT).
ra[INDEX].rules[0].createdTime String 2019-08-26T15:34:14.484-0400 The time this rule was created.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].rule Object N/A An object whose properties describe the rule.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].rule.id String 953eb0ab-0216-4940-8950-cadee84f96cc The unique ID of this rule.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].rule.name String Entry The name of this rule.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].scopes Array N/A An array of scope objects.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].scopes[0] Object N/A An object whose properties describe the scope.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].scopes[0].appliesTo String DEPARTMENT The category type to which this scope applies.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].scopes[0].appliesToId String 34f3a24f-e515-4427-b715-7c90721072a0 The ID to which is scope applies.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].scopes[0].id String f9bbcdc1-9e47-4ed0-a36f-b555bccb3be9 The unique ID of this scope.
ra[INDEX].rules[0].updatedTime String 2019-09-03T13:22:31.935-0400 The time this rule was last updated.
ra[INDEX].type Object N/A An object containing the type properties of this geo-fence.
ra[INDEX].type.id String 3322c868-eee6-11e8-8eb2-f2801f1b9fd1 The geo-fence ID.
ra[INDEX].type.isDefault Boolean true Whether this is one of the three default geo-fence types (Safety/Security, Analytics, Boundary).
ra[INDEX].type.name String Safety/Security The name of this geo-fence type.
ra[INDEX].updatedBy String 44bb677d-c701-45af-a71d-f92ea16712ad The access token used to update this geo-fence.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-08-28T11:45:08.151-0400 The time this geo-fence was most recently updated.

4.7.3 Get All Geo-Fences – Identity List

Returns an identity list of all configured geo-fences.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/geofences/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "name": "Neo-Natal"
        "name": "Emergency"
        "name": "Cardiology"
        "name": "Receiving"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the All Geo-Fences - Identity List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX].name String Emergency The name of the geo-fence.

4.8 Get a Single Geo-Fence by ID

This section contains API calls for viewing a geo-fence that matches a specified ID.


Geo-Fence IDs are not included in the Public ID export and are called by UUID, which can be obtained with the Get All Geo-Fences – Detail List call.

4.8.1 Geo-Fence by ID – Detail List

Returns a detail list of a specified geo-fence.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/geofences/<GEO-FENCE-TOKEN>/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <GEO-FENCE-TOKEN> - Case-sensitive ID of the geo-fence being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "createdBy": "bcda585b-a4e5-46df-b89c-65a629f6844f",
    "createdTime": "2019-08-28T11:45:08.151-0400",
    "decorators": [
            "createdTime": "2019-08-28T13:55:20.659-0400",
            "id": "04721c8c-d11b-162d-baea-568ecae24562",
            "isViewable": true,
            "name": "floorPlanProperties",
            "polygon": [
                    "x": 142.39656,
                    "y": 166.78516
                    "x": 420.4534,
                    "y": 188.49336
            "text": {
                "fontSize": 12,
                "position": "top-center"
            "updatedTime": "2019-08-28T13:55:20.659-0400"
    "floor": {
        "name": "DeleteFloor",
        "publicId": "F1"
    "hysteresis": 0.0,
    "hysteresisEnabled": true,
    "isEnabled": true,
    "isHidden": true,
    "name": "MyGeoasf",
    "rules": [
            "actions": [
            "createdTime": "2019-08-28T08:07:23.946-0400",
            "rule": {
                "id": "9cbc08fb-767c-415e-a8c0-9eaa546058d4",
                "name": "Exit"
            "scopes": [
                    "appliesTo": "ASSET",
                    "appliesToId": "129a292a-e279-4dab-bb8e-42d10d869a35",
                    "id": "129a292a-e279-4dab-bb8e-42d10d869a35"
                    "appliesTo": "ASSET",
                    "appliesToId": "affa0d6b-955c-4d1a-b662-2b80b8a43440",
                    "id": "affa0d6b-955c-4d1a-b662-2b80b8a43440"
                    "appliesTo": "ASSET",
                    "appliesToId": "f1e88f91-b2e4-49b7-a885-97c11f9482cc",
                    "id": "f1e88f91-b2e4-49b7-a885-97c11f9482cc"
            "updatedTime": "2019-08-28T14:47:52.991-0400"
    "type": {
        "id": "3322c868-eee6-11e8-8eb2-f2801f1b9fd1",
        "isDefault": true,
        "name": "Safety/Security"
    "updatedBy": "3e18ca5c-5f7f-4731-86ad-86dda63f0933",
    "updatedTime": "2019-08-28T14:47:52.991-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ro as the Geo-Fence by ID - Detail List response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ro.createdBy String bcda585b-a4e5-46df-b89c-65a629f6844f The authentication token used create this geo-fence.
ro.createdTime String 2019-08-28T11:45:08.151-0400 The time this geo-fence was created.
ro.decorators Array N/A An array whose objects describe the geo-fence.
ro.decorators[0].createdTime String 2019-08-28T11:45:08.151-0400 The time this geo-fence was created.
ro.decorators[0].id Boolean true The geo-fence ID (UUID).
ro.decorators[0].isViewable String 04721c8c-d11b-162d-baea-568ecae24562 Whether this geo-fence is visible on the floor plan.
ro.decorators[0].name String floorPlanProperties The name of this geo-fence.
ro.decorators[0].polygon Array N/A
ro.decorators[0].polygon[0] Object N/A An object containing the X and Y coordinates that define a point in the geo-fence boundary.
ro.decorators[0].polygon[0].x Number 601.3897 The X coordinate in pixels.
ro.decorators[0].polygon[0].y Number 687.0397 The Y coordinate in pixels.
ro.decorators[0].text Object N/A An object that contains the geo-fence text properties.
ro.decorators[0].text.fontSize Number 12 The text font size in pixels.
ro.decorators[0].text.position String top-center The text position.
ro.decorators[0].updatedTime String 2019-08-28T13:55:20.659-0400 The time this decorator was last updated.
ro.floor Object N/A An object whose properties describe the floor to which this geo-fence belongs.
ro.floor.name String DeleteFloor The name of the floor.
ro.floor.publicId String F1 The Public ID value for this floor.
ro.hysteresis Number 0.0 A margin included inside and outside the geo-fence boundary before alarms or events are generated, to accommodate location accuracy error.
ro.hysteresisEnabled Boolean true Whether hysteresis is enabled for this geo-fence.
ro.isEnabled Boolean true Whether this geo-fence is enabled to trigger actions and rules.
ro.isHidden Boolean true Whether this geo-fence is hidden on the floor plan.
ro.name String MyGeoasf The name of this geo-fence.
ro.rules Array N/A An array that contains one or more objects describing the rules that belong to this geo-fence.
ro.rules[INDEX].actions Array ALARM,EVENT The actions defined by this rule.
ro.rules[INDEX].createdTime String 2019-08-28T08:07:23.946-0400 The date and time this rule was created.
ro.rules[INDEX].rule Object N/A An object that contains the rule properties.
ro.rules[INDEX].rule.id String 9cbc08fb-767c-415e-a8c0-9eaa546058d4 The unique ID of this rule.
ro.rules[INDEX].rule.name String Exit The name of this rule.
ro.rules[INDEX].scopes Array N/A An array that contains the assets to which this rule applies.
ro.rules[INDEX].scopes[INDEX] Object N/A An object that describes this scope.
ro.rules[INDEX].scopes[INDEX].appliesTo String ASSET The entity type to which this scope applies.
ro.rules[INDEX].scopes[INDEX].appliesToId String 129a292a-e279-4dab-bb8e-42d10d869a35 The unique ID of the entity to which this scope applies.
ro.rules[INDEX].scopes[INDEX].id String 129a292a-e279-4dab-bb8e-42d10d869a35 The unique ID of this scope.
ro.rules[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-08-28T14:47:52.991-0400 The date and time this rule was last updated.
ro.type Object N/A An object containing the type properties of this geo-fence.
ro.type.id String 3322c868-eee6-11e8-8eb2-f2801f1b9fd1 The geo-fence ID.
ro.type.isDefault Boolean true Whether this is one of the three default geo-fence types (Safety/Security, Analytics, Boundary).
ro.type.name String Safety/Security The name of this geo-fence type.
ro.updatedBy String 3e18ca5c-5f7f-4731-86ad-86dda63f0933 The access token used to update this geo-fence.
ro.updatedTime String 2019-08-28T14:47:52.991-0400 The time this geo-fence was most recently updated.

