For more than 50 years, we've partnered with Education facilities to unlock the power of lighting to improve wellbeing and sustainability while solving unique business problems. Our solutions are tailored to the complex needs of the industry, balancing application requirements with aesthetics to create spaces that are both hospitable and functional — from the parking lots and library, to special education classes and sports fields.
Our extensive luminaire portfolio includes brands that have long been trusted in Education applications, like McGraw, Metalux, and Fail-Safe. Paired with integrated sensors, the WaveLinx connected lighting system, these solutions provide a foundation for countless operational improvements through valuable facility data and insights.
Imagine having access to real-time data about your facility, assets, and occupants that not only keep people and assets secure, but can be mined to improve everything from workflows to asset utilization.
With the right lighting solution partner, these capabilities are just the beginning.