1 About this Document

This document describes the features and use of the Trellix Lighting API.

1.1 Assumptions

The information and procedures in this document assume that

  • Trellix Core has been physically installed and connected to one or more WaveLinx networks

  • You have a Trellix Core account that is authenticated to access the Lighting Published API (the “Third Party Integration” or “System Administrator” role has been assigned)

  • The Lighting Published API has been enabled and correctly configured under System in the Trellix Admin app (refer to “Configuring the Published APIs” in the Lighting System Configuration Guide for configuration details)

  • You have access to the exported Public ID data listed below (refer to “Configuring the Published APIs” in the Lighting System Configuration Guide for details on exporting): UUID, Object Type, Name, and Identifier values for Tags and Assets


  • See Public ID Export and Import for an example of exported Lighting data

  • The Lighting API does not support WaveLinx Wired

1.2 Using this Manual

Use this manual to discover and use the API calls you need to build applications that rely on the exposed Trellix Lighting data.

1.3 Key Terms

The terms listed below are used in this document.

  • Application Programming Interface (API) – An interface or communication protocol between a client and a server intended to simplify the building of client-side software

  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) – A wireless personal area network technology aimed at novel applications in industries such as healthcare, fitness, security, and home entertainment.

  • Wireless Area Controller (WAC) – An application that coordinates the WaveLinx Mobile App with various WaveLinx devices to provide lighting zone configuration, monitoring, and control (also referred to as “Controller” or “Area Controller”)

2 Introduction

Most large real-estate management companies are developing applications that allow them to manage their real-estate assets more effectively. These companies are also offering new value-added services to their tenants, such as Web portals where tenants can find new spaces being offered or analyze how their current spaces are being used. These applications typically rely on APIs to gather data from the building systems, including HVAC, lighting, elevator, security, wastewater management and more.

With the rapid adoption of connected lighting systems, real-estate management organizations will have much more granular data at their disposal. Cooper Lighting Solutions has developed APIs to allow the management of a lighting system. A subset of these APIs is made public to empower third-party systems to access data on Cooper connected lighting systems. It is Cooper’s vision to continue making more APIs public.


API calls are not currently supported on iLumin Plus integrated systems.

2.1 Lighting System Data Structure

When a WaveLinx lighting system is configured, wireless devices are grouped into a logical device hierarchy and geographical building hierarchy. These groupings are used to control the lights according to strategies defined by the specialist who configured the system. As a developer, you will need to understand the WaveLinx logical and geographical hierarchies to read and write lighting system data.

2.1.1 Device Hierarchy

A lighting system is composed of wireless devices connected to Wireless Area Controllers (WAC). The WACs are connected to Trellix Core that acts as a data repository and hosts interfaces such as the Published (REST) API used by third-party systems. This logical or device hierarchy is as follows: Trellix Core > Wireless Area Controllers > Devices > Endpoints. An example of as device hierarchy is shown below.

2.1.2 Devices

A Device is a physical component of a lighting system. When connected to a network, each device has a unique ID (address) on that network that is used to route network communication to the device. The object structure is flexible enough to describe current and future devices in a general way but with an appropriate level of detail.

2.1.3 Endpoints

An Endpoint represents a function available on a Device, including controllers, inputs and outputs. Each device can have one or more endpoints. For example, a ceiling sensor contains an occupancy sensor endpoint, while an integrated sensor contains an occupancy sensor endpoint, a daylight sensor endpoint, and a dimming module endpoint.

Endpoints are represented as a list in a Device object, which in turn is presented to the network. An Endpoint may represent a physical component of a Device (e.g., a daylight sensor or occupancy sensor), a logical function of a Device (e.g., firmware update capability), or a link to a controlled device. Most system interactions take place directly through Endpoints, not the Device object that contains them.

2.1.4 Building Hierarchy

The geographical or building hierarchy is as follows: Client > Building > Floor > Area > [ Zones / Occupancy Sets / Daylight Sets / Devices]. A building hierarchy reflects a physical relationship but also certain logical relationships that group endpoints into Occupancy Sets, Daylight Sets and Zones.

  • An Occupancy Set contains the sensors, controllers, and outputs that automate the lighting system based on whether a space is occupied

  • A Daylight Set contains the sensors, controllers, and outputs that automate the lighting system according to how much daylight is present in a space

An example of a building hierarchy is shown below.

Integrated Sensor IS 1 installed in a light fixture and has an occupancy sensor endpoint, a daylight sensor endpoint, and a dimming module endpoint. The blue labels in the diagram highlights how the IS 1 dimming module appears in Screen Dimming Zone D1 while its occupancy set endpoint appears in Occupancy Set OS1, and its daylight sensor appears in Daylight Set DL1.

Components of a Building Hierarchy

The components of a building hierarchy are as follows:

  • A Client is a collection of Buildings.

  • A Building is a collection of Floors.

  • A Floor is a collection of Areas.

  • An Area is a collection of Zones and is typically a private space such as a personal office, washroom or open space. An Area can have multiple Occupancy Sets and Daylight Sets associated with it, but each Occupancy Set or Daylight Set can only be associated with one Area.

  • A Zone is a group of dimming endpoints that are used to control the light level or receptacles. These dimming module endpoints can be found in a wireless integrated sensor, a wireless switchpack, and a wireless receptacle.

  • An Occupancy Set is a group of occupancy sensor endpoints that are used to turn the lights on and off based on occupancy state. These occupancy endpoints can be found in an integrated sensor or a ceiling sensor. Occupancy Sets must be associated with a single Area.

  • A Daylight Set is a groups of daylight sensor endpoints that are used to dim the light according to amount of daylight sensed. These daylight endpoints can be found in an integrated sensor, a ceiling photocell or a ceiling sensor. Daylight Sets must be associated with a single Area.

2.2 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

The Trellix Lighting API provides a secure programming interface to Trellix. It is a REST API, meaning it is accessed using the communication standards of the Web:

  • The HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) protocol, specifically GET and POST commands

  • A defined set of URLs

Each URL represents a specific type of resource, such as a device or an occupancy set.

2.2.1 HTTP Messages

An HTTP message consist of a request or response line, which appears first, and header fields in the lines that follow. Here is an example of the GET request:

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/detail HTTP/1.1

The Trellix Lighting API uses both GET and POST requests.

Each header field appears on a new line as a clear-text name-value pair, separated by colons. The line is terminated by a carriage return (CR) and line feed (LF) character sequence. For example:

Authorization: bearer 54ea09cb-dbea-45ad-836b-8b1436bcebdc
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

To learn more, refer to this List of HTTP header Fields.

2.3 Working with the Trellix Lighting API

2.3.1 Public ID Export and Import

Trellix Lighting supports the export and import of Tag and Asset Public ID data to facilitate communication with third-party systems. The Public ID template can be downloaded, modified, and then uploaded back into Trellix Lighting, align the Trellix Asset IDs with those of the external system. See the Trellix Lighting System Configuration Guide for information.


Object Type


Building Location

Floor Location

Area where it belongs



Area Closed_Hallway C1B4 F4 A1321 401f78aa-a05f-11ea-bc85-001d054d25e2 A1321
Area Construction Area C1B4 F4 A131 2097ba5a-9fca-11ea-ac20-001d054d25e2 A131
Area Construction Area C1B4 F4 A126 23016cb4-9fca-11ea-8a5b-001d056053c6 A126
Area Dashant C1B4 F4 A133 3aeacdd8-a061-11ea-860a-001d054d25e2 A133
Area Do_Not_PIR C1B4 F4 A134 976ec078-a061-11ea-b48f-001d054d25e2 A134
Area Donotpir C1B4 F4 A127 762f6a50-a054-11ea-bc39-001d056053c6 A127
Area George C1B4 F4 A135 d8ff4084-a062-11ea-ae9d-001d054d25e2 A135
Area Huddle C1B4 F4 A136 131e16f0-a063-11ea-ad36-001d054d25e2 A136
Area Middle_Hallway C1B4 F4 A137 6c1d2354-a063-11ea-9e3c-001d054d25e2 A137
Area Open_Hallway C1B4 F4 A138 9ab49da0-a063-11ea-be89-001d054d25e2 A138
Area Parth_Office C1B4 F4 A139 82724a16-a064-11ea-b6d8-001d054d25e2 A139
Area Reception C1B4 F4 A128 88087f46-a054-11ea-91ea-001d056053c6 A128
Area Riz C1B4 F4 A140 d8c3c05c-a064-11ea-b111-001d054d25e2 A140

2.3.2 Authentication

Before you can access lighting system data, you must authenticate your account. This will generate an API token you can use for further requests, like getting the status of a zone or the details of an occupancy set.

API Token

An API token is a string of text that acts as a unique, single-session identifier of an application requesting access to the Trellix Lighting API. For example, 54ea09cb-dbea-45ad-836b-8b1436bcebdc.

To authenticate, you send an HTTP POST with the username Public (not case-sensitive) and a password provided by Cooper Lighting Solutions. For example:

The Trellix Lighting API will provide an access token you can use for subsequent requests.

2.3.3 Response

The response to a Trellix Lighting API call will include an HTTP status code and a body. A successful call will return a status of 200, and the body will contain the requested Trellix data in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. JSON is a simple and popular way to represent plain and structured data – such as booleans, arrays and objects – in plain text. For a brief introduction to JSON, see the JSON.org Web site. For the detailed specification, see the JSON Schema.

2.3.4 Common Response Properties

All Trellix Lighting API responses contain a single object. When a list is requested, such as the All Areas Detail List or All Endpoints Identity List, the properties described below will typically be included.

Property Type Description
content Array An array containing one or more objects of the requested data (e.g., Area)
last Boolean A true/false value indicating if the response is the last page of results
totalPages Number An integer value indicating the total number pages of the requested data that are available
numberOfElements Number An integer value indicating the number of objects in the content array
first Boolean A true/false value indicating if the response is the first page of results
number Number An integer value indicating which page number this response represents
sort Array
  1. Contains a single object containing properties related to how the list is sorted


The JSON below shows a response to an All Areas Identity List call. In this case, the content array contains the identity information for two areas, A1 and A2.

  "content": [
      "publicId": "A1",
      "type": "52474f38-38aa-4ee8-8893-5541c0f5d04e",
      "name": "Default"
      "publicId": "A2",
      "type": "52474f38-38aa-4ee8-8893-5541c0f5d04e",
      "name": "Area 51"
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 2,
  "numberOfElements": 2,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

2.3.5 Response Data Types: Detail, Display, and Identity

The three common sets of data that appear in most Trellix Lighting API responses are explained below.


Returns the all available properties exposed by the requested object.


Returns the commonly used properties exposed by the requested object.


Returns unique identification properties exposed the requested object.

3 API Calls

3.1 Login & Authentication Requests

The API calls below are used to start a Trellix Lighting API session by generating the token you require to use any of the other API requests.

3.1.1 Login Duration

When a successful Get Public Login Token call is made, access will be granted using that token for a minimum of 30 minutes. Trellix monitors for API activity in 30-minute windows after granting access. As long as one or more API calls are made within each window, Trellix will maintain access with the original token for up to two hours maximum (four 30-minute periods).

If there is no API activity in a 30-minute window, or when the two hours maximum has been reached, the token is revoked and access denied until a new Get Public Login Token call is made.

The diagram below shows an authentication cycle where a Login Token is granted and followed by API activity in two successive 30 minutes period. When no activity occurs between 60 and 90 minutes, the token expires, and a new Get Login Token request must be made.

To avoid being denied access, the Get Refresh Token call can be used before the current token expires. This will extend the cycle and maintain access for up to another two hours.

We recommend issuing a Get Refresh Token call just before the each 30-minute window. This will provide continuous access to Trellix, and future-proof your application should the maximum time be reduced from the current two hours.

3.1.2 Get Public Login Token

This POST request returns an access token and its type.