4.8.2 Geo-Fence by ID – Display List

Returns a display list of a specified geo-fence.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/geofences/<GEO-FENCE-TOKEN>/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <GEO-FENCE-TOKEN> - Case-sensitive ID of the geo-fence being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "decorators": [
            "createdTime": "2019-08-28T13:55:20.659-0400",
            "id": "04721c8c-d11b-162d-baea-568ecae24562",
            "isViewable": true,
            "name": "floorPlanProperties",
            "polygon": [
                    "x": 142.39656,
                    "y": 166.78516
                    "x": 420.4534,
                    "y": 188.49336
            "text": {
                "fontSize": 12,
                "position": "top-center"
            "updatedTime": "2019-08-28T13:55:20.659-0400"
    "floor": {
        "name": "DeleteFloor",
        "publicId": "F1"
    "hysteresis": 0.0,
    "hysteresisEnabled": true,
    "isEnabled": true,
    "isHidden": true,
    "name": "MyGeoasf",
    "rules": [
            "actions": [
            "createdTime": "2019-08-28T08:07:23.946-0400",
            "rule": {
                "id": "9cbc08fb-767c-415e-a8c0-9eaa546058d4",
                "name": "Exit"
            "scopes": [
                    "appliesTo": "ASSET",
                    "appliesToId": "129a292a-e279-4dab-bb8e-42d10d869a35",
                    "id": "129a292a-e279-4dab-bb8e-42d10d869a35"
                    "appliesTo": "ASSET",
                    "appliesToId": "affa0d6b-955c-4d1a-b662-2b80b8a43440",
                    "id": "affa0d6b-955c-4d1a-b662-2b80b8a43440"
                    "appliesTo": "ASSET",
                    "appliesToId": "f1e88f91-b2e4-49b7-a885-97c11f9482cc",
                    "id": "f1e88f91-b2e4-49b7-a885-97c11f9482cc"
            "updatedTime": "2019-08-28T14:47:52.991-0400"
    "type": {
        "id": "3322c868-eee6-11e8-8eb2-f2801f1b9fd1",
        "isDefault": true,
        "name": "Safety/Security"
    "updatedBy": "3e18ca5c-5f7f-4731-86ad-86dda63f0933",
    "updatedTime": "2019-08-28T14:47:52.991-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ro as the Geo-Fence by ID - Display List response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ro.decorators Array N/A An array whose objects describe the geo-fence.
ro.decorators[0].createdTime String 2019-08-28T11:45:08.151-0400 The time this geo-fence was created.
ro.decorators[0].id Boolean true The geo-fence ID (UUID).
ro.decorators[0].isViewable String 04721c8c-d11b-162d-baea-568ecae24562 Whether this geo-fence is visible on the floor plan.
ro.decorators[0].name String floorPlanProperties The name of this geo-fence.
ro.decorators[0].polygon Array N/A
ro.decorators[0].polygon[0] Object N/A An object containing the X and Y coordinates that define a point in the geo-fence boundary.
ro.decorators[0].polygon[0].x Number 601.3897 The X coordinate in pixels.
ro.decorators[0].polygon[0].y Number 687.0397 The Y coordinate in pixels.
ro.decorators[0].text Object N/A An object that contains the geo-fence text properties.
ro.decorators[0].text.fontSize Number 12 The text font size in pixels.
ro.decorators[0].text.position String top-center The text position.
ro.decorators[0].updatedTime String 2019-08-28T13:55:20.659-0400 The time this decorator was last updated.
ro.floor Object N/A An object whose properties describe the floor to which this geo-fence belongs.
ro.floor.name String DeleteFloor The name of the floor.
ro.floor.publicId String F1 The Public ID value for this floor.
ro.hysteresis Number 0.0 A margin included inside and outside the geo-fence boundary before alarms or events are generated, to accommodate location accuracy error.
ro.hysteresisEnabled Boolean true Whether hysteresis is enabled for this geo-fence.
ro.isEnabled Boolean true Whether this geo-fence is enabled to trigger actions and rules.
ro.isHidden Boolean true Whether this geo-fence is hidden on the floor plan.
ro.name String MyGeoasf The name of this geo-fence.
ro.rules Array N/A An array that contains one or more objects describing the rules that belong to this geo-fence.
ro.rules[INDEX].actions Array ALARM,EVENT The actions defined by this rule.
ro.rules[INDEX].createdTime String 2019-08-28T08:07:23.946-0400 The date and time this rule was created.
ro.rules[INDEX].rule Object N/A An object that contains the rule properties.
ro.rules[INDEX].rule.id String 9cbc08fb-767c-415e-a8c0-9eaa546058d4 The unique ID of this rule.
ro.rules[INDEX].rule.name String Exit The name of this rule.
ro.rules[INDEX].scopes Array N/A An array that contains the assets to which this rule applies.
ro.rules[INDEX].scopes[INDEX] Object N/A An object that describes this scope.
ro.rules[INDEX].scopes[INDEX].appliesTo String ASSET The entity type to which this scope applies.
ro.rules[INDEX].scopes[INDEX].appliesToId String 129a292a-e279-4dab-bb8e-42d10d869a35 The unique ID of the entity to which this scope applies.
ro.rules[INDEX].scopes[INDEX].id String 129a292a-e279-4dab-bb8e-42d10d869a35 The unique ID of this scope.
ro.rules[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-08-28T14:47:52.991-0400 The date and time this rule was last updated.
ro.type Object N/A An object containing the type properties of this geo-fence.
ro.type.id String 3322c868-eee6-11e8-8eb2-f2801f1b9fd1 The geo-fence ID.
ro.type.isDefault Boolean true Whether this is one of the three default geo-fence types (Safety/Security, Analytics, Boundary).
ro.type.name String Safety/Security The name of this geo-fence type.
ro.updatedBy String 3e18ca5c-5f7f-4731-86ad-86dda63f0933 The access token used to update this geo-fence.
ro.updatedTime String 2019-08-28T14:47:52.991-0400 The time this geo-fence was most recently updated.

4.8.3 Geo-Fence by ID – Identity List

Returns an identity list of a specified geo-fence.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/geofences/<GEO-FENCE-TOKEN>/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <GEO-FENCE-TOKEN> - Case-sensitive ID of the geo-fence being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "name": "MyGeoasf"

JSON Response Values

Using ro as the Geo-Fence by ID - Identity List response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ro.name String MyGeoasf The name of the specified geo-fence.

5 Operating Data Calls

This chapter describes API calls that return operating data, such as a list of geo-fence alarms.

5.1 Get Geo-Fence Alarms for All Assets

This section contains API calls for viewing a list of all geo-fence alarms across all assets.

5.1.1 All Geo-Fence Alarms – Detail List

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/alarms/geofences/assets/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T10:27:34.357919-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-11T10:27:34.357629-04:00",
        "description": "Tag A1549B entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T14:27:34.354Z",
        "sourceType": "Defibrillators",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_0DF7_Button",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_4"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T10:25:19.358383-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-11T10:25:19.358188-04:00",
        "description": "Tag A1549B entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T14:25:19.355Z",
        "sourceType": "Defibrillators",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_0DF7_Button",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_4"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the All Geo-Fence Alarms - Detail List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and alarm properties.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-10T08:28:36.272-0400 The time the asset in alarm was most recently updated.
ra[INDEX].createdTime String 2019-09-10T08:28:36.271-0400 The time that the asset in alarm was created.
ra[INDEX].description String Tag A1549B entered in NewGeo! The description of this alarm.
ra[INDEX].status String ACTIVE Whether this alarm is active.
ra[INDEX].occurenceTime String 2019-09-11T14:27:34.354Z The time this alarm became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceType String Defibrillators The type of asset associated with this alarm.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_0DF7_Button The name of the asset associated with this alarm.
ra[INDEX].errorCode String RTLS.RULE.I.2001 Trellix internal use only.
ra[INDEX].sourcePublicId String Office_4 The public ID of this asset.

