Location: Burbank, IL
Located in Burbank, IL in southwest Chicago’s Cook County, Reavis High School is a public school with an enrollment of nearly 2,000 students. Recently, the community made the decision to update the existing failing lights to Hanke Stadium as well as add lighting to the newly constructed adjacent soccer stadium.

Since Hanke Stadium had an antiquated metal halide lighting system, Ephesus was challenged with creating a retrofit installation around the facility’s existing infrastructure which had many unique limitations. The facility operators chose a digital lighting solution because it was important to be energy efficient. Hanke stadium operation immediately experienced an energy savings of 60% when they replaced an outdated sports lighting system, for the community of Burbank the cost to operate the new lights on the soccer stadium was a new expense and not one that would allow their savings to pay for the system. Even though Reavis H.S. always has had strong community support, the aging lighting system limited their opportunities to enhance the game experience. Both newly installed Ephesus systems at Reavis deliver capabilities that will help bring the community out to events in a safely lit environment that injects excitement and community spirit.
Ephesus designed a state-of-the-art digital lighting solution which included four poles with crossarms and wiring for the 130 Ephesus LumaSport 8 fixtures and 8 color Prism RGBA fixtures. Whereas a similar system using metal-halide technology would have required 207,000 watts of power, the Ephesus system provides superior illumination using nearly 60% less energy. The lights are controlled by the AirMesh hub which can be operated on a laptop or mobile phone via LAN, Wi-Fi, or a cellular network. The system features five pre-programmed switches and individual control of each fixture to create an unlimited number of lighting configurations. And even though there are just a pair of color prism fixtures on each pole, they still can color flood the field and offer a myriad of colorful lighting combinations.