HTTP Header Fields

POST /uaa/oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic ZWF0b24tY2xpZW50OkFDdHZRQzFoSE4=
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cache-Control: no-cache


POST Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server. Default is

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • COOPER-PASSWORD –Trellix Lighting API password provided by Cooper Lighting Solutions

Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "access_token": "54ea09cb-dbea-45ad-836b-8b1436bcebdc",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "refresh_token": "b67c9076-2565-4f18-a657-982e15d2725a",
  "expires_in": 4746,
  "scope": "openid",
  "user": {
    "id": "b57acccd-8cb0-40d9-8f76-1f330da0374c",
    "userName": "Public",
    "role": {
      "id": "56be369b-7acc-4d68-a815-39d58d026b55",
      "name": "Third Party Integration",
      "permissions": [
          "id": "962f14db-2f9c-4625-82ee-93ebf99e0273",
          "name": "Interface Settings"
      "updatedTime": "2018-05-11T15:12:10.280Z",
      "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c"
    "authInfo": {
      "id": "2d808ff3-4dc7-4087-902d-63ec5a0c8da4",
      "passwordExpires": false,
      "policy": {
        "id": "ef89498b-cea8-43f8-a87d-443819adbe06",
        "name": "Default Policy",
        "expiryDuration": 7776000000,
        "reuseLimit": 10,
        "maximumLength": 16,
        "minimumLength": 8,
        "minimumNumber": 1,
        "minimumSpecial": 1,
        "minimumUpper": 1
      "isLocked": false,
      "daysToExpiry": -1,
      "isExpired": false
    "updatedTime": "2018-05-11T15:12:10.280Z",
    "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
    "createdTime": "2018-05-11T15:12:10.280Z",
    "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
    "isLdap": false,
    "isDefault": true,
    "isClosed": false

Using ro as the Get Public Login JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Property Value Description
ro.access_token 54ea09cb-dbea-45ad-836b-8b1436bcebdc Authentication token you must provide in subsequent API calls
ro.refresh_token b67c9076-2565-4f18-a657-982e15d2725a Authentication refresh token
ro.expires_in 4746 Number of seconds before respBody.access_token expires

3.1.3 Get Refresh Token

This POST request, which only works during an active login session, returns an updated access token to extend the login period by 30 minutes.

HTTP Header Fields

POST /uaa/oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic ZWF0b24tY2xpZW50OkFDdHZRQzFoSE4=
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cache-Control: no-cache

POST Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "access_token": "d6c621c2-a138-409b-ab11-8b096c103dad",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "refresh_token": "d1256b8b-39ef-4cb0-bfc9-0691c8954471",
    "expires_in": 7199,
    "scope": "openid",
    "user": {
        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
        "updatedTime": "2019-12-06T11:04:53.737-0500",
        "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
        "createdTime": "2019-12-06T11:03:44.484-0500",
        "id": "a81b3226-868e-469e-8c43-b4aa50f456ad",
        "userName": "LightingAPI",
        "roles": [
                "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                "createdTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:44.676-0500",
                "id": "56be369b-7acc-4d68-a815-39d58d026b55",
                "name": "Third Party Integration",
                "permissions": [
                        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                        "updatedTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:45.488-0500",
                        "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                        "createdTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:44.676-0500",
                        "id": "977c979b-c42c-409d-8ede-6ecd3415e8ed",
                        "name": "View Only",
                        "application": {
                            "id": "46779fe5-204f-44bf-984b-157dd148f5c8",
                            "shortName": "LXI",
                            "active": true,
                            "isActive": true,
                            "isEnabled": true
                        "identifier": "LXI_View_Only"
                        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                        "updatedTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:45.488-0500",
                        "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                        "createdTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:44.676-0500",
                        "id": "4bf22b74-e1e5-49d4-a746-90b5200c5421",
                        "name": "Manual Action",
                        "application": {
                            "id": "46779fe5-204f-44bf-984b-157dd148f5c8",
                            "shortName": "LXI",
                            "active": true,
                            "isActive": true,
                            "isEnabled": true
                        "identifier": "LXI_Manual_Action"
                        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                        "updatedTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:45.488-0500",
                        "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                        "createdTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:45.488-0500",
                        "id": "639e7237-7fb9-4678-aca3-9c7c95dfda0d",
                        "name": "View Only",
                        "application": {
                            "id": "4b237de7-a393-4a48-97d1-f697f50bcd0c",
                            "shortName": "BXI",
                            "active": true,
                            "isActive": true,
                            "isEnabled": true
                        "identifier": "BXI_View_Only"
                        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                        "updatedTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:45.488-0500",
                        "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                        "createdTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:45.488-0500",
                        "id": "780434c7-7ce0-4a59-9252-261611959db6",
                        "name": "Lighting API",
                        "application": {
                            "id": "4b237de7-a393-4a48-97d1-f697f50bcd0c",
                            "shortName": "BXI",
                            "active": true,
                            "isActive": true,
                            "isEnabled": true
                        "identifier": "LXI_API_Access"
                "application": {
                    "id": "46779fe5-204f-44bf-984b-157dd148f5c8",
                    "shortName": "LXI",
                    "active": true,
                    "isActive": true,
                    "isEnabled": true
                "isDefault": true
        "authInfo": {
            "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
            "updatedTime": "2019-12-06T11:03:44.483-0500",
            "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
            "createdTime": "2019-12-06T11:03:44.484-0500",
            "id": "c4462bd4-8ec7-4d1d-a76b-755b3c00c983",
            "passwordExpires": false,
            "policy": {
                "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                "updatedTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:44.676-0500",
                "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
                "createdTime": "2019-11-28T09:40:44.676-0500",
                "id": "ef89498b-cea8-43f8-a87d-443819adbe06",
                "expiryDuration": 7776000000,
                "reuseLimit": 10,
                "maximumLength": 16,
                "minimumLength": 8,
                "minimumNumber": 1,
                "minimumSpecial": 1,
                "minimumUpper": 1
            "isLocked": false,
            "daysToExpiry": -1,
            "isExpired": false
        "areaOfResponsibilityType": "PARTIAL",
        "departmentOfResponsibilityType": "PARTIAL",
        "departments": [
                "id": "09455979-25b6-4260-b0ec-12a2df2b1a37",
                "name": "Default"
                "id": "ee38e32d-b3d1-4c85-86e8-04dde3e510cd",
                "name": "Default"
                "id": "c054738c-63dc-431d-8a0c-0614cf325d2c",
                "name": "Default"
        "isLdap": false,
        "isDefault": false,
        "isClosed": false,
        "isRegPortalNotify": true

Using ro as the Get Refresh Token JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

ro.access_token 54ea09cb-dbea-45ad-836b-8b1436bcebdc Authentication token you must provide in subsequent API calls
ro.refresh_token b67c9076-2565-4f18-a657-982e15d2725a Authentication refresh token
ro.expires_in 4746 Number of seconds before respBody.access_token expires

3.1.4 Get Demand Response Login Token

The POST request returns a Demand Response token.

HTTP Header Fields

POST /uaa/oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic ZWF0b24tY2xpZW50OkFDdHZRQzFoSE4=
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cache-Control: no-cache

POST Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <COOPER-PASSWORD> –Trellix Lighting API password provided by Cooper Lighting Solutions

Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "access_token": "54ea09cb-dbea-45ad-836b-8b1436bcebdc",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "refresh_token": "b67c9076-2565-4f18-a657-982e15d2725a",
  "expires_in": 4746,
  "scope": "openid",
  "user": {
    "id": "b57acccd-8cb0-40d9-8f76-1f330da0374c",
    "userName": "Public",
    "role": {
      "id": "56be369b-7acc-4d68-a815-39d58d026b55",
      "name": "Third Party Integration",
      "permissions": [
          "id": "962f14db-2f9c-4625-82ee-93ebf99e0273",
          "name": "Interface Settings"
      "updatedTime": "2018-05-11T15:12:10.280Z",
      "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c"
    "authInfo": {
      "id": "2d808ff3-4dc7-4087-902d-63ec5a0c8da4",
      "passwordExpires": false,
      "policy": {
        "id": "ef89498b-cea8-43f8-a87d-443819adbe06",
        "name": "Default Policy",
        "expiryDuration": 7776000000,
        "reuseLimit": 10,
        "maximumLength": 16,
        "minimumLength": 8,
        "minimumNumber": 1,
        "minimumSpecial": 1,
        "minimumUpper": 1
      "isLocked": false,
      "daysToExpiry": -1,
      "isExpired": false
    "updatedTime": "2018-05-11T15:12:10.280Z",
    "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
    "createdTime": "2018-05-11T15:12:10.280Z",
    "createdBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
    "isLdap": false,
    "isDefault": true,
    "isClosed": false

Using ro as the Get Demand Response Login JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Property Value Description
ro.access_token 54ea09cb-dbea-45ad-836b-8b1436bcebdc Authentication token you must provide in subsequent API calls
ro.refresh_token b67c9076-2565-4f18-a657-982e15d2725a Authentication refresh token
ro.expires_in 4746 Number of seconds before respBody.access_token expires

3.1.5 Log Out

This POST request logs out an authenticated user.

HTTP Header Fields

POST /uaa/logout HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic ZWF0b24tY2xpZW50OkFDdHZRQzFoSE4=
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
Cache-Control: no-cache

POST Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

Request Example

JSON Body Example

No JSON data is returned for this call.

3.2 Building Calls

3.2.1 Request for All Buildings

All Buildings Detail List

Returns a detail list of all buildings.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/buildings/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "buildingDecorators": [
                "count": 260,
                "createdTime": "2020-05-26T23:40:05.189-0400",
                "name": "alarms",
                "updatedTime": "2020-05-26T23:40:05.189-0400"
        "client": {
            "name": "MDT-RTLS",
            "publicId": "C1"
        "createdTime": "2020-05-26T23:39:45.031-0400",
        "floors": [
        "latitude": 0.0,
        "longitude": 0.0,
        "name": "Default Building",
        "number": 1,
        "publicId": "B4",
        "source": "WAC",
        "superficies": "0",
        "type": "OTHER",
        "updatedTime": "2020-06-18T23:04:06.153-0400"

Using ro as the first All Buildings Detail response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

ro.buildingDecorators Array An array of related building information, such as alarm count
ro.client Array Client details for this building, such as name and public ID
ro.createdTime 2020-06-05T06:25:45.931412-04:00 The date and time when this alarm was created (string)
ro.floors Array Array of floor objects – see Requests for a Specific Floor for more information
ro.latitude 0.0 The configured latitude for this building (number)
ro.longitude 0.0 The configured longitude for this building (number)
ro.name Default Building The name of the building (string)
ro.number 1 The building number (number)
ro.publicId B4 The public ID of this building (string)
ro.source WAC The source of the building details (string)
ro.superficies 0 The superficies value for this building (string)
ro.type OTHER The type of this building (string)
ro.updatedTime 2020-06-05T06:26:20.139343-04:00 The date and time when this building was last updated (string)

All Buildings Display List

Return a display list of all configured buildings.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/buildings/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "buildingDecorators": [
                "count": 260,
                "name": "alarms",
                "updatedTime": "2020-05-26T23:40:05.189-0400"
        "client": {
            "name": "MDT-RTLS",
            "publicId": "C1"
        "floors": [
        "latitude": 0.0,
        "longitude": 0.0,
        "name": "Default Building",
        "number": 1,
        "publicId": "B4",
        "source": "WAC",
        "superficies": "0",
        "type": "OTHER",
        "updatedTime": "2020-06-18T23:04:06.153-0400"

Using ro as the first All Buildings Display response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below

ro.buildingDecorators Array An array of related building information, such as alarm count
ro.client Array Client details for this building, such as name and public ID
ro.floors Array Array of floor objects – see Requests for a Specific Floor for more information
ro.latitude 0.0 The configured latitude for this building (number).
ro.longitude 0.0 The configured longitude for this building (number).
ro.name Default Building The name of the building (string)
ro.number 1 The building number (number)
ro.publicId B4 The public ID of this building (string)
ro.source WAC The source of the building details (string)
ro.superficies 0 The superficies value for this building (string)
ro.type OTHER The type of this building (string)
ro.updatedTime 2020-06-05T06:26:20.139343-04:00 The date and time when this building was last updated (string)

All Buildings Identity List

Return an identity list of all configured buildings.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/buildings/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "name": "Default Building",
        "publicId": "B4",
        "type": "OTHER"

Using ro as the first All Buildings Identity response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below

ro.name Default Building The name of the building (string)
ro.publicId B4 The public ID of this building (string)
ro.type OTHER The type of this building (string)

3.2.2 Requests for a Specific Building

This section describes API calls that provide various views of the details of one building on the network.