5.1.2 All Geo-Fence Alarms – Display List

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/alarms/geofences/assets/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T10:27:34.357919-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-11T10:27:34.357629-04:00",
        "description": "Tag A1549B entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T14:27:34.354Z",
        "sourceType": "Defibrillators",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_0DF7_Button",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_4"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T10:25:19.358383-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-11T10:25:19.358188-04:00",
        "description": "Tag A1549B entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T14:25:19.355Z",
        "sourceType": "Defibrillators",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_0DF7_Button",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_4"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the All Geo-Fence Alarms - Display List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and alarm properties.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-10T08:28:36.272-0400 The time the asset in alarm was most recently updated.
ra[INDEX].createdTime String 2019-09-10T08:28:36.272-0400 The time the asset in alarm was created.
ra[INDEX].description String Tag A1549B entered in NewGeo! The description of this alarm.
ra[INDEX].status String ACTIVE Whether this alarm is active.
ra[INDEX].occurenceTime String 2019-09-11T14:27:34.354Z The time this alarm became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceType String Defibrillators The type of asset associated with this alarm.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_0DF7_Button The name of the asset associated with this alarm.
ra[INDEX].errorCode String RTLS.RULE.I.2001 Trellix internal use only.
ra[INDEX].sourcePublicId Boolean Office_4 The public ID of this asset.

5.1.3 All Geo-Fence Alarms – Identity List

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/alarms/geofences/assets/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T14:27:34.354Z",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_0DF7_Button",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_4"
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T14:25:19.355Z",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_0DF7_Button",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_4"
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T14:22:49.353Z",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_0DF7_Button",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_4"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the All Geo-Fence Alarms - Identity List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX].status String ACTIVE Whether this alarm is active.
ra[INDEX].occurenceTime String 2019-09-11T14:27:34.354Z The time this alarm became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_0DF7_Button The name of the asset associated with this alarm.
ra[INDEX]. sourcePublicId Boolean false Whether the tag is assigned to an asset.

5.1.4 Geo-Fence Alarms by Asset Type – Detail List

Returns a detail list of geo-fence alarms that match a specified asset type.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/alarms/geofences/assets/detail?assetTypeId=<ASSET-TYPE-ID> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-TYPE-ID> - Case-sensitive asset type for which alarms will be listed.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T09:57:27.496097-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-10T23:54:26.856791-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D9 entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T03:54:26.852Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T09:57:27.484397-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-10T23:53:56.864702-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D9 entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T03:53:56.858Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T09:57:27.473062-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-10T23:53:19.367149-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D9 entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T03:53:19.363Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Geo-Fence Alarms by Asset Type - Detail List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and alarm properties.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-10T08:28:36.272-0400 The time the asset in alarm was most recently updated.
ra[INDEX].createdTime String 2019-09-10T08:28:36.271-0400 The time that the asset in alarm was created.
ra[INDEX].description String Tag A1549B entered in NewGeo! The description of this alarm.
ra[INDEX].status String ACTIVE Whether this alarm is active.
ra[INDEX].occurenceTime String 2019-09-11T14:27:34.354Z The time this alarm became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceType String Defibrillators The asset type specified in the request.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_0DF7_Button The name of the asset associated with this alarm.
ra[INDEX].errorCode String RTLS.RULE.I.2001 Trellix internal use only.
ra[INDEX].sourcePublicId String Office_1 The public ID of the assigned asset.

5.1.5 Geo-Fence Alarms by Asset Type – Display List

Returns a display list of geo-fence alarms that match a specified asset type.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/alarms/geofences/assets/display?assetTypeId=<ASSET-TYPE-ID> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-TYPE-ID> - Case-sensitive asset type for which alarms will be listed.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T09:57:27.496097-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D9 entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T03:54:26.852Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T09:57:27.484397-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D9 entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T03:53:56.858Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T09:57:27.473062-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D9 entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T03:53:19.363Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Geo-Fence Alarms by Asset Type - Detail List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and alarm properties.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-11T09:57:27.496097-04:00 The time the asset in alarm was most recently updated.
ra[INDEX].description String Tag 2646D9 entered in NewGeo! The description of this alarm.
ra[INDEX].status String ACKNOWLEDGED Whether this alarm is active.
ra[INDEX].occurenceTime String 2019-09-11T03:54:26.852Z The time this alarm became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceType String Aerosol Tents The asset type specified in the request.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_46D9_Battery The name of the asset associated with this alarm.
ra[INDEX].errorCode String RTLS.RULE.I.2001 Trellix internal use only.
ra[INDEX].sourcePublicId String Office_1 The public ID of the assigned asset.

5.1.6 Geo-Fence Alarms by Asset Type – Identity List

Returns an identity list of geo-fence alarms that match a specified asset type.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/alarms/geofences/assets/identity?assetTypeId=<ASSET-TYPE-ID> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-TYPE-ID> - Case-sensitive asset type for which alarms will be listed.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T03:54:26.852Z",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"
        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T03:53:56.858Z",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"
        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T03:53:19.363Z",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Geo-Fence Alarms by Asset Type - Detail List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and alarm properties.
ra[INDEX].status String ACKNOWLEDGED Whether this alarm is active.
ra[INDEX].occurenceTime String 2019-09-11T03:54:26.852Z The time this alarm became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_46D9_Battery The name of the asset associated with this alarm.
ra[INDEX].sourcePublicId String Office_1 The public ID of the assigned asset.

5.1.7 Geo-Fence Alarms by Department – Detail List

Returns a detail list of geo-fence alarms that match a specified department.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/alarms/geofences/assets/detail?departmentId=<DEPT-TYPE-ID> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <DEPT-TYPE-ID> - Case-sensitive department type for which alarms will be listed.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T10:27:34.357919-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-11T10:27:34.357629-04:00",
        "description": "Tag A1549B entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T14:27:34.354Z",
        "sourceType": "Defibrillators",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_0DF7_Button",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_4"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T10:25:19.358383-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-11T10:25:19.358188-04:00",
        "description": "Tag A1549B entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T14:25:19.355Z",
        "sourceType": "Defibrillators",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_0DF7_Button",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_4"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T10:22:49.357392-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-11T10:22:49.35705-04:00",
        "description": "Tag A1549B entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T14:22:49.353Z",
        "sourceType": "Defibrillators",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_0DF7_Button",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_4"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Geo-Fence Alarms by Department Type - Detail List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and alarm properties.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-11T10:27:34.357919-04:00 The time the asset in alarm was most recently updated.
ra[INDEX].createdTime String 2019-09-11T10:27:34.357629-04:00 The time that the asset in alarm was created.
ra[INDEX].description String Tag A1549B entered in NewGeo! The description of this alarm.
ra[INDEX].status String ACTIVE Whether this alarm is active.
ra[INDEX].occurenceTime String 2019-09-11T14:27:34.354Z The time this alarm became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceType String Defibrillators The asset type.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_0DF7_Button The name of the asset associated with this alarm.
ra[INDEX].errorCode String RTLS.RULE.I.2001 Trellix internal use only.
ra[INDEX].sourcePublicId String Office_4 The public ID of the assigned asset.

5.1.8 Geo-Fence Alarms by Department – Display List

Returns a detail list of geo-fence alarms that match a specified department.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/alarms/geofences/assets/display?departmentId=<DEPT-TYPE-ID> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <DEPT-TYPE-ID> - Case-sensitive department type for which alarms will be listed.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T10:27:34.357919-04:00",
        "description": "Tag A1549B entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T14:27:34.354Z",
        "sourceType": "Defibrillators",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_0DF7_Button",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_4"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T10:25:19.358383-04:00",
        "description": "Tag A1549B entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T14:25:19.355Z",
        "sourceType": "Defibrillators",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_0DF7_Button",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_4"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T10:22:49.357392-04:00",
        "description": "Tag A1549B entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T14:22:49.353Z",
        "sourceType": "Defibrillators",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_0DF7_Button",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_4"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Geo-Fence Alarms by Department Type - Display List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and alarm properties.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-11T10:27:34.357919-04:00 The time the asset in alarm was most recently updated.
ra[INDEX].description String Tag A1549B entered in NewGeo! The description of this alarm.
ra[INDEX].status String ACTIVE Whether this alarm is active.
ra[INDEX].occurenceTime String 2019-09-11T14:27:34.354Z The time this alarm became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceType String Defibrillators The type of asset associated with the alarm.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_0DF7_Button The name of the asset associated with this alarm.
ra[INDEX].errorCode String RTLS.RULE.I.2001 Trellix internal use only.
ra[INDEX].sourcePublicId String Office_4 The public ID of the assigned asset.

5.1.9 Geo-Fence Alarms by Department – Identity List

Returns an identity list of geo-fence alarms that match a specified department.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/alarms/geofences/assets/identity?departmentId=<DEPT-TYPE-ID> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <DEPT-TYPE-ID> - Case-sensitive department type for which alarms will be listed.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T14:27:34.354Z",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_0DF7_Button",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_4"
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T14:25:19.355Z",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_0DF7_Button",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_4"
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T14:22:49.353Z",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_0DF7_Button",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_4"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Geo-Fence Alarms by Department Type - Identity List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and alarm properties.
ra[INDEX].status String ACTIVE Whether this alarm is active.
ra[INDEX].occurenceTime String 2019-09-11T14:27:34.354Z The time this alarm became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_0DF7_Button The name of the asset associated with this alarm.
ra[INDEX].sourcePublicId String Office_4 The public ID of the assigned asset.

5.2 Get Geo-Fence Alarms for a Single Asset

This section contains API calls for viewing a list of all geo-fence alarms for a specified asset.

5.2.1 Geo-Fence Alarms for a Single Asset – Detail List

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/alarms/geofences/assets/<ASSET-ID>/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the asset being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T09:57:27.496097-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-10T23:54:26.856791-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D9 entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T03:54:26.852Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T09:57:27.484397-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-10T23:53:56.864702-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D9 entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T03:53:56.858Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Geo-Fence Alarms for a Single Asset - Detail List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and alarm properties.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-11T09:57:27.496097-04:00 The time the asset in alarm was most recently updated.
ra[INDEX].createdTime String 2019-09-10T23:54:26.856791-04:00 The time that the asset in alarm was created.
ra[INDEX].description String Tag 2646D9 entered in NewGeo! The description of this alarm.
ra[INDEX].status String ACKNOWLEDGED Whether this alarm is active.
ra[INDEX].occurenceTime String 2019-09-11T03:54:26.852Z The time this alarm became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceType String Aerosol Tents The type of asset associated with this alarm.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_46D9_Battery The name of the asset associated with this alarm.
ra[INDEX].errorCode String RTLS.RULE.I.2001 Trellix internal use only.
ra[INDEX].sourcePublicId String Office_1 The public ID of this asset.

5.2.2 Geo-Fence Alarms for a Single Asset – Display List

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/alarms/geofences/assets/<ASSET-ID>/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the asset being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T09:57:27.496097-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D9 entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T03:54:26.852Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-11T09:57:27.484397-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D9 entered in NewGeo!",
        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T03:53:56.858Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Geo-Fence Alarms for a Single Asset - Display List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and alarm properties.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-11T09:57:27.496097-04:00 The time the asset in alarm was most recently updated.
ra[INDEX].description String Tag 2646D9 entered in NewGeo! The description of this alarm.
ra[INDEX].status String ACKNOWLEDGED Whether this alarm is active.
ra[INDEX].occurenceTime String 2019-09-11T03:54:26.852Z The time this alarm became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceType String Aerosol Tents The type of asset associated with this alarm.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_46D9_Battery The name of the asset associated with this alarm.
ra[INDEX].errorCode String RTLS.RULE.I.2001 Trellix internal use only.
ra[INDEX].sourcePublicId String Office_1 The public ID of this asset.

5.2.3 Geo-Fence Alarms for a Single Asset – Identity List

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/alarms/geofences/assets/<ASSET-ID>/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the asset being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T03:54:26.852Z",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"
        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T03:53:56.858Z",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"
        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-11T03:53:19.363Z",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Geo-Fence Alarms for a Single Asset - Identity List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and alarm properties.
ra[INDEX].status String ACKNOWLEDGED Whether this alarm is active.
ra[INDEX].occurenceTime String 2019-09-11T03:54:26.852Z The time this alarm became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_46D9_Battery The name of the asset associated with this alarm.
ra[INDEX].sourcePublicId String Office_1 The public ID of this asset.

5.3 Get Geo-Fence Events for all Assets

5.3.1 All Geo-Fence Events – Detail List

Returns a detail list of all geo-fence events for all assets.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/events/geofences/assets/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedTime": "2019-09-16T08:07:50.416274-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-16T08:07:50.416149-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D9 exited from GeoAlarmOnly!",
        "errorEventType": "I",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-16T12:07:50.413Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-16T08:07:50.404172-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-16T08:07:50.403982-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D6 entered in GeoAlarmOnly!",
        "errorEventType": "I",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-16T12:07:50.400Z",
        "sourceType": "Babies",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D6_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_2"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-16T08:07:42.981857-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-16T08:07:42.981706-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D6 exited from GeoAlarmOnly!",
        "errorEventType": "I",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-16T12:07:42.975Z",
        "sourceType": "Babies",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D6_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_2"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Geo-Fence Events for All Assets - Detail List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and event properties.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-16T08:07:50.416274-04:00 The time the asset in event was most recently updated.
ra[INDEX].createdTime String 2019-09-16T08:07:50.416149-04:00 The time that the asset in event was created.
ra[INDEX].description String Tag 2646D9 exited from GeoAlarmOnly! The description of this event.
ra[INDEX].errorEventType String I The type of this event.
ra[INDEX].occurenceTime String 2019-09-16T12:07:50.413Z The time this event became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceType String Aerosol Tents The type of asset associated with this event.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_46D9_Battery The name of the asset associated with this event.
ra[INDEX].errorCode String RTLS.RULE.I.2001 Trellix internal use only.
ra[INDEX].sourcePublicId String Office_1 The public ID of this asset.

5.3.2 All Geo-Fence Events – Display List

Returns a display list of all geo-fence events for all assets.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/events/geofences/assets/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedTime": "2019-09-16T08:07:50.416274-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D9 exited from GeoAlarmOnly!",
        "errorEventType": "I",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-16T12:07:50.413Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-16T08:07:50.404172-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D6 entered in GeoAlarmOnly!",
        "errorEventType": "I",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-16T12:07:50.400Z",
        "sourceType": "Babies",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D6_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_2"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-16T08:07:42.981857-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D6 exited from GeoAlarmOnly!",
        "errorEventType": "I",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-16T12:07:42.975Z",
        "sourceType": "Babies",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D6_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_2"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Geo-Fence Events for All Assets - Display List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and event properties.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-16T08:07:50.416274-04:00 The time the asset in event was most recently updated.
ra[INDEX].description String Tag 2646D9 exited from GeoAlarmOnly! The description of this event.
ra[INDEX].errorEventType String I The type of this event.
ra[INDEX].occurenceTime String 2019-09-16T12:07:50.413Z The time this event became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceType String Aerosol Tents The type of asset associated with this event.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_46D9_Battery The name of the asset associated with this event.
ra[INDEX].errorCode String RTLS.RULE.I.2001 Trellix internal use only.
ra[INDEX].sourcePublicId String Office_1 The public ID of this asset.

5.3.3 All Geo-Fence Events – Identity List

Returns an identity list of all geo-fence events for all assets.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/events/geofences/assets/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "errorEventType": "I",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-16T12:07:50.413Z",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"
        "errorEventType": "I",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-16T12:07:50.400Z",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D6_Battery",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_2"
        "errorEventType": "I",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-16T12:07:42.975Z",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D6_Battery",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_2"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Geo-Fence Events for All Assets - Identity List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and event properties.
ra[INDEX].errorEventType String I The type of this event.
ra[INDEX].occurenceTime String 2019-09-16T12:07:50.413Z The time this event became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_46D9_Battery The name of the asset associated with this event.
ra[INDEX].sourcePublicId String Office_1 The public ID of this asset.

5.4 Get Geo-Fence Events for a Single Asset

5.4.1 Geo-Fence Events for a Single Asset – Detail List

Returns a detail list of all geo-fence events for a single asset.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/events/geofences/assets/<ASSET-ID>/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the asset being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedTime": "2019-09-16T08:07:50.416274-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-16T08:07:50.416149-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D9 exited from GeoAlarmOnly!",
        "errorEventType": "I",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-16T12:07:50.413Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-16T08:06:50.426483-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-16T08:06:50.426291-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D9 entered in GeoAlarmOnly!",
        "errorEventType": "I",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-16T12:06:50.421Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-16T08:06:42.916809-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-16T08:06:42.916647-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D9 exited from GeoAlarmOnly!",
        "errorEventType": "I",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-16T12:06:42.914Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Geo-Fence Events for a Single Asset - Detail List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and event properties.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-16T08:07:50.416274-04:00 The time the asset in event was most recently updated.
ra[INDEX].createdTime String 2019-09-16T08:07:50.416149-04:00 The time that the asset in event was created.
ra[INDEX].description String Tag 2646D9 exited from GeoAlarmOnly! The description of this event.
ra[INDEX].errorEventType String I The type of this event.
ra[INDEX].occurenceTime String 2019-09-16T12:07:50.413Z The time this event became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceType String Aerosol Tents The type of asset associated with this event.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_46D9_Battery The name of the asset associated with this event.
ra[INDEX].errorCode String RTLS.RULE.I.2001 Trellix internal use only.
ra[INDEX].sourcePublicId String Office_1 The public ID of this asset.