Building Detail View

Return the detail information for a specified building.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/buildings/<BUILDING-ID>/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "buildingDecorators": [
            "count": 260,
            "createdTime": "2020-05-26T23:40:05.189-0400",
            "name": "alarms",
            "updatedTime": "2020-05-26T23:40:05.189-0400"
    "client": {
        "name": "MDT-RTLS",
        "publicId": "C1"
    "createdTime": "2020-05-26T23:39:45.031-0400",
    "floors": [
    "latitude": 0.0,
    "longitude": 0.0,
    "name": "Default Building",
    "number": 1,
    "publicId": "B4",
    "source": "WAC",
    "superficies": "0",
    "type": "OTHER",
    "updatedTime": "2020-06-18T23:04:06.153-0400"

Using ro as the Building Detail response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

ro.buildingDecorators Array An array of related building information, such as alarm count
ro.client Array Client details for this building, such as name and public ID
ro.createdTime 2020-06-05T06:25:45.931412-04:00 The date and time when this alarm was created (string)
ro.floors Array Array of floor objects – see Requests for a Specific Floor for more information
ro.latitude 0.0 The configured latitude for this building (number)
ro.longitude 0.0 The configured longitude for this building (number)
ro.name Default Building The name of the building (string)
ro.number 1 The building number (number)
ro.publicId B4 The public ID of this building (string)
ro.source WAC The source of the building details (string)
ro.superficies 0 The superficies value for this building (string)
ro.type OTHER The type of this building (string)
ro.updatedTime 2020-06-05T06:26:20.139343-04:00 The date and time when this building was last updated (string)

Building Display View

Return the display information for a specified building.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/buildings/<BUILDING-ID>/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "buildingDecorators": [
            "count": 260,
            "name": "alarms",
            "updatedTime": "2020-05-26T23:40:05.189-0400"
    "client": {
        "name": "MDT-RTLS",
        "publicId": "C1"
    "floors": [
    "latitude": 0.0,
    "longitude": 0.0,
    "name": "Default Building",
    "number": 1,
    "publicId": "B4",
    "source": "WAC",
    "superficies": "0",
    "type": "OTHER",
    "updatedTime": "2020-06-18T23:04:06.153-0400"

Using ro as the Building Display response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

ro.buildingDecorators Array An array of related building information, such as alarm count
ro.client Array Client details for this building, such as name and public ID
ro.floors Array Array of floor objects – see Requests for a Specific Floor for more information
ro.latitude 0.0 The configured latitude for this building (number)
ro.longitude 0.0 The configured longitude for this building (number)
ro.name Default Building The name of the building (string)
ro.number 1 The building number (number)
ro.publicId B4 The public ID of this building (string)
ro.source WAC The source of the building details (string)
ro.superficies 0 The superficies value for this building (string)
ro.type OTHER The type of this building (string)
ro.updatedTime 2020-06-05T06:26:20.139343-04:00 The date and time when this building was last updated (string)

Building Identity View

Return the identity information for a specified building.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/buildings/<BUILDING-ID>/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "name": "Default Building",
    "publicId": "B4",
    "type": "OTHER"

Using ro as the Building Identity response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

ro.name Default Building The name of the building (string)
ro.publicId B4 The public ID of this building (string)
ro.type OTHER The type of this building (string)

3.3 Floor Calls

3.3.1 Request for All Floors

All Floors Detail List

Returns a detail list of all floors.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/floors/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "areas": [
        "building": {},
        "capacity": 180,
        "createdTime": "2020-05-26T23:39:45.105-0400",
        "floorDecorators": [
                "count": 260,
                "createdTime": "2020-05-26T23:40:05.261-0400",
                "name": "alarms",
                "updatedTime": "2020-05-26T23:40:05.261-0400"
                "createdTime": "2020-05-27T18:16:38.713-0400",
                "isHighPriorityOverrideMode": false,
                "name": "highPriorityOverride",
                "updatedTime": "2020-05-27T18:16:38.713-0400"
        "floorplanFile": "Midtown_cropped.svg",
        "imageScale": 1.0,
        "imageScalePx": 12.0,
        "imageScaleUnit": "FEET",
        "name": "Default Floor",
        "number": 0,
        "publicId": "F4",
        "source": "WAC",
        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
        "updatedTime": "2020-06-18T23:04:06.153-0400"

Using ro as the first All Floors Detail response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

ro.areas Array An array of one or more area objects - see Requests for a Specific Area for area properties.
ro.building Array Client details for this building, such as name and public ID
ro.capacity 180 The configured capacity for this floor (number)
ro.createdTime 2020-06-05T06:25:45.931412-04:00 The date and time when this alarm was created (string)
ro.floorDecorators Array An array of related floor information, such as alarm count
ro.floorPlanFile Midtown_cropped.svg The configured image file name for this floor (string)
ro.imageScale 1.0 The scale of the configured image (number)
ro.imageScalePx 12.0 The image scale in pixels (number)
ro.imageScaleUnit FEET The units used for the image scale (string)
ro.name Default Floor The name of this floor (string)
ro.number 0 The number of this floor (number)
ro.publicId F4 The public ID of this building (string)
ro.source WAC The source that provided the floor information (string)
ro.updatedBy 69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c The ID that most recently updated this floor (string)
ro.updatedTime 2020-06-18T23:04:06.153-0400 The date and time when this building was last updated (string)

All Floors Display List

Return a display list of all configured floors.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/floors/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "areas": [
        "building": {},
        "capacity": 180,
        "createdTime": "2020-05-26T23:39:45.105-0400",
        "floorDecorators": [
                "count": 260,
                "createdTime": "2020-05-26T23:40:05.261-0400",
                "name": "alarms",
                "updatedTime": "2020-05-26T23:40:05.261-0400"
                "createdTime": "2020-05-27T18:16:38.713-0400",
                "isHighPriorityOverrideMode": false,
                "name": "highPriorityOverride",
                "updatedTime": "2020-05-27T18:16:38.713-0400"
        "floorplanFile": "Midtown_cropped.svg",
        "imageScale": 1.0,
        "imageScalePx": 12.0,
        "imageScaleUnit": "FEET",
        "name": "Default Floor",
        "number": 0,
        "publicId": "F4",
        "source": "WAC",
        "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
        "updatedTime": "2020-06-18T23:04:06.153-0400"

Using ro as the first All Floors Display response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below

ro.areas Array An array of one or more area objects – see Requests for a Specific Area for area properties
ro.building Array Client details for this building, such as name and public ID
ro.capacity 180 The configured capacity for this floor (number)
ro.floorDecorators Array An array of related floor information, such as alarm count
ro.floorPlanFile Midtown_cropped.svg The configured image file name for this floor (string)
ro.imageScale 1.0 The scale of the configured image (number)
ro.imageScalePx 12.0 The image scale in pixels (number)
ro.imageScaleUnit FEET The units used for the image scale (string)
ro.name Default Floor The name of this floor (string)
ro.number 0 The number of this floor (number)
ro.publicId F4 The public ID of this building (string)
ro.source WAC The source that provided the floor information (string)
ro.updatedBy 69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c The ID that most recently updated this floor (string)
ro.updatedTime 2020-06-18T23:04:06.153-0400 The date and time when this building was last updated (string)

All Floors Identity List

Return an identity list of all configured floors.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/floors/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "name": "Default Floor",
        "publicId": "F4"

Using ro as the first All Floors Identity response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below

ro.name Default Floor The name of the floor (string)
ro.publicId F4 The public ID of this floor (string)

3.3.2 Requests for a Specific Floor

This section describes API calls that provide various views of the details of one floor in a building.

Floor Detail View

Return the detail information for a specified floor.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/floors/<FLOOR-ID>/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <FLOOR-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "areas": [
    "building": {},
    "capacity": 180,
    "createdTime": "2020-05-26T23:39:45.105-0400",
    "floorDecorators": [
            "count": 260,
            "createdTime": "2020-05-26T23:40:05.261-0400",
            "name": "alarms",
            "updatedTime": "2020-05-26T23:40:05.261-0400"
            "createdTime": "2020-05-27T18:16:38.713-0400",
            "isHighPriorityOverrideMode": false,
            "name": "highPriorityOverride",
            "updatedTime": "2020-05-27T18:16:38.713-0400"
    "floorplanFile": "Midtown_cropped.svg",
    "imageScale": 1.0,
    "imageScalePx": 12.0,
    "imageScaleUnit": "FEET",
    "name": "Default Floor",
    "number": 0,
    "publicId": "F4",
    "source": "WAC",
    "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
    "updatedTime": "2020-06-18T23:04:06.153-0400"

Using ro as the Floor Detail response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

ro.areas Array An array of one or more area objects - see Requests for a Specific Area for area properties
ro.building Array Client details for this building, such as name and public ID
ro.capacity 180 The configured capacity for this floor (number)
ro.createdTime 2020-06-05T06:25:45.931412-04:00 The date and time when this alarm was created (string)
ro.floorDecorators Array An array of related floor information, such as alarm count
ro.floorPlanFile Midtown_cropped.svg The configured image file name for this floor (string)
ro.imageScale 1.0 The scale of the configured image (number)
ro.imageScalePx 12.0 The image scale in pixels (number)
ro.imageScaleUnit FEET The units used for the image scale (string)
ro.name Default Floor The name of this floor (string)
ro.number 0 The number of this floor (number)
ro.publicId F4 The public ID of this building (string)
ro.source WAC The source that provided the floor information (string)
ro.updatedBy 69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c The ID that most recently updated this floor (string)
ro.updatedTime 2020-06-18T23:04:06.153-0400 The date and time when this building was last updated (string)

Floor Display View

Return the display information for a specified floor.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/floors/<FLOOR-ID>/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <FLOOR-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the floor being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "areas": [
    "building": {},
    "capacity": 180,
    "createdTime": "2020-05-26T23:39:45.105-0400",
    "floorDecorators": [
            "count": 260,
            "createdTime": "2020-05-26T23:40:05.261-0400",
            "name": "alarms",
            "updatedTime": "2020-05-26T23:40:05.261-0400"
            "createdTime": "2020-05-27T18:16:38.713-0400",
            "isHighPriorityOverrideMode": false,
            "name": "highPriorityOverride",
            "updatedTime": "2020-05-27T18:16:38.713-0400"
    "floorplanFile": "Midtown_cropped.svg",
    "imageScale": 1.0,
    "imageScalePx": 12.0,
    "imageScaleUnit": "FEET",
    "name": "Default Floor",
    "number": 0,
    "publicId": "F4",
    "source": "WAC",
    "updatedBy": "69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c",
    "updatedTime": "2020-06-18T23:04:06.153-0400"

Using ro as the Floor Display response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

ro.areas Array An array of one or more area objects - see Requests for a Specific Area for area properties
ro.building Array Client details for this building, such as name and public ID
ro.capacity 180 The configured capacity for this floor (number)
ro.floorDecorators Array An array of related floor information, such as alarm count
ro.floorPlanFile Midtown_cropped.svg The configured image file name for this floor (string)
ro.imageScale 1.0 The scale of the configured image (number)
ro.imageScalePx 12.0 The image scale in pixels (number)
ro.imageScaleUnit FEET The units used for the image scale (string)
ro.name Default Floor The name of this floor (string)
ro.number 0 The number of this floor (number)
ro.publicId F4 The public ID of this building (string)
ro.source WAC The source that provided the floor information (string)
ro.updatedBy 69add548-ec7c-49ba-aec1-0cabb5e2238c The ID that most recently updated this floor (string)
ro.updatedTime 2020-06-18T23:04:06.153-0400 The date and time when this building was last updated (string)

Floor Identity View

Return the identity information for a specified floor.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/floors/<FLOOR-ID>/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <FLOOR-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the floor being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "name": "Default Floor",
    "publicId": "F4"

Using ro as the Floor Identity response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

ro.name Default Building The name of the building (string)
ro.publicId B4 The public ID of this building (string)

3.4 Alarms Calls

3.4.1 Requests for All Alarms

This section describes API calls that provide various ways to view a list of all alarms on the network.