5.4.2 Geo-Fence Events for a Single Asset – Display List

Returns a display list of all geo-fence events for a single asset.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/events/geofences/assets/<ASSET-ID>/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the asset being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedTime": "2019-09-16T08:07:50.416274-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D9 exited from GeoAlarmOnly!",
        "errorEventType": "I",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-16T12:07:50.413Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-16T08:06:50.426483-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D9 entered in GeoAlarmOnly!",
        "errorEventType": "I",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-16T12:06:50.421Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"
        "updatedTime": "2019-09-16T08:06:42.916809-04:00",
        "description": "Tag 2646D9 exited from GeoAlarmOnly!",
        "errorEventType": "I",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-16T12:06:42.914Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Geo-Fence Events for a Single Asset - Display List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and event properties.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-16T08:07:50.416274-04:00 The time the asset in event was most recently updated.
ra[INDEX].description String Tag 2646D9 exited from GeoAlarmOnly! The description of this event.
ra[INDEX].errorEventType String I The type of this event.
ra[INDEX].occurenceTime String 2019-09-16T12:07:50.413Z The time this event became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceType String Aerosol Tents The type of asset associated with this event.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_46D9_Battery The name of the asset associated with this event.
ra[INDEX].errorCode String RTLS.RULE.I.2001 Trellix internal use only.
ra[INDEX].sourcePublicId String Office_1 The public ID of this asset.

5.4.3 Geo-Fence Events for a Single Asset – Identity List

Returns an identity list of all geo-fence events for a single asset.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/events/geofences/assets/<ASSET-ID>/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the asset being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "errorEventType": "I",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-16T12:07:50.413Z",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"
        "errorEventType": "I",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-16T12:07:50.400Z",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D6_Battery",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_2"
        "errorEventType": "I",
        "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-16T12:07:42.975Z",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D6_Battery",
        "sourcePublicId": "Office_2"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Geo-Fence Events for a Single Asset - Identity List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and event properties.
ra[INDEX].errorEventType String I The type of this event.
ra[INDEX].occurenceTime String 2019-09-16T12:07:50.413Z The time this event became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_46D9_Battery The name of the asset associated with this event.
ra[INDEX].sourcePublicId String Office_1 The public ID of this asset.

6 Real-time Operating Data Calls

This chapter describes API calls that return real-time operating data, such as real-time asset locations.


See Realtime Operating Data Using WebSocket and REST for information on transferring operating data in real-time using WebSocket and REST.

6.1 Get Realtime Locations for All Assets

6.1.1 Realtime Location for All Assets – Detail List

Returns a detail list of real-time location for all configured assets.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/lastlocation/all/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "macAddress": "A10DF7",
        "x": 433.45,
        "y": 723.27,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_4",
        "publicEndpointId": "E110",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-09T13:34:18.993-0400"
        "macAddress": "2646D9",
        "x": 341.23,
        "y": 713.37,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_1",
        "publicEndpointId": "E98",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T09:30:57.914-0400"
        "macAddress": "A10E75",
        "x": 644.06,
        "y": 553.87,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_4",
        "publicEndpointId": "E182",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-09T17:39:36.274-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Realtime Location for All Assets – Detail List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and location properties.
ra[INDEX].macAddress String A10DF7 The MAC ID of the asset.
ra[INDEX].x Number 433.45 The X location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].y Number 723.27 The Y location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].z Number 0.0 The Z location of the asset (not used).
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String Office_4 The unique ID assigned to this asset.
ra[INDEX].publicEndpointId String E110 The public End Point ID
ra[INDEX].publicFloorId String F12 The floor on which this asset was located.
ra[INDEX].processedAt String 2019-09-09T13:34:18.993-0400 The time that location data was last received.

6.1.2 Realtime Location for All Assets – Display List

Returns a display list of real-time location for all configured assets.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/lastlocation/all/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "macAddress": "A10DF7",
        "x": 433.45,
        "y": 723.27,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_4",
        "publicEndpointId": "E110",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-09T13:34:18.993-0400"
        "macAddress": "2646D9",
        "x": 432.43,
        "y": 441.12,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_1",
        "publicEndpointId": "E477",
        "publicFloorId": "F13",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T10:08:42.900-0400"
        "macAddress": "A10E75",
        "x": 644.06,
        "y": 553.87,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_4",
        "publicEndpointId": "E182",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-09T17:39:36.274-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Realtime Location for All Assets – Display List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and location properties.
ra[INDEX].macAddress String A10DF7 The MAC ID of the asset.
ra[INDEX].x Number 433.45 The X location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].y Number 723.27 The Y location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].z Number 0.0 The Z location of the asset (not used).
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String Office_4 The unique ID assigned to this asset.
ra[INDEX].publicEndpointId String E110 The Public End Point ID.
ra[INDEX].publicFloorId String F12 The Public Floor ID.
ra[INDEX].processedAt String 2019-09-09T13:34:18.993-0400 The time that location data was last received.

6.1.3 Realtime Location for All Assets – Identity List

Returns an identity list of real-time location for all configured assets.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/lastlocation/all/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "macAddress": "A10DF7",
        "x": 433.45,
        "y": 723.27,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_4",
        "publicEndpointId": "E110",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-09T13:34:18.993-0400"
        "macAddress": "2646D9",
        "x": 424.8256,
        "y": 458.21674,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_1",
        "publicEndpointId": "E477",
        "publicFloorId": "F13",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T10:12:20.407-0400"
        "macAddress": "A10E75",
        "x": 644.06,
        "y": 553.87,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_4",
        "publicEndpointId": "E182",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-09T17:39:36.274-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Realtime Location for All Assets – Identity List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Property Type Example Value Description
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and location properties.
ra[INDEX].macAddress String A10DF7 The MAC ID of the asset.
ra[INDEX].x Number 433.45 The X location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].y Number 723.27 The Y location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].z Number 0.0 The Z location of the asset (not used).
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String Office_4 The unique ID assigned to this asset.
ra[INDEX].publicEndpointId String E110 The Public End Point ID.
ra[INDEX].publicFloorId String F12 The Public Floor ID.
ra[INDEX].processedAt String 2019-09-09T13:34:18.993-0400 The time that location data was last received.

6.2 Get Realtime Location for a Single Asset

6.2.1 Realtime Location for a Single Asset – Detail View

Returns a detail view of the real-time location for a specified asset.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/<ASSET-ID>/lastlocation/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the asset being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "macAddress": "2646D6",
    "x": 352.67,
    "y": 462.86,
    "z": 0.0,
    "inventoryId": "Office_2",
    "publicEndpointId": "E481",
    "publicFloorId": "F13",
    "processedAt": "2019-09-16T10:14:42.901-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ro as the Realtime Location for a Single Asset – Detail View response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ro.macAddress String 2646D6 The MAC ID of the asset.
ro.x Number 352.67 The X location of the asset.
ro.y Number 462.86 The Y location of the asset.
ro.z Number 0.0 The Z location of the asset (not used).
ro.inventoryId String Office_2 The unique ID assigned to the asset.
ro.publicEndpointId String E481 The Public End Point ID.
ro.publicFloorId String F13 The Public Floor ID.
ro.processedAt String 2019-09-16T10:14:42.901-0400 The time that location data was last received.

6.2.2 Realtime Location for a Single Asset – Display View

Returns a display view of the real-time location for a specified asset.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/<ASSET-ID>/lastlocation/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the asset being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "macAddress": "2646D6",
    "x": 409.61,
    "y": 457.26,
    "z": 0.0,
    "inventoryId": "Office_2",
    "publicEndpointId": "E477",
    "publicFloorId": "F13",
    "processedAt": "2019-09-16T10:24:57.908-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ro as the Realtime Location for a Single Asset – Display View response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ro.macAddress String 2646D6 The MAC ID of the asset.
ro.x Number 409.61 The X location of the asset.
ro.y Number 457.26 The Y location of the asset.
ro.z Number 0.0 The Z location of the asset (not used).
ro.inventoryId String Office_2 The unique ID assigned to the asset.
ro.publicEndpointId String E477 The Public End Point ID.
ro.publicFloorId String F13 The Public Floor ID.
ro.processedAt String 2019-09-16T10:24:57.908-0400 The time that location data was last received.

6.2.3 Realtime Location for a Single Asset – Identity View

Returns an identity view of the real-time location for a specified asset.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/<ASSET-ID>/lastlocation/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the asset being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "macAddress": "2646D6",
    "x": 424.8256,
    "y": 458.21674,
    "z": 0.0,
    "inventoryId": "Office_2",
    "publicEndpointId": "E477",
    "publicFloorId": "F13",
    "processedAt": "2019-09-16T10:28:12.883-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ro as the Realtime Location for a Single Asset – Identity View response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ro.macAddress String 2646D6 The MAC ID of the asset.
ro.x Number 424.8256 The X location of the asset.
ro.y Number 458.21674 The Y location of the asset.
ro.z Number 0.0 The Z location of the asset (not used).
ro.inventoryId String Office_2 The unique ID assigned to the asset.
ro.publicEndpointId String E477 The Public End Point ID.
ro.publicFloorId String F13 The Public Floor ID.
ro.processedAt String 2019-09-16T10:28:12.883-0400 The time that location data was last received.

6.3 Get Realtime Asset Location by Type

6.3.1 Asset Location by Type – Detail List

Returns a detail list of asset locations that match a specified asset type.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/lastlocation/all/detail?assetTypeId=<ASSET-TYPE-ID> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-TYPE-ID> - Case-sensitive asset type for which location will be listed.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "macAddress": "A14C13",
        "x": 317.36,
        "y": 441.65,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_6",
        "publicEndpointId": "E481",
        "publicFloorId": "F13",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T10:34:20.397-0400"
        "macAddress": "2646D6",
        "x": 406.36,
        "y": 455.28,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_2",
        "publicEndpointId": "E477",
        "publicFloorId": "F13",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T10:34:20.390-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Asset Locations by Type - Detail List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and location properties.
ra[INDEX].macAddress String A14C13 The MAC ID of the asset.
ra[INDEX].x Number 317.36 The X location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].y Number 441.65 The Y location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].z Number 0.0 The Z location of the asset (not used).
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String Office_6 The unique ID assigned to the asset.
ra[INDEX].publicEndpointId String E481 The Public End Point ID.
ra[INDEX].publicFloorId String F13 The Public Floor ID.
ra[INDEX].processedAt String 2019-09-16T10:34:20.397-0400 The time that location data was last received.

6.3.2 Asset Location by Type – Display List

Returns a display list of asset locations that match a specified asset type.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/lastlocation/all/display?assetTypeId=<ASSET-TYPE-ID> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-TYPE-ID> - Case-sensitive asset type for which location will be listed.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "macAddress": "A14C13",
        "x": 331.1,
        "y": 350.52,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_6",
        "publicEndpointId": "E449",
        "publicFloorId": "F13",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T10:43:35.402-0400"
        "macAddress": "2646D6",
        "x": 309.94,
        "y": 681.51,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_2",
        "publicEndpointId": "E92",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T10:43:35.401-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Asset Locations by Type - Display List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and location properties.
ra[INDEX].macAddress String A14C13 The MAC ID of the asset.
ra[INDEX].x Number 331.1 The X location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].y Number 350.52 The Y location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].z Number 0.0 The Z location of the asset (not used).
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String Office_6 The unique ID assigned to the asset.
ra[INDEX].publicEndpointId String E449 The Public End Point ID.
ra[INDEX].publicFloorId String F13 The Public Floor ID.
ra[INDEX].processedAt String 2019-09-16T10:43:35.402-0400 The time that location data was last received.

6.3.3 Asset Location by Type – Identity List

Returns an identity list of asset locations that match a specified asset type.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/lastlocation/all/identity?assetTypeId=<ASSET-TYPE-ID> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-TYPE-ID> - Case-sensitive asset type for which location will be listed.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "macAddress": "A14C13",
        "x": 411.55,
        "y": 714.28,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_6",
        "publicEndpointId": "E110",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T10:45:57.907-0400"
        "macAddress": "2646D6",
        "x": 325.49,
        "y": 672.94,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_2",
        "publicEndposintId": "E92",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T10:45:57.903-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Asset Locations by Type - Identity List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and location properties.
ra[INDEX].macAddress String A14C13 The MAC ID of the asset.
ra[INDEX].x Number 411.55 The X location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].y Number 714.28 The Y location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].z Number 0.0 The Z location of the asset (not used).
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String Office_6 The unique ID assigned to the asset.
ra[INDEX].publicEndpointId String E110 The Public End Point ID.
ra[INDEX].publicFloorId String F12 The Public Floor ID.
ra[INDEX].processedAt String 2019-09-16T10:45:57.907-0400 The time that location data was last received.

6.4 Get Realtime Asset Location by Department

6.4.1 Asset Location by Department – Detail List

Returns a detail list of asset locations that match a specified department type.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/lastlocation/all/detail?departmentId=<DEPT-TYPE-ID> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <DEPT-TYPE-ID> - Case-sensitive department type for which asset locations will be listed.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "macAddress": "A14C13",
        "x": 317.36,
        "y": 441.65,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_6",
        "publicEndpointId": "E481",
        "publicFloorId": "F13",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T10:34:20.397-0400"
        "macAddress": "2646D6",
        "x": 406.36,
        "y": 455.28,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_2",
        "publicEndpointId": "E477",
        "publicFloorId": "F13",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T10:34:20.390-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Asset Locations by Department - Detail List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and location properties.
ra[INDEX].macAddress String A14C13 The MAC ID of the asset.
ra[INDEX].x Number 317.36 The X location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].y Number 441.65 The Y location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].z Number 0.0 The Z location of the asset (not used).
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String Office_6 The unique ID assigned to the asset.
ra[INDEX].publicEndpointId String E481 The Public End Point ID.
ra[INDEX].publicFloorId String F13 The Public Floor ID.
ra[INDEX].processedAt String 2019-09-16T10:34:20.397-0400 The time that location data was last received.

6.4.2 Asset Location by Department – Display List

Returns a display list of asset locations that match a specified department type.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/lastlocation/all/display?departmentId=<DEPT-TYPE-ID> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <DEPT-TYPE-ID> - Case-sensitive department type for which asset locations will be listed.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "macAddress": "A14C13",
        "x": 331.1,
        "y": 350.52,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_6",
        "publicEndpointId": "E449",
        "publicFloorId": "F13",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T10:43:35.402-0400"
        "macAddress": "2646D6",
        "x": 309.94,
        "y": 681.51,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_2",
        "publicEndpointId": "E92",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T10:43:35.401-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Asset Locations by Department - Display List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and location properties.
ra[INDEX].macAddress String A14C13 The MAC ID of the asset.
ra[INDEX].x Number 331.1 The X location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].y Number 350.52 The Y location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].z Number 0.0 The Z location of the asset (not used).
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String Office_6 The unique ID assigned to the asset.
ra[INDEX].publicEndpointId String E449 The Public End Point ID.
ra[INDEX].publicFloorId String F13 The Public Floor ID.
ra[INDEX].processedAt String 2019-09-16T10:43:35.402-0400 The time that location data was last received.

6.4.3 Asset Location by Department – Identity List

Returns an identity list of asset locations that match a specified department.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/lastlocation/all/identity?departmentId=<DEPT-TYPE-ID> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <DEPT-TYPE-ID> - Case-sensitive department type for which asset locations will be listed.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "macAddress": "A10DF7",
        "x": 633.69,
        "y": 550.52,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "East_Wing",
        "publicEndpointId": "E182",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-09T14:46:18.988-0400"
        "macAddress": "A1549B",
        "x": 563.44,
        "y": 522.91,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "gfg",
        "publicEndpointId": "E116",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-09T13:38:41.479-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Asset Locations by Department - Identity List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and location properties.
ra[INDEX].macAddress String A10DF7 The MAC ID of the asset.
ra[INDEX].x Number 633.69 The X location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].y Number 550.52 The Y location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].z Number 0.0 The Z location of the asset (not used).
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String East_Wing The unique ID assigned to the asset.
ra[INDEX].publicEndpointId String E182 The Public End Point ID.
ra[INDEX].publicFloorId String F12 The Public Floor ID.
ra[INDEX].processedAt String 2019-09-09T14:46:18.988-0400 The time that location data was last received.