All Alarms Detail List

Returns a detail list of all alarms.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/alarms/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
        "updatedTime": "2020-06-05T06:26:20.139343-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2020-06-05T06:25:45.931412-04:00",
        "id": "e3c2d089-5611-48d8-ad37-abfcd844c156",
        "description": "Device not reachable",
        "status": "PRECLEARED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2020-06-05T10:25:45.298Z",
        "sourceType": "WLX Integrated Lighting, Occupancy/Daylight/BLE",
        "sourceName": "BLE Integrated Sensor 47",
        "address": "NA",
        "physicalLocation": "NA",
        "systemLocation": "NA",
        "errorCode": "WCL.DPC.E.0001",
        "sourceId": "3d84ffb4-9fcb-11ea-a550-001d054d35f4",
        "sourcePublicId": "D1309"
        "updatedTime": "2020-06-05T06:24:20.486192-04:00",
        "createdTime": "2020-06-05T06:23:46.600499-04:00",
        "id": "ac0761fe-c1a8-43da-8cde-b53dbf3d06a4",
        "description": "Device not reachable",
        "status": "PRECLEARED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2020-06-05T10:23:45.712Z",
        "sourceType": "WLX Integrated Lighting, Occupancy/Daylight/BLE",
        "sourceName": "BLE Integrated Sensor 46",
        "address": "NA",
        "physicalLocation": "NA",
        "systemLocation": "NA",
        "errorCode": "WCL.DPC.E.0001",
        "sourceId": "3851dfa8-9fcb-11ea-b613-001d054d35f4",
        "sourcePublicId": "D1308"
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 2,
  "numberOfElements": 2,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the first All Alarms Detail response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

ro.updatedTime 2020-06-05T06:26:20.139343-04:00 The date and time when this Alarm was last updated (string)
ro.createdTime 2020-06-05T06:25:45.931412-04:00 The date and time when this Alarm was created (string)
ro.id e3c2d089-5611-48d8-ad37-abfcd844c156 The internal ID of this Alarm (string)
ro.description Device not reachable The Alarm description (string)
ro.occurrencTime 2020-06-05T10:25:45.298Z The time of this Alarm (string)
ro.sourceType WLX Integrated Lighting, Occupancy/Daylight/BLE The type of the Alarm source (string)
ro.sourceName BLE Integrated Sensor 47 The name of the Alarm source (string)
ro.address NA The address of the Alarm source (string)
ro.physicalLocation NA The physical location of the Alarm source (string)
ro.systemLocation NA The logical location of the Alarm source (string)
errorCode WCL.DPC.E.0001 Error code for internal diagnostic use
ro.sourceId 3d84ffb4-9fcb-11ea-a550-001d054d35f4 The internal ID of the Alarm source (string)
ro.sourcePublicId D1309 The public ID of the Alarm source (string)

All Alarms Display List

Return a display list of all configured alarms.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/alarms/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "updatedTime": "2020-06-05T06:26:20.139343-04:00",
        "id": "e3c2d089-5611-48d8-ad37-abfcd844c156",
        "description": "Device not reachable",
        "status": "PRECLEARED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2020-06-05T10:25:45.298Z",
        "sourceType": "WLX Integrated Lighting, Occupancy/Daylight/BLE",
        "sourceName": "BLE Integrated Sensor 47",
        "address": "NA",
        "physicalLocation": "NA",
        "systemLocation": "NA",
        "errorCode": "WCL.DPC.E.0001",
        "sourceId": "3d84ffb4-9fcb-11ea-a550-001d054d35f4",
        "sourcePublicId": "D1309"
        "updatedTime": "2020-06-05T06:24:20.486192-04:00",
        "id": "ac0761fe-c1a8-43da-8cde-b53dbf3d06a4",
        "description": "Device not reachable",
        "status": "PRECLEARED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2020-06-05T10:23:45.712Z",
        "sourceType": "WLX Integrated Lighting, Occupancy/Daylight/BLE",
        "sourceName": "BLE Integrated Sensor 46",
        "address": "NA",
        "physicalLocation": "NA",
        "systemLocation": "NA",
        "errorCode": "WCL.DPC.E.0001",
        "sourceId": "3851dfa8-9fcb-11ea-b613-001d054d35f4",
        "sourcePublicId": "D1308"

Using ro as the All Alarms Display response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below

ro.updatedTime 2020-06-05T06:26:20.139343-04:00 The date and time when this Alarm was last updated (string)
ro.id e3c2d089-5611-48d8-ad37-abfcd844c156 The internal ID of this Alarm (string)
ro.description Device not reachable The Alarm description (string)
ro.occurrencTime 2020-06-05T10:25:45.298Z The time of this Alarm (string)
ro.sourceType WLX Integrated Lighting, Occupancy/Daylight/BLE The type of the Alarm source (string)
ro.sourceName BLE Integrated Sensor 47 The name of the Alarm source (string)
ro.address NA The address of the Alarm source (string)
ro.physicalLocation NA The physical location of the Alarm source (string)
ro.systemLocation NA The logical location of the Alarm source (string)
errorCode WCL.DPC.E.0001 Error code for internal diagnostic use
ro.sourceId 3d84ffb4-9fcb-11ea-a550-001d054d35f4 The internal ID of the Alarm source (string)
ro.sourcePublicId D1309 The public ID of the Alarm source (string)

All Alarms Identity List

Return an identity list of all configured areas.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/alarms/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

        "id": "e3c2d089-5611-48d8-ad37-abfcd844c156",
        "status": "PRECLEARED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2020-06-05T10:25:45.298Z",
        "sourceName": "BLE Integrated Sensor 47",
        "sourceId": "3d84ffb4-9fcb-11ea-a550-001d054d35f4",
        "sourcePublicId": "D1309"
        "id": "ac0761fe-c1a8-43da-8cde-b53dbf3d06a4",
        "status": "PRECLEARED",
        "occurrenceTime": "2020-06-05T10:23:45.712Z",
        "sourceName": "BLE Integrated Sensor 46",
        "sourceId": "3851dfa8-9fcb-11ea-b613-001d054d35f4",
        "sourcePublicId": "D1308"

Using ro as the first All Alarms Identity response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below

ro.id e3c2d089-5611-48d8-ad37-abfcd844c156 The internal ID of this Alarm (string)
ro.occurrencTime 2020-06-05T10:25:45.298Z The time of this Alarm (string)
ro.sourceName BLE Integrated Sensor 47 The name of the Alarm source (string)
ro.sourceId 3d84ffb4-9fcb-11ea-a550-001d054d35f4 The internal ID of the Alarm source (string)
ro.sourcePublicId D1309 The public ID of the Alarm source (string)

3.4.2 Requests for a Specific Alarm

This section describes API calls that provide various views of the details of one alarm on the network.

Alarm Detail Viewc

Return the detail information for a specified alarm.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/alarms/<ALARM-ID>/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <ALARM-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the alarm being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "updatedTime": "2020-06-17T16:50:34.204-0400",
    "createdTime": "2020-06-17T16:50:34.204-0400",
    "id": "2dc9e5f0-577d-4966-aeed-6f4f119f3c8e",
    "occurrenceTime": "2020-06-08T00:22:54.075-0400",
    "status": "PRECLEARED",
    "errorCode": "RTLSDATAE2101",
    "occurrence": 13,
    "sourcePublicId": "D1266",
    "sourceType": "DEVICE",
    "sourceName": "BLE Integrated Sensor 4",
    "physicalLocation": "MDT-RTLS>Default Building>Default Floor>Construction Area",
    "systemLocation": "2-KGARAGA-35-f4>BLE Integrated Sensor 4",
    "sourceId": "396665f4-9fca-11ea-a452-001d054d35f4"

Using ro as the Alarm Detail response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

ro.updatedTime 2020-06-17T16:50:34.204-0400 The date and time when this Alarm was last updated (string)
ro.createdTime 2020-06-17T16:50:34.204-0400 The date and time when this Alarm was created (string)
ro.id 2dc9e5f0-577d-4966-aeed-6f4f119f3c8e The internal ID of this Alarm (string)
ro.device Object Selected data for the alarm source device object - see the Details view under Device Calls for more information
ro.occurrenceTime 2019-11-29T14:40:58.971-0500 The time of this Alarm (string)
ro.status ACTIVE The reported Alarm status (ACTIVE, ACKNOWLEDGED, PRECLEARED, PAST)
errorCode RTLSDATAE2101 Error code for internal diagnostic use
ro.sourceType DEVICE The type of the Alarm source (string)
ro.sourceName BLE Integrated Sensor 4 The name of the Alarm source (string)
ro.physicalLocation MDT-RTLS>Default Building>Default Floor>Construction Area The physical location of the Alarm source (string)
Ro.systemLocation 2-KGARAGA-35-f4>BLE Integrated Sensor 4 The logical location of the Alarm source (string)
ro.sourceId 396665f4-9fca-11ea-a452-001d054d35f4 The internal ID of the Alarm source (string)

Alarm Display View

Return the display information for a specified alarm.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/alarms/<ALARM-ID>/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <ALARM-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the alarm being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "updatedTime": "2020-06-05T06:26:20.139-0400",
    "id": "e3c2d089-5611-48d8-ad37-abfcd844c156",
    "occurrenceTime": "2020-06-05T06:25:45.298-0400",
    "status": "PRECLEARED",
    "errorCode": "WCLDPCE0001",
    "occurrence": 1,
    "sourcePublicId": "D1309",
    "sourceType": "DEVICE",
    "sourceName": "BLE Integrated Sensor 47",
    "physicalLocation": "MDT-RTLS>Default Building>Default Floor>Construction Area",
    "systemLocation": "2-KGARAGA-35-f4>BLE Integrated Sensor 47",
    "sourceId": "3d84ffb4-9fcb-11ea-a550-001d054d35f4"

Using ro as the Alarm Display response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below

ro.updatedTime 2020-06-05T06:26:20.139-0400 The date and time when this Alarm was last updated (string)
ro.id e3c2d089-5611-48d8-ad37-abfcd844c156 The internal ID of this Alarm (string)
ro.device Object Selected data for the alarm source device object - see the Details view under Device Calls for more information
ro.occurrencTime 2020-06-05T06:25:45.298-0400 The time of this Alarm (string)
ro.errorCode WCLDPCE0001 Error code for internal diagnostic use
ro.occurrence 1 The occurrence value (integer)
ro.description Endpoint location not configured! The Alarm description (string)
ro.sourcePublicId D1309 The public ID of the Alarm source (string)
ro.sourceType DEVICE The type of the Alarm source (string)
ro.sourceName BLE Integrated Sensor 47 The name of the Alarm source (string)
ro.physicalLocation MDT-RTLS>Default Building>Default Floor>Construction Area The physical location of the Alarm source (string)
ro.systemLocation 2-KGARAGA-35-f4>BLE Integrated Sensor 4 The logical location of the Alarm source (string)
ro.sourceId 9a4e76dc-f263-11e9-99ec-001d054d2784 The internal ID of the Alarm source (string)

Alarm Identity View

Return the identity information for a specified alarm.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/alarms/<ALARM-ID>/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <ALARM-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the alarm being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "id": "e3c2d089-5611-48d8-ad37-abfcd844c156",
    "sourcePublicId": "D1309",
    "sourceName": "BLE Integrated Sensor 47",
    "sourceId": "3d84ffb4-9fcb-11ea-a550-001d054d35f4"

Using ro as the Alarm Identity response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below

Property Value Description
ro.id 1e96c895-ee75-4a58-a36e-7d29483822cf The internal ID of this Alarm (string)
ro.sourcePublicId D1309 The public ID of the Alarm source (string)
ro.sourceName BLE Integrated Sensor 47 The name of the Alarm source (string)
ro.sourceId 9a4e76dc-f263-11e9-99ec-001d054d2784 The internal ID of the Alarm source (string)

3.5 Area Calls

The Area API calls are used to discover the areas on a network, get details for a specific area, and to discover the endpoints and devices that belong to an area.

3.5.1 Requests for All Areas

This section describes API calls that provide various ways to view a list of areas on the network.

All Areas Detail List

Returns a detail list of all configured areas in the specified building.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 2,
  "numberOfElements": 2,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Areas Detail response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list response properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more area objects - see Area Detail View for more information

All Areas Display List

Return a display list of all configured areas in the specified building.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 1,
  "numberOfElements": 1,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Areas Display response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list response properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more area objects - see Area Display View for more information

All Areas Identity List

Return an identity list of all configured areas in the specified building.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
      "publicId": "A1",
      "type": "52474f38-38aa-4ee8-8893-5541c0f5d04e",
      "name": "Default"
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 1,
  "numberOfElements": 1,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Areas Identity response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for more information about the standard list property descriptions.

ro.content Array Zero or more area objects - see Area Identity View for more information

All Areas List in Ascending Order

Return an identity list of all configured areas in the specified building, sorted in ascending order by name.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/identity?page=<PAGE-NUMBER>&amp;size=<RESULTS-PER-PAGE>&amp;sort=<SORT-FIELD>,<SORT-ORDER> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

  • <PAGE-NUMBER> – Page number to be returned

  • <RESULTS-PER-PAGE> – Results per page. Maximum size is 100

  • <SORT-FIELD> – Value by which to sort the listed areas

  • <SORT-ORDER> – Sort order (always ASC)

GET Request Example;size=10&amp;sort=name,DESC

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 2,
  "numberOfElements": 2,
  "first": true,
  "sort": [
      "direction": "ASC",
      "property": "name",
      "ignoreCase": false,
      "nullHandling": "NATIVE",
      "descending": false,
      "ascending": true
  "size": 10,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Areas in Ascending Order JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for more information about the standard list property descriptions.




ro.content Array Zero or more area objects - see Area Identity View for more information

All Areas List in Descending Order

Return an identity list of all configured areas in the specified building, sorted in descending order by name.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/identity?page=1&amp;size=10&amp;sort=name,ASC HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

  • <PAGE-NUMBER> – Page number to be returned

  • <RESULTS-PER-PAGE> – Results per page. Maximum size is 100

  • <SORT-FIELD> – Value by which to sort the listed areas

  • <SORT-ORDER> – Sort order (always DESC)

GET Request Example;size=10&amp;sort=name,DESC

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 2,
  "numberOfElements": 2,
  "first": true,
  "sort": [
      "direction": "DESC",
      "property": "name",
      "ignoreCase": false,
      "nullHandling": "NATIVE",
      "descending": true,
      "ascending": false
  "size": 10,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Areas in Descending Order JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for more information about the standard list property descriptions.