7 Historical Data Calls

7.1 Get Location History by Asset ID

7.1.1 Location History by Asset ID – Detail List

Returns a detail list of location history for a specified asset.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/location/history/<ASSET-ID>/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the asset being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "macAddress": "2646D6",
        "x": 569.2315,
        "y": 658.0092,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_2",
        "publicEndpointId": "E80",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T11:29:40.117-0400"
        "macAddress": "2646D6",
        "x": 569.2315,
        "y": 658.0092,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_2",
        "publicEndpointId": "E80",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T11:29:32.613-0400"
        "macAddress": "2646D6",
        "x": 569.2315,
        "y": 658.0092,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_2",
        "publicEndpointId": "E80",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T11:29:25.114-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Realtime Location for All Assets – Detail List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and location properties.
ra[INDEX].macAddress String 2646D6 The MAC ID of the asset.
ra[INDEX].x Number 569.2315 The X location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].y Number 658.0092 The Y location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].z Number 0.0 The Z location of the asset (not used).
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String Office_2 The unique ID assigned to the asset.
ra[INDEX].publicEndpointId String E80 The Public End Point ID.
ra[INDEX].publicFloorId String F12 The Public Floor ID.
ra[INDEX].processedAt String 2019-09-16T11:29:40.117-0400 The time that location data was last received.

7.1.2 Location History by Asset ID – Display List

Returns a display list of location history for a specified asset.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/location/history/<ASSET-ID>/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the asset being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "macAddress": "2646D9",
        "x": 569.2315,
        "y": 658.0092,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_1",
        "publicEndpointId": "E80",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T11:28:17.628-0400"
        "macAddress": "2646D9",
        "x": 569.2315,
        "y": 658.0092,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_1",
        "publicEndpointId": "E80",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T11:26:55.124-0400"
        "macAddress": "2646D9",
        "x": 569.2315,
        "y": 658.0092,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_1",
        "publicEndpointId": "E80",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-16T11:21:47.622-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Realtime Location for Assets by Asset ID – Display List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and location properties.
ra[INDEX].macAddress String 2646D9 The MAC ID of the asset.
ra[INDEX].x Number 569.2315 The X location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].y Number 658.0092 The Y location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].z Number 0.0 The Z location of the asset (not used).
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String Office_1 The unique ID assigned to the asset.
ra[INDEX].publicEndpointId String E80 The Public End Point ID.
ra[INDEX].publicFloorId String F12 The Public Floor ID.
ra[INDEX].processedAt String 2019-09-16T11:28:17.628-0400 The time that location data was last received.

7.1.3 Location History by Asset ID – Identity List

Returns an identity list of location history for a specified asset.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/location/history/<ASSET-ID>/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the asset being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "macAddress": "2646D9",
        "x": 403.77,
        "y": 719.26,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_1",
        "publicEndpointId": "E110",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-11T15:50:11.865-0400"
        "macAddress": "2646D9",
        "x": 410.97,
        "y": 725.4,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_1",
        "publicEndpointId": "E110",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-11T15:50:04.359-0400"
        "macAddress": "2646D9",
        "x": 407.44,
        "y": 719.19,
        "z": 0.0,
        "inventoryId": "Office_1",
        "publicEndpointId": "E110",
        "publicFloorId": "F12",
        "processedAt": "2019-09-11T15:49:56.857-0400"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Realtime Location for Assets by Asset ID – Identity List response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and location properties.
ra[INDEX].macAddress String 2646D9 The MAC ID of the asset.
ra[INDEX].x Number 403.77 The X location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].y Number 719.26 The Y location of the asset.
ra[INDEX].z Number 0.0 The Z location of the asset (not used).
ra[INDEX].inventoryId String Office_1 The unique ID assigned to the asset.
ra[INDEX].publicEndpointId String E110 The Public End Point ID.
ra[INDEX].publicFloorId String F12 The Public Floor ID.
ra[INDEX].processedAt String 2019-09-11T15:50:11.865-0400 The time that location data was last received.

7.1.4 Including a Date Range with Location History by Asset ID

A date range can optionally be applied to each of the Location History by Asset ID calls (Detail, Display, Identity). This is done by appending from and to query strings to the call. The same data structures are returned as for the regular calls, but the results are limited to the specified date range.


Date Range Format

The start and end dates provided must have the following format:



  • <YYYY> - Four-digit year.

  • <MM> - Two-digit month of the year.

  • <DD> - Two-digit day of the month.

  • <HH> - Two-digit hour of the day.

  • <MM> - Two-digit minute of the hour.

  • <SS> - Two-digit second of the minute.

  • <MS> - Three-digit millisecond of the second.

  • <GMT> - Five-character, URL-encoded GMT offset.

7.2 Get Button Press History for a Single Asset

7.2.1 Button Press History for a Single Asset – Detail View

Returns a detail list of button press history for a specified asset.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/<ASSET-ID>/buttonPress/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the asset being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedTime": "2019-09-16T08:22:02.711812-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-11T10:12:32.186712-04:00",
        "description": "tag Button Press",
        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2017-03-01T20:14:34.000Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.DATA.I.2005"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Button Press History for a Single Asset – Detail View response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and button press properties.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-16T08:22:02.711812-04:00 The time the requested asset was last updated.
ra[INDEX].createdTime String 2019-09-11T10:12:32.186712-04:00 The time the required asset was created.
ra[INDEX].description String Tag Button Press The history description.
ra[INDEX].status String ACKNOWLEDGED The status of the button press event.
ra[INDEX].occurrenceTime String 2017-03-01T20:14:34.000Z The time this event became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceType String Aerosol Tents The type of the asset associated with this button press.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_46D9_Battery The name of the asset associated with this button press.
ra[INDEX].errorCode String RTLS.DATA.I.2005 Internal Trellix use only.

7.2.2 Button Press History for a Single Asset – Display View

Returns a display list of button press history for a specified asset.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/<ASSET-ID>/buttonPress/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the asset being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedTime": "2019-09-16T08:22:02.711812-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-11T10:12:32.186712-04:00",
        "description": "tag Button Press",
        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2017-03-01T20:14:34.000Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.DATA.I.2005"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Button Press History for a Single Asset – Identity View response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and button press properties.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-16T08:22:02.711812-04:00 The time the requested asset was last updated.
ra[INDEX].createdTime String 2019-09-11T10:12:32.186712-04:00 The time the required asset was created.
ra[INDEX].description String Tag Button Press The history description.
ra[INDEX].status String ACKNOWLEDGED The status of the button press event.
ra[INDEX].occurrenceTime String 2017-03-01T20:14:34.000Z The time this event became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceType String Aerosol Tents The type of the asset associated with this button press.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_46D9_Battery The name of the asset associated with this button press.
ra[INDEX].errorCode String RTLS.DATA.I.2005 Internal Trellix use only.

7.2.3 Button Press History for a Single Asset – Identity View

Returns an identity list of button press history for a specified asset.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/rtls/public/assets/<ASSET-ID>/buttonPress/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> - IP address of the Trellix Locate API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> - IP port on the Trellix Locate API server. Default is 8081.

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> - Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> - Locate API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <ASSET-ID> - Case-sensitive ID of the asset being requested.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedTime": "2019-09-16T08:22:02.711812-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2019-09-11T10:12:32.186712-04:00",
        "description": "tag Button Press",
        "status": "ACKNOWLEDGED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2017-03-01T20:14:34.000Z",
        "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
        "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
        "errorCode": "RTLS.DATA.I.2005"

JSON Response Values

Using ra as the Button Press History for a Single Asset – Identity View response array in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Example Value
ra[INDEX] Object N/A An object that contains the asset and button press properties.
ra[INDEX].updatedTime String 2019-09-16T08:22:02.711812-04:00 The time the requested asset was last updated.
ra[INDEX].createdTime String 2019-09-11T10:12:32.186712-04:00 The time the required asset was created.
ra[INDEX].description String Tag Button Press The history description.
ra[INDEX].status String ACKNOWLEDGED The status of the button press event.
ra[INDEX].occurrenceTime String 2017-03-01T20:14:34.000Z The time this event became active.
ra[INDEX].sourceType String Aerosol Tents The type of the asset associated with this button press.
ra[INDEX].sourceName String Office_Tag_46D9_Battery The name of the asset associated with this button press.
ra[INDEX].errorCode String RTLS.DATA.I.2005 Internal Trellix use only.

8 Realtime Operating Data Using TCP Socket and REST

8.1 Introduction

In addition to data requests from a third-party computer to the Trellix Locate REST API, there are two other methods for a third party to receive Locate data, as follows:

  • TCP Socket – A third party can open a TCP port on their server and configure Trellix Locate to send real-time operating data to that port in JSON-RPC format

  • REST Endpoint – A third party can set up a REST endpoint URI and configure Trellix Locate to post real-time operating data to that URI in JSON-RPC format


Please refer to the Trellix Locate Configuration Manual for details on configuring Trellix Locate to support these methods.