Property Value Description
ro.content Array Zero or more area objects - see Area Identity View for more information

3.5.2 Requests for Areas by Category

This section describes API calls that provide various views of the areas on the network by a specified category.

All Area Categories

Return a list of all configured area categories.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/areas/category HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example


As shown above, this call returns an array of string values, each representing an area category.

Areas by Category

Return a Details, Display, or Identity list of all areas in a specified building that are assigned to a specified category.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<DATA-TYPE>?category=<CATEGORY> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – ID of the building to which the requested areas belong

  • <DATA-TYPE> – Type of area data returned (Details, Display, Identity)

  • <CATEGORY> – Category to which the requested areas belong

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "content": [
            "name": "Construction Area",
            "publicId": "A125",
            "type": "52474f38-38aa-4ee8-8893-5541c0f5d04e"
            "name": "Construction Area",
            "publicId": "A131",
            "type": "52474f38-38aa-4ee8-8893-5541c0f5d04e"
    "pageable": {
        "sort": {
            "sorted": false,
            "unsorted": true,
            "empty": true
        "paginated": true,
        "pageNumber": 0,
        "pageSize": 5,
        "offset": 0,
        "unpaged": false,
        "paged": true
    "totalElements": 2,
    "totalPages": 1,
    "last": true,
    "sort": {
        "sorted": false,
        "unsorted": true,
        "empty": true
    "number": 0,
    "numberOfElements": 2,
    "first": true,
    "size": 5,
    "empty": false

Using ro as the Areas by Category response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for more information about the standard list property descriptions.

ro.content Array Zero or more area objects - see the applicable Detail, Display, or Area view under Requests for a Specific Area for more information

Areas on a Floor by Category

Return a Details, Display, or Identity list of all areas on a specified building and floor that are assigned to a specified category.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/floors/<FLOOR-ID>/areas/<DATA-TYPE>?category=<CATEGORY> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – ID of the building to which the requested areas belong

  • <FLOOR-ID> – ID of the floor to which the requested areas belong

  • <DATA-TYPE> – Type of area data returned (Details, Display, Identity)

  • <CATEGORY> – Category to which the requested areas belong

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

    "content": [
            "name": "Construction Area",
            "publicId": "A125",
            "type": "52474f38-38aa-4ee8-8893-5541c0f5d04e"
            "name": "Construction Area",
            "publicId": "A131",
            "type": "52474f38-38aa-4ee8-8893-5541c0f5d04e"
    "pageable": {
        "sort": {
            "sorted": false,
            "unsorted": true,
            "empty": true
        "paginated": true,
        "pageNumber": 0,
        "pageSize": 5,
        "offset": 0,
        "unpaged": false,
        "paged": true
    "totalElements": 2,
    "totalPages": 1,
    "last": true,
    "sort": {
        "sorted": false,
        "unsorted": true,
        "empty": true
    "number": 0,
    "numberOfElements": 2,
    "first": true,
    "size": 5,
    "empty": false

Using ro as the Areas by Category response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for more information about the standard list property descriptions.

ro.content Array Zero or more area objects - see the applicable Detail, Display, or Area view under Requests for a Specific Area for more information

3.5.3 Requests for a Specific Area

This section describes API calls that provide various views of the details of one area on the network.

Area Detail View

Return the detail information for a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T15:58:57.961-0400",
  "createdTime": "2018-06-05T15:48:17.641-0400",
  "publicId": "A1",
  "type": "52474f38-38aa-4ee8-8893-5541c0f5d04e",
  "name": "Construction Area",
  "selectedScene": 1,
  "areaStatus": "GOOD",
  "sceneToSceneFadeTime": 1500,
  "offToSceneFadeTime": 1500,
  "zones": [
  "occupancySets": [
  "scenes": [
  "totalScenes": 1,
  "holdOccupancyDuration": 3600000,
  "areaDecorators": [
  "endpoints": [
  "capacity": 0,
  "isReachable": true,
  "isDefault": true,
  "hasAlerts": false,
  "isOccupiedLogical": true,
  "isOccupiedPhysical": true,
  "isHoldOccupancy": true

Using ro as the Area Detail response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for more information about the standard list property descriptions.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.publicId A1 The ID of this area (string)
ro.name Construction Area The name of this area (string)
ro.areaStatus GOOD The status of this area (string)
ro.selectedScene 2 The ID of currently selected scene (string)
ro.sceneToSceneFadeTime 1500 The configured scene fade time (number)
ro.offToSceneFadeTime 1500 The configured scene off to on time (number)
ro.zones Array Selected data for zero or more zone objects in this area - see Area Zone Detail View Calls for more information
ro.occupancySets Array Selected data for zero or more occupancy set objects in this area - see Occupancy Set Detail View for more information
ro.scenes Array Selected data for zero or more scene objects in this area - see Requests for a Specific Scene in One Area for more information
ro.areaDecorators Array Selected data for zero or more area decorator objects
ro.endpoints Array Selected data for zero or more endpoint objects - see Endpoint Detail View for more information
ro.totalScenes 2 Number of configured scenes in this area (number)
ro.holdOccupancyDuration 3600000 Configured hold occupancy time (number)
ro.isReachable true Whether this area is reachable (boolean)
ro.isDefault true Whether this is the default area (boolean)
ro.hasAlerts false Whether there are active alerts in this area (boolean)
ro.isOccupiedLogical true Whether this area is logically occupied. (boolean)
ro.isOccupiedPhysical true Whether this area is physically occupied (boolean)
ro.isHoldOccupancy false Whether this area has an occupancy hold status. (boolean)

Area Display View

Return the display information for a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T15:58:57.961-0400",
  "publicId": "A1",
  "type": "52474f38-38aa-4ee8-8893-5541c0f5d04e",
  "name": "Construction Area",
  "selectedScene": 2,
  "zones": [
  "occupancySets": [
  "scenes": [
  "areaDecorators": [
  "endpoints": [
  "capacity": 0,
  "isDefault": true,
  "hasAlerts": false

Using ro as the Area Display response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

ro.publicId A1 The ID of this area (string)
ro.name Construction Area The name of this area (string)
ro.selectedScene 2 The ID of currently selected scene (string)
ro.zones Array Selected data for zero or more zone objects in this area - see Area Zone Detail View Calls for more information
ro.occupancySets Array Selected data for zero or more occupancy set objects in this area - see Occupancy Set Detail View for more information
ro.scenes Array Selected data for zero or more scene objects in this area - see Requests for a Specific Scene in One Area for more information
ro.areaDecorators Array Selected data for zero or more area decorator objects
ro.endpoints Array Selected data for zero or more endpoint objects - see Endpoint Detail View for more information
ro.capacity 0 The capacity value for this area (boolean)
ro.isDefault true Whether this is the default area (boolean)
ro.hasAlerts false Whether there are active alerts in this area (boolean)

Area Identity View

Return the identity information for a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "publicId": "A1",
  "type": "52474f38-38aa-4ee8-8893-5541c0f5d04e",
  "name": "Construction Area"

Using ro as the Area Display response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Property Value Description
ro.publicId A1 The ID of this area (string)
ro.type 52474f38-38aa-4ee8-8893-5541c0f5d04e The type signature of this area (string)
ro.name Construction Area The name of this area (string)

3.5.4 Requests for All Endpoints in One Area

This section describes API calls that provide various views of the endpoints assigned to a single area on the network.

All Endpoints Detail List

Returns a detail list of the endpoints in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/endpoints/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the endpoints are assigned

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 1,
  "numberOfElements": 1,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Endpoints Detail List response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list response properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array One or more endpoint objects - see Endpoint Detail View for more information

All Endpoints Display List

Returns a display list of the endpoints in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/endpoints/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the endpoints are assigned

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 1,
  "numberOfElements": 8,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Endpoints Display List response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list response properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array One or more endpoint objects - see Endpoint Display View for more information

All Endpoints Identity List

Returns an identity list of the endpoints in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/endpoints/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the endpoints are assigned

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 4,
  "numberOfElements": 4,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Endpoints Identity List response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list response properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array One or more endpoint objects - see Endpoint Identity View for more information

All Endpoints List in Ascending Order

Returns an identity list of all endpoints in a specified area, sorted in ascending order by name.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/endpoints/identity?page=<PAGE-NUMBER>&amp;size=<RESULTS-PER-PAGE>&amp;sort=<SORT-FIELD>,<SORT-ORDER> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the endpoints are assigned

  • <PAGE-NUMBER> – Page number to be returned

  • <RESULTS-PER-PAGE> – Results per page, maximum size is 100

  • <SORT-FIELD> – Value by which to sort the listed areas (always name)

  • <SORT-ORDER> – Sort order (always ASC)

GET Request Example;size=10&amp;sort=name,ASC

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 8,
  "numberOfElements": 8,
  "first": true,
  "sort": [
      "direction": "ASC",
      "property": "name",
      "ignoreCase": false,
      "nullHandling": "NATIVE",
      "descending": false,
      "ascending": true
  "size": 10,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the ascending All Endpoints List response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list response properties.

ro.content Array One or more endpoint objects - see Endpoint Identity View for more information

All Endpoints List in Descending Order

Returns an identity list of all endpoints in a specified area, sorted in descending order by name.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/endpoints/identity?page=<PAGE-NUMBER>&amp;size=<RESULTS-PER-PAGE>&amp;sort=<SORT-FIELD>,<SORT-ORDER> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the endpoints are assigned.

  • <PAGE-NUMBER> – Page number to be returned

  • <RESULTS-PER-PAGE> – Results per page, maximum size is 100

  • <SORT-FIELD> – Value by which to sort the listed areas (always name)

  • <SORT-ORDER> – Sort order (always DESC)

GET Request Example;size=10&amp;sort=name,DESC

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 2,
  "numberOfElements": 8,
  "first": true,
  "sort": [
      "direction": "DESC",
      "property": "name",
      "ignoreCase": false,
      "nullHandling": "NATIVE",
      "descending": true,
      "ascending": false
  "size": 10,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the descending All Endpoints List response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list response properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro.content Array One or more endpoint objects - see Endpoint Identity View for more information

3.5.5 Requests for All Devices in One Area

This section describes API calls that provide various views of the devices assigned to a single area on the network.

All Devices Detail List

Returns a detail list of all devices in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/devices/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the devices are assigned

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 2,
  "numberOfElements": 2,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Devices Detail List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more device objects - see Device Detail View for more information

All Devices Display List

Returns a display list of all devices in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/devices/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the devices are assigned

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 2,
  "numberOfElements": 2,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Devices Display List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more device objects - see Device Display View for more information

All Devices Identity List

Returns an identity list of all devices in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/devices/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the devices are assigned

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 2,
  "numberOfElements": 2,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Devices Identity List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more device objects - see Device Identity View for more information

All Devices List in Ascending Order

Returns an identity list of all devices in a specified area, sorted in ascending order by name.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/devices/identity?page=<PAGE-NUMBER>&amp;size=<RESULTS-PER-PAGE>&amp;sort=<SORT-FIELD>,<SORT-ORDER> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the endpoints are assigned

  • <PAGE-NUMBER> – Page number to be returned

  • <RESULTS-PER-PAGE> – Results per page, maximum size is 100

  • <SORT-FIELD> – Value by which to sort the listed areas (always name)

  • <SORT-ORDER> – Sort order (always ASC)

GET Request Example;size=10&amp;sort=name,ASC

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 2,
  "numberOfElements": 2,
  "first": true,
  "sort": [
      "direction": "ASC",
      "property": "name",
      "ignoreCase": false,
      "nullHandling": "NATIVE",
      "descending": false,
      "ascending": true
  "size": 10,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the ascending Devices List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more device objects containing the name and publicID properties - see Device Display View for more information

All Devices List in Descending Order

Returns an identity list of all devices in a specified area, sorted in descending order by name.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/devices/identity?page=<PAGE-NUMBER>&amp;size=<RESULTS-PER-PAGE>&amp;sort=<SORT-FIELD>,<SORT-ORDER> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the endpoints are assigned

  • <PAGE-NUMBER> – Page number to be returned

  • <RESULTS-PER-PAGE> – Results per page, maximum size is 100

  • <SORT-FIELD> – Value by which to sort the listed areas (always name)

  • <SORT-ORDER> – Sort order (always DESC)

GET Request Example;size=10&amp;sort=name,DESC

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 6,
  "numberOfElements": 6,
  "first": true,
  "sort": [
      "direction": "DESC",
      "property": "name",
      "ignoreCase": false,
      "nullHandling": "NATIVE",
      "descending": true,
      "ascending": false
  "size": 10,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the descending Devices List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro.content Array Zero or more device objects - see Device Display View for more information

3.6 Area Scene Calls

The Area Scene API calls are used to discover the area scenes configured for all areas or only those within a specific area.

3.6.1 Requests for a Specific Scene in One Area

This section describes API calls that provide various ways to view a list of scenes in a single area on the network.

Area Scene Detail View

Returns a detail view of a scene in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/scenes/<SCENE-ID>/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the scene is assigned

  • <SCENE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the requested scene

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T16:18:36.987-0400",
  "createdTime": "2018-06-05T16:18:36.974-0400",
  "id": 7,
  "areaId": "e9432fea-ca14-11e7-bcea-001d054d15d2",
  "scenePublicId": "S49",
  "areaPublicId": "A1",
  "name": "Scene 6"

Using ro as the Area Scene Detail JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.

ro.updatedTime 2018-06-05T16:18:36.987-0400 The date and time when this scene was last updated (string)
ro.createdTime 2018-06-05T16:18:36.974-0400 The date and time when this scene was created (string)
ro.id 7 The internal ID of this scene (number)
ro.areaId e9432fea-ca14-11e7-bcea-001d054d15d2 The internal ID of the area to which this scene belongs (string)
ro.scenePublicId S49 The public ID of this scene (string)
ro.areaPublicId A1 The public ID of the area to which this scene belongs (string)
ro.name Scene 6 The name of this scene (string)

Area Scene Display View

Returns a display view of a scenes in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/scenes/<SCENE-ID>/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the scene is assigned

  • <SCENE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the requested scene

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T16:18:36.987-0400",
  "createdTime": "2018-06-05T16:18:36.974-0400",
  "id": 7,
  "areaId": "e9432fea-ca14-11e7-bcea-001d054d15d2",
  "scenePublicId": "S49",
  "areaPublicId": "A1",
  "name": "Scene 6"

Using ro as the Area Scene Display JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.

ro.updatedTime 2018-06-05T16:18:36.987-0400 The date and time when this scene was last updated (string)
ro.createdTime 2018-06-05T16:18:36.974-0400 The date and time when this scene was created (string)
ro.id 7 The internal ID of this scene (number)
ro.areaId e9432fea-ca14-11e7-bcea-001d054d15d2 The internal ID of the area to which this scene belongs (string)
ro.scenePublicId S49 The public ID of this scene (string)
ro.areaPublicId A1 The public ID of the area to which this scene belongs (string)
ro.name Scene 6 The name of this scene (string)

Area Scene Identity View

Returns an identity list of all scenes in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/scenes/<SCENE-ID>/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the scene is assigned

  • <SCENE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the requested scene

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T16:18:36.987-0400",
  "createdTime": "2018-06-05T16:18:36.974-0400",
  "id": 7,
  "areaId": "e9432fea-ca14-11e7-bcea-001d054d15d2",
  "scenePublicId": "S49",
  "areaPublicId": "A1",
  "name": "Scene 6"

Using ro as the Area Identity Detail JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.

Property Value Description
ro.updatedTime 2018-06-05T16:18:36.987-0400 The date and time when this scene was last updated (string)
ro.createdTime 2018-06-05T16:18:36.974-0400 The date and time when this scene was created (string)
ro.id 7 The internal ID of this scene (number)
ro.areaId e9432fea-ca14-11e7-bcea-001d054d15d2 The internal ID of the area to which this scene belongs (string)
ro.scenePublicId S49 The public ID of this scene (string)
ro.areaPublicId A1 The public ID of the area to which this scene belongs (string)
ro.name Scene 6 The name of this scene

3.6.2 Requests for All Scenes in One Area

This section describes API calls that provide various ways to view a list of areas scenes on the network.

All Scenes Detail List

Return a detail list of all scenes in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/scenes/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> is the ID of the area to which the scenes belong

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 2,
  "numberOfElements": 2,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Area Scenes Detail List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more scene objects - see Area Scene Detail View for more information

All Scenes Display List

Return a display list of all scenes in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/scenes/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> is the ID of the area to which the scenes belong

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 2,
  "numberOfElements": 2,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Area Scenes Display List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more scene objects - see Area Scene Display View for more information

All Scenes Identity List

Return an identity list of all scenes in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/scenes/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> is the ID of the area to which the scenes belong

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 7,
  "numberOfElements": 7,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Area Scenes Identity List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more scene objects – see Area Scene Identity View for more information

All Scenes List in Ascending Order

Return an identity list of all scenes in a specified area, sorted in ascending order by name.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/scenes/identity?page=<PAGE-NUMBER>&amp;size=<RESULTS-PER-PAGE>&amp;sort=<SORT-FIELD>,<SORT-ORDER> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: bearer <PUBLIC-API-AUTH-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> is the ID of the area to which the scenes belong

  • <PAGE-NUMBER> – Page number to be returned

  • <RESULTS-PER-PAGE> – Results per page, maximum size is 100

  • <SORT-FIELD> – Value by which to sort the listed areas

  • <SORT-ORDER> – Sort order (always ASC)

GET Request Example;size=10&amp;sort=name,ASC

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 7,
  "numberOfElements": 7,
  "first": true,
  "sort": [
      "direction": "ASC",
      "property": "name",
      "ignoreCase": false,
      "nullHandling": "NATIVE",
      "descending": false,
      "ascending": true
  "size": 10,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the ascending Area Scenes List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more scene objects - see Area Scene Identity View for more information

All Scenes List in Descending Order

Return an identity list of all scenes in a specified area, sorted in descending order by name.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/scenes/identity?page=<PAGE-NUMBER>&amp;size=<RESULTS-PER-PAGE>&amp;sort=<SORT-FIELD>,<SORT-ORDER> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: bearer <PUBLIC-API-AUTH-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> is the ID of the area to which the scenes belong

  • <PAGE-NUMBER> – Page number to be returned

  • <RESULTS-PER-PAGE> – Results per page, maximum size is 100

  • <SORT-FIELD> – Value by which to sort the listed areas

  • <SORT-ORDER> – Sort order (always DESC)

GET Request Example;size=10&amp;sort=name,DESC

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 7,
  "numberOfElements": 7,
  "first": true,
  "sort": [
      "direction": "DESC",
      "property": "name",
      "ignoreCase": false,
      "nullHandling": "NATIVE",
      "descending": true,
      "ascending": false
  "size": 10,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the descending Area Scenes List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro.content Array Zero or more scene objects - see Area Scene Identity View for more information

3.7 Zone Calls

The Zone API calls are used to discover the zones configured for an area, or to get information about a specific zone.

3.7.1 Requests for All Zones in One Area

This section describes API calls that provide various ways to view a list of zones in a specific area.

All Zones Detail List

Return a detail list of all zones in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/zones/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> is the ID of the area to which the scenes belong

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 2,
  "numberOfElements": 2,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Zones Detail List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more zone objects - see Area Zone Detail View for more information

All Zones Display List

Return a display list of all zones in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/zones/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – ID of the area to which the scenes belong

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 2,
  "numberOfElements": 2,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Zones Display List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more zone objects - see Area Zone Display View for more information

All Zones Identity List

Return an identity list of all zones in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/zones/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer).

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request.

  • <BUILDING-ID> – ID of the building to which the target area belongs.

  • <AREA-ID> – ID of the area to which the scenes belong.

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 2,
  "numberOfElements": 2,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Zones Identity List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more zone objects - see Area Zone Identity View for more information

All Zones List in Ascending Order

Return an identity list of all zones in a specified area, sorted in ascending order by name.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/zones/identity?page=<PAGE-NUMBER>&amp;size=<RESULTS-PER-PAGE>&amp;sort=<SORT-FIELD>,<SORT-ORDER> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: bearer <PUBLIC-API-AUTH-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> is the ID of the area to which the scenes belong

  • <PAGE-NUMBER> – Page number to be returned

  • <RESULTS-PER-PAGE> – Results per page, maximum size is 100

  • <SORT-FIELD> – Value by which to sort the listed areas

  • <SORT-ORDER> – Sort order (always ASC)

GET Request Example;size=10&amp;sort=name,ASC

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 2,
  "numberOfElements": 2,
  "first": true,
  "sort": [
      "direction": "ASC",
      "property": "name",
      "ignoreCase": false,
      "nullHandling": "NATIVE",
      "descending": false,
      "ascending": true
  "size": 10,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the ascending All Zones List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more zone objects – see Area Zone Identity View for more information

All Zones List in Descending Order

Return an identity list of all zones in a specified area, sorted in descending order by name.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/zones/identity?page=<PAGE-NUMBER>&amp;size=<RESULTS-PER-PAGE>&amp;sort=<SORT-FIELD>,<SORT-ORDER> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: bearer <PUBLIC-API-AUTH-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> is the ID of the area to which the scenes belong

  • <PAGE-NUMBER> – Page number to be returned

  • <RESULTS-PER-PAGE> – Results per page, maximum size is 100

  • <SORT-FIELD> – Value by which to sort the listed areas

  • <SORT-ORDER> – Sort order (always DESC)

GET Request Example;size=10&amp;sort=name,DESC

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 2,
  "numberOfElements": 2,
  "first": true,
  "sort": [
      "direction": "DESC",
      "property": "name",
      "ignoreCase": false,
      "nullHandling": "NATIVE",
      "descending": true,
      "ascending": false
  "size": 10,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the descending All Zones List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro.content Array Zero or more zone objects - see Area Zone Identity View for more information

3.7.2 Requests for a Specific Zone in One Area

This section describes API calls that provide various ways to view data for a single zone in a specific area.

Area Zone Detail View

Returns a detail view of one zone in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/zones/<ZONE-ID>/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the zone is assigned

  • <ZONE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the requested zone

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T16:24:07.639-0400",
  "createdTime": "2018-06-05T16:18:36.759-0400",
  "publicId": "Z1",
  "name": "Dimmable",
  "type": "3454641e-f73e-4517-8197-9084ec31d5e6",
  "zoneStatus": "UNKNOWN",
  "occupancySet": {
  "zoneDecorators": [
      "name": "dimmableLight",
      "operationMode": "FOFO"
  "isReachable": false,
  "isPartOfDemandResponse": true

Using ro as the Area Zones Detail JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.publicId A1 The ID of this zone (string)
ro.name Dimmable The name of this zone (string)
ro.zoneStatus UNKNOWN The status of this zone (string)
ro.occupancySet Array The occupancy set object for this zone – see Occupancy Set Detail View for more information
ro.zoneDecorators Array Selected data for zero or more zone decorator objects
ro.isReachable false Whether this zone is reachable (boolean)
ro.isPartOfDemandResponse false Whether this zone is part of the demand response set (boolean)

Area Zone Display View

Returns a display view of one zone in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/zones/<ZONE-ID>/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the zone is assigned

  • <ZONE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the requested zone

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T16:24:07.639-0400",
  "publicId": "Z1",
  "name": "Dimmable",
  "type": "3454641e-f73e-4517-8197-9084ec31d5e6",
  "occupancySet": {
  "zoneDecorators": [
      "name": "dimmableLight",
      "operationMode": "FOFO"
  "isPartOfDemandResponse": true

Using ro as the Area Zones Display JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.publicId A1 The ID of this zone (string)
ro.name Dimmable The name of this zone (string)
ro.occupancySet Array The occupancy set object for this zone - see Occupancy Set Detail View for more information
ro.zoneDecorators Array Selected data for zero or more zone decorator objects
ro.isPartOfDemandResponse false Whether this zone is part of the demand response set (boolean)

Area Zone Identity View

Returns an identity view of one zone in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/zones/<ZONE-ID>/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the zone is assigned

  • <ZONE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the requested zone

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "publicId": "Z1",
  "name": "Dimmable",
  "type": "3454641e-f73e-4517-8197-9084ec31d5e6"

Using ro as the Area Zones Identity JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro.publicId A1 The ID of this zone (string)
ro.name Dimmable The name of this zone (string)

3.7.3 Requests for All Devices in One Zone

All Devices Detail List

Returns a detail list of all devices in one zone in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/zones/<ZONE-ID>/devices/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the zone belongs