8.2 About JSON-RPC

JSON-RPC is a remote procedure call protocol encoded in JSON. It is a simple protocol that defines only a few data types and commands. JSON-RPC supports notifications, meaning data can be sent to the server with requiring a response. You can learn more about JSON RPC with the following references:

8.3 Receiving Data with a TCP Socket

You can create a client application that opens a TCP Socket connection to the Trellix Locate server, which will begin sending location data for all Locate assets to your application.

8.3.1 About TCP Sockets

TCP Socket communication enables interaction real-time data transfer from a server to a client. It does this by

  • Standardizing how the server can send content to the client without being first requested by the client

  • Allowing messages to be passed back and forth while keeping the connection open.

8.3.2 Trellix Locate TCP Socket Process Overview

The table below provide an overview of obtaining data from the Locate WebSocket API.

1 The Trellix Locate API is enabled.
2 The Server Configuration (IP address, Port) for Trellix Locate is determined. If secure communication (TLS/SSL) between the client and Trellix server is required, the certificate (*.crt) file provided with Trellix is downloaded.
3 The Locate TCP Client is registered in Trellix Locate by providing its IP address, Port, and optionally attaching the server certificate.
4 A TCP Socket client application is developed and installed at the IP address specified in Phase 3.
5 The TCP Socket application is enabled and makes a call to the Trellix Locate server.
6 For each Asset Alarm or Location change, the Trellix Locate server sends one JSON-RPC notification to the TCP Socket client application.

JSON-RPC TCP Socket Body Example – Location

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "assetLocation_status",
  "params": {
    "data": {
      "assetId": "32df3d2a-520f-4895-856a-7f11c8b69baa",
      "assetInventoryId": "Battery_9",
      "geofenceStatus": [
          "id": "0bbafbdd-c664-41bb-ace4-799a71d75fa9",
          "inside": true,
          "hysteresis": false,
          "transitioned": true,
          "status": "ENTRY",
          "algorithm": "winding_number",
          "calculatedTime": "2019-10-18T13:25:58.665698-04:00"
          "id": "fc934e67-34b1-44ad-99e9-2e66988726b9",
          "inside": true,
          "hysteresis": false,
          "transitioned": true,
          "status": "ENTRY",
          "algorithm": "winding_number",
          "calculatedTime": "2019-10-18T13:25:58.665778-04:00"
      "locationStatus": {
        "floorId": "9a5e004b-932c-4fa7-91e0-e485fb86fe8c",
        "location": {
          "x": 392.29,
          "y": 595.38,
          "z": 0
        "calculatedTime": "2019-10-18T13:25:58.662267-04:00"
      "macAddress": "270D08"

JSON-RPC TCP Socket Body Example – Alarm

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "alarm_status",
  "params": {
    "data": {
      "updatedTime": "2019-09-10T13:01:28.800137-04:00",
      "createdTime": "2019-09-10T13:01:28.799865-04:00",
      "description": "Tag 2646D9 exited from GeoAlarmOnly!",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-10T17:01:28.796Z",
      "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
      "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
      "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
      "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"

8.4 Receiving Data at a REST Endpoint

You can create a client application that will receive REST (REpresentational State Transfer) posts containing Asset location and alarm data.

8.4.1 About RESTful Web Services

Representational state transfer (REST) specifies a set of six constraints that can be used to create Web services. Web services that conform to REST, called RESTful Web services, enable computer systems to interoperate over the Internet.

You can learn more about using the RESTful Web services with the following references:

8.4.2 REST Process Overview

The table below provide an overview of obtaining real-time data at a client REST endpoint.

1 The Trellix Locate API is enabled.
2 The Server Configuration (IP address, Port) for Trellix Locate is determined. If secure communication (TLS/SSL) between your client and the Trellix server is required, the certificate (*.crt) file provided with Trellix is downloaded.
3 A REST client is registered in Trellix Locate by providing the Post URL, and optionally specifying a separate relative path for Alarms and for Asset Location.
4 A REST client application is developed and make it available at the URL, and optionally paths, specified in Phase 3.
5 The REST client application is enabled to receive POST messages from the Trellix Locate server.
6 For each Asset Alarm or Location change, the Trellix Locate server sends one JSON-RPC POST message to the REST client application.

JSON-RPC REST Body Example – Alarm

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "alarm_status",
  "params": {
    "data": {
      "updatedTime": "2019-09-10T13:01:28.800137-04:00",
      "createdTime": "2019-09-10T13:01:28.799865-04:00",
      "description": "Tag 2646D9 exited from GeoAlarmOnly!",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "occurrenceTime": "2019-09-10T17:01:28.796Z",
      "sourceType": "Aerosol Tents",
      "sourceName": "Office_Tag_46D9_Battery",
      "errorCode": "RTLS.RULE.I.2001",
      "sourcePublicId": "Office_1"

JSON-RPC REST Body Example - Location

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "assetLocation_status",
  "params": {
    "data": {
      "assetId": "32df3d2a-520f-4895-856a-7f11c8b69baa",
      "assetInventoryId": "Battery_9",
      "geofenceStatus": [
          "id": "0bbafbdd-c664-41bb-ace4-799a71d75fa9",
          "inside": true,
          "hysteresis": false,
          "transitioned": true,
          "status": "ENTRY",
          "algorithm": "winding_number",
          "calculatedTime": "2019-10-18T13:25:58.665698-04:00"
          "id": "fc934e67-34b1-44ad-99e9-2e66988726b9",
          "inside": true,
          "hysteresis": false,
          "transitioned": true,
          "status": "ENTRY",
          "algorithm": "winding_number",
          "calculatedTime": "2019-10-18T13:25:58.665778-04:00"
      "locationStatus": {
        "floorId": "9a5e004b-932c-4fa7-91e0-e485fb86fe8c",
        "location": {
          "x": 392.29,
          "y": 595.38,
          "z": 0
        "calculatedTime": "2019-10-18T13:25:58.662267-04:00"
      "macAddress": "270D08"

JSON-RPC Body Example - Alarm

      "assetId": "32df3d2a-520f-4895-856a-7f11c8b69baa",
      "assetInventoryId": "Battery_9",
      "geofenceStatus": [
          "id": "0bbafbdd-c664-41bb-ace4-799a71d75fa9",
          "inside": true,
          "hysteresis": false,
          "transitioned": true,
          "status": "ENTRY",
          "algorithm": "winding_number",
          "calculatedTime": "2019-10-18T13:25:58.665698-04:00"
          "id": "fc934e67-34b1-44ad-99e9-2e66988726b9",
          "inside": true,
          "hysteresis": false,
          "transitioned": true,
          "status": "ENTRY",
          "algorithm": "winding_number",
          "calculatedTime": "2019-10-18T13:25:58.665778-04:00"
      "locationStatus": {
        "floorId": "9a5e004b-932c-4fa7-91e0-e485fb86fe8c",
        "location": {
          "x": 392.29,
          "y": 595.38,
          "z": 0
        "calculatedTime": "2019-10-18T13:25:58.662267-04:00"
      "macAddress": "270D08"

9 Error Messages

This chapter describes error messages that may be encountered.

9.1 404 Error Message

An error message such as the one below is returned when an invalid path is provided in a request.

    "timestamp": "2019-09-15T17:38:37.054+0000",
    "status": 404,
    "error": "Not Found",
    "message": "No message available",
    "path": "/v2/rtls/public/no-such-address/a612eb71-f527-4b4d-a44a-ad4190df05a9/display"

9.2 Timeout Message

An error such as the one below occurs when the response time exceeds that allowed by your calling program.

{"errorCode":"RTLS.DATA.E.0840","description":"Read timed out executing GET https://localhost:8081/v2/eventSummary/display?sourceId=fbfa42c8-265b-475e-ae52-afa17c133f25&errorCode=RTLS.RULE.I.2001&origin=ASSET&isInternalView=false"}

9.3 Invalid Token (Not Authenticated) Message

An error such as the one below occurs when your calling program has not been authenticated.

    "error": "invalid_token",
    "error_description": "9bd1d724-3276-473c-a2c3-737fd350a180"

9.4 Invalid Parameter

An error message such as the one below occurs when your calling program supplied an invalid value.

{"errorCode":"RTLS.DATA.E.0315","description":"Invalid inventoryId parameter."}