  • <ZONE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the zone to which the devices are assigned

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 6,
  "numberOfElements": 6,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Devices Detail List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more device objects - see Device Detail View for more information

All Devices Display List

Returns a display list of all devices in one zone in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/zones/<ZONE-ID>/devices/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the zone belongs

  • <ZONE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the zone to which the devices are assigned

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 6,
  "numberOfElements": 6,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Devices Display List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more device objects - see Device Display View for more information

All Devices Identity List

Returns an identity list of all devices in one zone in a specified area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/zones/<ZONE-ID>/devices/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the zone belongs

  • <ZONE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the zone to which the devices are assigned

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 6,
  "numberOfElements": 6,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Devices Identity List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more device objects - see Device Identity View for more information

All Devices List in Ascending Order

Returns an identity list of all devices in one zone in a specified area, sorted in ascending order by name.>

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/zones/<ZONE-ID>/devices/identity?page=<PAGE-NUMBER>&amp;size=<RESULTS-PER-PAGE>&amp;sort=<SORT-FIELD>,<SORT-ORDER> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the zone belongs

  • <ZONE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the zone to which the devices are assigned

  • <PAGE-NUMBER> – Page number to be returned

  • <RESULTS-PER-PAGE> – Results per page, maximum size is 100

  • <SORT-FIELD> – Value by which to sort the listed areas (always name)

  • <SORT-ORDER> – Sort order (always ASC)

GET Request Example;size=10&amp;sort=name,ASC

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 6,
  "numberOfElements": 6,
  "first": true,
  "sort": [
      "direction": "ASC",
      "property": "name",
      "ignoreCase": false,
      "nullHandling": "NATIVE",
      "descending": false,
      "ascending": true
  "size": 10,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the ascending All Devices List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more device objects - see Device Identity View for more information

All Devices List in Descending Order

Returns an identity list of all devices in one zone in a specified area, sorted in descending order by name.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/zones/<ZONE-ID>/devices/identity?page=<PAGE-NUMBER>&amp;size=<RESULTS-PER-PAGE>&amp;sort=<SORT-FIELD>,<SORT-ORDER> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the target area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the zone belongs

  • <ZONE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the zone to which the devices are assigned

  • <PAGE-NUMBER> – Page number to be returned

  • <RESULTS-PER-PAGE> – Results per page, maximum size is 100

  • <SORT-FIELD> – Value by which to sort the listed areas (always name)

  • <SORT-ORDER> – Sort order (always DESC)

GET Request Example;size=10&amp;sort=name,DESC

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 6,
  "numberOfElements": 6,
  "first": true,
  "sort": [
      "direction": "DESC",
      "property": "name",
      "ignoreCase": false,
      "nullHandling": "NATIVE",
      "descending": true,
      "ascending": false
  "size": 10,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the descending All Devices List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro.content Array Zero or more device objects - see Device Identity View for more information

3.8 Occupancy Set Calls

The Occupancy Set API calls are used to discover the occupancy sets configured for an area, or to get information about a specific occupancy set.

3.8.1 Requests for All Occupancy Sets

This section describes API calls that provide various ways to view a list of areas on the network.

All Occupancy Sets Detail List

Returns a detail list of all configured occupancy sets in a specific area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/occupancySets/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the OCCUPANCY sets belong

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 1,
  "numberOfElements": 1,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Occupancy Sets Detail List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more occupancy set objects - see Occupancy Set Detail View for more

All Occupancy Sets Display List

Return a display list of all configured occupancy sets in a specific area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/occupancySets/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the OCCUPANCY sets belong

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 1,
  "numberOfElements": 1,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Occupancy Sets Display List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

ro.content Array Zero or more occupancy set objects - see Occupancy Set Display View for more information

All Occupancy Sets Identity List

Return an identity list of all configured occupancy sets in a specific area.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/occupancySets/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the OCCUPANCY sets belong

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "content": [
  "last": true,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 1,
  "numberOfElements": 1,
  "first": true,
  "size": 100,
  "number": 0

Using ro as the All Occupancy Sets Identity List JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro.content Array Zero or more occupancy set objects - see Occupancy Identity Display View for more information

3.8.2 Requests for a Specific Occupancy Set

This section describes API calls that provide various views of the details of a single Occupancy Set on the network.

Occupancy Set Detail View

Return the detail view for a specified occupancy set.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/occupancySets/<OCC-SET-ID>/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the OCCUPANCY set belongs

  • <OCC-SET-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the occupancy set being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T16:18:36.986-0400",
  "createdTime": "2018-06-05T16:18:36.750-0400",
  "publicId": "OS1",
  "name": "Default Occupancy",
  "zones": [
  "occupiedAction": {
    "id": "e99f7f20-ca14-11e7-8385-001d054d15d2",
    "name": "Occupied"
  "unoccupiedAction": {
    "id": "e99e4204-ca14-11e7-9c31-001d054d15d2",
    "name": "Unoccupied"
  "holdTime": 1200000,
  "isOccupiedLogical": true,
  "isOccupiedPhysical": true,
  "isAutoHoldTime": false,
  "isAutoOn": true

Using ro as the Occupancy Set Detail JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro.publicId OS1 The ID of this occupancy set (string)
ro.name Default Occupancy The name of this occupancy set (string)
ro.zones Array Zero or more zones objects to which this occupancy set applies - see Area Zone Identity View for more information
ro.occupiedAction.name Occupied The name of the occupied action (string)
ro.unoccupiedAction.name Unoccupied The name of the unoccupied action (string)
ro.holdTime 1200000 The configured hold time for this occupancy set (number)
ro.area Object The area object to which this occupancy set belongs - see Area Identity View for more information
ro.isOccupiedLogical true Whether this is a logical occupancy set (boolean)
ro.isOccupiedPhysical true Whether this is a physical occupancy set (boolean)
ro.isAutoHoldTime false Whether the automatic hold time is enabled for this occupancy set (boolean)
ro.isAutoOn true Whether automatic on time is enabled for this occupancy set (boolean)

Occupancy Set Display View

Return the display view for a specified occupancy set.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/occupancySets/<OCC-SET-ID>/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the OCCUPANCY set belongs

  • <OCC-SET-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the occupancy set being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T16:18:36.986-0400",
  "publicId": "OS1",
  "name": "Default Occupancy",
  "zones": [
  "occupiedAction": {
    "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T16:18:36.986-0400",
    "id": "e99f7f20-ca14-11e7-8385-001d054d15d2",
    "name": "Occupied"
  "unoccupiedAction": {
    "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T16:18:36.986-0400",
    "id": "e99e4204-ca14-11e7-9c31-001d054d15d2",
    "name": "Unoccupied"
  "holdTime": 1200000,
  "isOccupiedLogical": true,
  "isOccupiedPhysical": true,
  "isAutoHoldTime": false,
  "isAutoOn": true

Using ro as the Occupancy Set Display JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro.publicId OS1 The ID of this occupancy set (string)
ro.name Default Occupancy The name of this occupancy set (string)
ro.zones Array Zero or more zones objects to which this occupancy set applies - see Area Zone Display View for more information
ro.occupiedAction.name Occupied The name of the occupied action (string)
ro.unoccupiedAction.name Unoccupied The name of the unoccupied action (string)
ro.holdTime 1200000 The configured hold time for this occupancy set (number)
ro.area Object The area object to which this occupancy set belongs - see Area Identity View for more information
ro.isOccupiedLogical true Whether this is a logical occupancy set (boolean)
ro.isOccupiedPhysical true Whether this is a physical occupancy set (boolean)
ro.isAutoHoldTime false Whether the automatic hold time is enabled for this occupancy set (boolean)
ro.isAutoOn true Whether automatic on time is enabled for this occupancy set (boolean)

Occupancy Set Identity View

Return the identity view for a specified occupancy set.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/areas/<AREA-ID>/occupancySets/<OCC-SET-ID>/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the OCCUPANCY set belongs

  • <OCC-SET-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the occupancy set being requested

GET Request Example<OCC-SET-ID>/identity

JSON Body Example

  "publicId": "OS2",
  "name": "Occupancy Set 1",
  "isOccupiedLogical": false

Using ro as the Occupancy Set Identity JSON response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for descriptions of the standard list properties.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro.publicId OS1 The ID of this occupancy set (string)
ro.name Default Occupancy The name of this occupancy set (string)
ro.area Object The area object to which this occupancy set belongs - see Area Identity View for more information
ro.isOccupiedLogical true Whether this is a logical occupancy set (boolean)

3.9 Device Calls

The Occupancy Set API calls are used to discover the devices that belong to a specific building, or to get information about a specific device.

Device Detail View

Return the detail information for a specific device.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/devices/<DEVICE-ID>/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested device belongs

  • <DEVICE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the device being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T16:24:07.530-0400",
  "createdTime": "2018-06-05T16:18:37.105-0400",
  "publicId": "D5",
  "name": "Integrated Sensor 3",
  "description": "Need Requirements",
  "physicalLocation": "Floor 1",
  "systemLocation": "ZB>Int Sensor 3",
  "model": "W-IS",
  "hardwareVersion": "0",
  "firmwareVersion": "16842871",
  "deviceSubtype": "cc343f99-ad81-41f7-8c02-6a6d13d425b4",
  "deviceStatus": "GOOD",
  "endpoints": [
  "networkInterfaces": [
      "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T16:24:07.639-0400",
      "createdTime": "2018-06-05T16:18:37.105-0400",
      "name": "Need requirements",
      "attachedToNetwork": {
        "name": "ZigBeeNetworkManager",
        "publicId": "N3"
      "clientNetworkProperties": {
        "name": "zigbeeClientNetwork",
        "nodeId": 5518,
        "macId": 3781220692507278,
        "permitAssociation": false,
        "stackVersion": 0,
        "stackVendor": 0,
        "isOtaSupported": false,
        "uptime": 0
      "deviceId": "ff685e6c-ca14-11e7-a07d-001d054d15d2"
  "isIdentify": false,
  "isReachable": true

Using ro as the Device Detail View response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for more information about the standard list property descriptions.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro.publicId D5 The ID of this device (string)
ro.name Integrated Sensor 3 The name of this device (string)
ro.description Need Requirements The name of this device (string)
ro.physicalLocation Floor 1 The physical location to which this device is assigned (string)
ro.systemLocation ZB>Int Sensor 3 The system location to which this device is assigned (string)
ro.model W-IS The model number of this device (string)
ro.hardwareVersion 0 The hardware version of this device (string)
ro.firmwareVersion 16842871 The firmware version of this device (string)
ro.deviceStatus GOOD The status of this device (string)
ro.area Object The area object to which this device belongs - see Area Identity View for more information
ro.endpoints Array Selected data for zero or more endpoint objects that belong to this device - see Endpoint Detail View for more information
ro.networkInterfaces Array Selected data for zero or more network interface objects available on this device
ro.isIdentify false Whether this device has isIdentify status (boolean)
ro.isReachable true Whether this device is reachable (boolean)

Device Display View

Return the display view for a specific device.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/devices/<DEVICE-ID>/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested device belongs

  • <DEVICE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the device being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T16:24:07.530-0400",
  "publicId": "D5",
  "name": "Integrated Sensor 3",
  "description": "Need Requirements",
  "physicalLocation": "Floor 1",
  "systemLocation": "ZB>Int Sensor 3",
  "model": "W-IS",
  "hardwareVersion": "0",
  "firmwareVersion": "16842871",
  "deviceSubtype": "cc343f99-ad81-41f7-8c02-6a6d13d425b4",
  "deviceStatus": "GOOD",
  "endpoints": [
  "networkInterfaces": [
      "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T16:24:07.639-0400",
      "name": "Need requirements",
      "attachedToNetwork": {
        "name": "ZigBeeNetworkManager",
        "publicId": "N3"
      "clientNetworkProperties": {
        "name": "zigbeeClientNetwork",
        "nodeId": 5518,
        "macId": 3781220692507278,
        "permitAssociation": false,
        "stackVersion": 0,
        "stackVendor": 0,
        "isOtaSupported": false,
        "uptime": 0
      "deviceId": "ff685e6c-ca14-11e7-a07d-001d054d15d2"
  "isIdentify": false,
  "isReachable": true

Using ro as the Device Display View response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for more information about the standard list property descriptions.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro.publicId D5 The ID of this device (string)
ro.name Integrated Sensor 3 The name of this device (string)
ro.description Need Requirements The name of this device (string)
ro.physicalLocation Floor 1 The physical location to which this device is assigned (string)
ro.systemLocation ZB>Int Sensor 3 The system location to which this device is assigned (string)
ro.model W-IS The model number of this device (string)
ro.hardwareVersion 0 The hardware version of this device (string)
ro.firmwareVersion 16842871 The firmware version of this device (string)
ro.deviceStatus GOOD The status of this device (string)
ro.area Object The area object to which this device belongs - see Area Identity View for more information
ro.endpoints Array Selected data for zero or more endpoint objects that belong to this device - see Endpoint Detail View for more information
ro.networkInterfaces Array Selected data for zero or more network interface objects available on this device
ro.isIdentify false Whether this device has isIdentify status (boolean)
ro.isReachable true Whether this device is reachable (boolean)

Device Identity View

Return the identity view for a specific device.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/devices/<DEVICE-ID>/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested device belongs

  • <DEVICE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the device being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "publicId": "D5",
  "name": "Integrated Sensor 3"

Using ro as the Device Identity View response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Property Value Description
ro.publicId D5 The ID of this device (string)
ro.name Integrated Sensor 3 The name of this device (string)

3.10 Endpoint Calls

The Endpoint API calls are used to get information about an endpoint on a specific device.

Endpoint Detail View

Return the detail information for an endpoint on a specific device.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/devices/<DEVICE-ID>/endpoint/<ENDPOINT-ID>/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested device belongs

  • <DEVICE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the device to which the endpoint belongs

  • <ENDPOINT-ID> – ID of the endpoint being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T16:24:07.639-0400",
  "name": "Occupancy Sensor 5 a0db",
  "publicId": "E17",
  "description": "Need requirements",
  "physicalLocation": "Floor 1",
  "systemLocation": "ZB>Ceiling1 >Occ 5",
  "endpointSubtype": "7fe69681-ffd2-403a-a774-db07472ec345",
  "endpointDecorators": [
      "name": "occupancySensor",
      "holdTime": 1200000,
      "occupancySets": [
      "sensitivity": 0,
      "isOccupied": true,
      "isEnabled": true,
      "isIndicatorEnabled": true,
      "isAutoHoldTime": false,
      "isWalkthroughMode": false,
      "isTestMode": false
  "isAssigned": true,
  "isInDaylightSet": false,
  "isIdentify": false,
  "isAvailableForOLDLSet": false

Using ro as the Endpoint Detail View response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for more information about the standard list property descriptions.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro.publicId E17 The ID of this endpoint (string)
ro.name Occupancy Sensor 5 a0db The name of this endpoint (string)
ro.description Need Requirements The description of this endpoint (string)
ro.physicalLocation Floor 1 The physical location to which this endpoint is assigned (string)
ro.systemLocation ZB>Ceiling1 >Occ 5 The system location to which this endpoint is assigned (string)
ro.device Object The device object to which this endpoint belongs - see Device Identity View for more information
ro.device Object The area object to which this endpoint belongs - see Area Identity View for more information
ro.area Object The area object to which this endpoint belongs - see Area Identity View for more information
ro.endpointDecorators Array Zero or more endpoint decorator objects
ro.isAssigned true Whether this endpoint is assigned (boolean)
ro.isInDlaylightSet false Whether this endpoint is part of a daylight set (boolean)
ro.isIdentify false Whether this endpoint has isIdentify status (boolean)
ro.isAvailableForOLDLSet false Whether this endpoint is accessible for OLDL set (boolean)

Endpoint Display View

Return the display view for an endpoint on a specific device.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/devices/<DEVICE-ID>/endpoint/<ENDPOINT-ID>/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested device belongs

  • <DEVICE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the device to which the endpoint belongs

  • <ENDPOINT-ID> – ID of the endpoint being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T16:24:07.639-0400",
  "name": "Occupancy Sensor 5 a0db",
  "publicId": "E17",
  "description": "Need requirements",
  "physicalLocation": "Floor 1",
  "systemLocation": "ZB>Ceiling1 >Occ 5",
  "endpointSubtype": "7fe69681-ffd2-403a-a774-db07472ec345",
  "endpointDecorators": [
      "name": "occupancySensor",
      "holdTime": 1200000,
      "occupancySets": [
      "sensitivity": 0,
      "isOccupied": true,
      "isEnabled": true,
      "isIndicatorEnabled": true,
      "isAutoHoldTime": false,
      "isWalkthroughMode": false,
      "isTestMode": false
  "isAssigned": true,
  "isInDaylightSet": false,
  "isIdentify": false,
  "isAvailableForOLDLSet": false

Using ro as the Endpoint Display View response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for more information about the standard list property descriptions.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro.publicId E17 The ID of this endpoint (string)
ro.name Occupancy Sensor 5 a0db The name of this endpoint (string)
ro.description Need Requirements The description of this endpoint (string)
ro.physicalLocation Floor 1 The physical location to which this endpoint is assigned (string)
ro.systemLocation ZB>Ceiling1 >Occ 5 The system location to which this endpoint is assigned (string)
ro.device Object The device object to which this endpoint belongs - see Device Identity View for more information
ro.device Object The area object to which this endpoint belongs - see Area Identity View for more information
ro.area Object The area object to which this endpoint belongs - see Area Identity View for more information
ro.endpointDecorators Array Zero or more endpoint decorator objects
ro.isAssigned true Whether this endpoint is assigned (boolean)
ro.isInDlaylightSet false Whether this endpoint is part of a daylight set (boolean)
ro.isIdentify false Whether this endpoint has isIdentify status (boolean)
ro.isAvailableForOLDLSet false Whether this endpoint is accessible for OLDL set (boolean)

Endpoint Identity View

Return the identity view for an endpoint on a specific device.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/devices/<DEVICE-ID>/endpoint/<ENDPOINT-ID>/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested device belongs

  • <DEVICE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the device to which the endpoint belongs

  • <ENDPOINT-ID> – ID of the endpoint being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "name": "Occupancy Sensor 5 a0db",
  "publicId": "E17",

Using ro as the Endpoint Display View response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for more information about the standard list property descriptions.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro.publicId E17 The ID of this endpoint (string)
ro.name Occupancy Sensor 5 a0db The name of this endpoint (string)

3.11 Network Calls

The Network API calls are used to discover the networks configured in a specific building, or to get information about a specific network.

3.11.1 Requests for All Networks

This section describes API calls that provide various ways to view a list of networks configured in a building.

All Networks Detail List

Returns a detail list of all configured networks in the specified building.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/networks/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example


Using ro as the All Networks Detail List response in the example above, the relevant values are described below.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro Array An array of zero or more network objects - see Network Detail View for more information

All Networks Display List

Return a display list of all configured networks in the specified building.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/networks/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example


Using ro as the All Networks Display List response in the example above, the relevant values are described below.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro Array An array of zero or more network objects - see Network Display View for more information

All Networks Identity List

Return an identity list of all configured networks in the specified building.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/networks/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – ID of the building to which the requested area belongs

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example


Using ro as the All Networks Identity List response in the example above, the relevant values are described below.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro Array An array of zero or more network objects - see Network Identity View for more information

3.11.2 Requests for a Specific Network

This section describes API calls that provide various views of the details of a single network in a building.

Network Detail View

Return the detail view for a specified network.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/networks/<NETWORK-ID>/detail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested network belongs

  • <NETWORK-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the network being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T16:18:37.152-0400",
  "createdTime": "2018-06-05T16:18:15.706-0400",
  "name": "ZigBeeNetworkManager",
  "publicId": "N3",
  "protocol": "ZigBee",
  "attachedDevices": [
  "masterNetworkInterface": {
    "name": "Controller"

Using ro as the Network Detail View response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for more information about the standard list property descriptions.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro.publicId N3 The ID of this network (string)
ro.name ZigBeeNetworkManager The name of this network (string)
ro.protocol ZigBee The network communication protocol (string)
ro.attachedDevices Array Zero or more device objects that are attached to this network - see Device Identity View for more information
ro.masterNetworkInterface Object The master network interface object

Network Display View

Return the display information for a specified network.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/networks/<NETWORK-ID>/display HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested network belongs

  • <NETWORK-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the network being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "updatedTime": "2018-06-05T16:18:37.152-0400",
  "name": "ZigBeeNetworkManager",
  "publicId": "N3",
  "protocol": "ZigBee",
  "attachedDevices": [

Using ro as the Network Display View response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below. See the Common Response Properties for more information about the standard list property descriptions.


Some nested object properties above have been replaced with uppercase labels (ABC_OBJECT_PROPERTIES) for simplicity.

Property Value Description
ro.publicId N3 The ID of this network (string)
ro.name ZigBeeNetworkManager The name of this network (string)
ro.protocol ZigBee The network communication protocol (string)
ro.attachedDevices Array Zero or more device objects that are attached to this network - see Device Identity View for more information

Network Identity View

Return the identity information for a specified network.

HTTP Header Fields

GET /v2/public/<BUILDING-ID>/networks/<NETWORK-ID>/identity HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

GET Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested network belongs

  • <NETWORK-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the network being requested

GET Request Example

JSON Body Example

  "name": "ZigBeeNetworkManager",
  "publicId": "N3"

Using ro as the Network Identity View response object in the example above, the relevant values are described below.

Property Value Description
ro.publicId N3 The ID of this network (string)
ro.name ZigBeeNetworkManager The name of this network (string)

3.12 Control Commands

The Control Commands API allow authorized users to send specific commands to Trellix.

3.12.1 Acknowledge Alarms

Send an alarm acknowledgement request to Trellix. The request can acknowledge all alarms or specify a list of one or more alarms to acknowledge.

HTTP Header Fields

POST /v2/public/alarms/acknowledgements HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

POST Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

POST Body (Acknowledge All Alarms)

  "acknowledgeAll": true,

POST Body (Acknowledge Specific Alarms)


POST Request Example

3.12.2 Send Demand Response

Send a demand response request to Trellix.

HTTP Header Fields

POST /v2/public/exec HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

POST Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> is the Demand Response API token returned in a Get Demand Response Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested network belongs

  • <NETWORK-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the network being requested


     "activeSignalLevel": 1
  "source":"Third Party"

POST Request Example

3.12.3 Set Zone Level

Send a zone level command to Trellix.

HTTP Header Fields

POST /v2/public/exec HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache


  "source":"Third Party"

POST Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested network belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the zone is assigned

  • <ZONE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the requested zone, or "ALL"

GET Request Example

3.12.4 Select Scene Level

Send a scene selection command to Trellix.

HTTP Header Fields

POST /v2/public/exec HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <TOKEN-TYPE> <ACCESS-TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache


     "publicSceneId": "<SCENE-ID>"
  "source":"Third Party"

POST Request Structure



  • <HOST-IP> – IP address of the Trellix Lighting API server, and defaults to

  • <HOST-PORT> – IP port on the Trellix Lighting API server, optional and defaults to 443 for secure (https) connections

  • <TOKEN-TYPE> – Type of authentication token (always bearer)

  • <ACCESS-TOKEN> – Trellix Lighting API token returned in a Get Public Login Token request

  • <BUILDING-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the building to which the requested network belongs

  • <AREA-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the area to which the scene is assigned

  • <SCENE-ID> – Case-sensitive ID of the requested scene

GET Request Example

4 Recipes

4.1 Introduction

This chapter provides examples of API use cases that employ multiple calls in a specific way to achieve a result.

4.2 Getting All Choke Point Alarms

A choke point is a region that experiences high traffic at specific times or under certain conditions, such as an exit door during a fire drill or the corridor leading to a lunchroom just before noon. There is no specific API to return only choke point alarms, but you can easily retrieve them by following the process below.

Stage Description
1 Use the Get Public Login Token with your API account credentials to gain access to Trellix.


2 Use the All Alarms Detail List call with your authentical token to retrieve all Trellix alarms.

3 The returned JSON data will contain a “content” object that contains an array of alarm objects like the one below.


    "updatedTime": "2020-07-15T15:29:08.786142-04:00",
    "createdTime": "2020-07-15T15:29:08.760681-04:00",
    "id": "c880e906-d4ae-4254-b325-722d03a9cb50",
    "description": "Tag 5F9058 reported from chokepoint device BLEIS28",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "occurrenceTime": "2020-07-15T19:29:08.754Z",
    "sourceType": " WLX Integrated Lighting, Occupancy/Daylight/BLE",
    "sourceName": " BLE Integrated Sensor 47",
    "address": "NA",
    "physicalLocation": "NA",
    "systemLocation": "NA",
    "errorCode": "RTLS.DATA.I.2103",
    "sourceId": "ca71e42c-6ff6-4edf-8de8-e934d7504a05",
    "sourcePublicId": "5F9058"
4 Filter the list of alarm objects for the string “chokepoint” in the “description” property to obtain a list of Choke Point alarms.